i thought just some cardio (mostly walking) is enough

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by stav, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Rock Star

    Aug 14, 2022
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  2. thebeatsareill

    thebeatsareill Kapellmeister

    Apr 12, 2020
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    I lift 3-4 times a week 1 hr at a time. I would say that you will gain the motivation after doing it for a month or two. You will sleep better, you will loose weight, you will be happier, etc.. (at least these are the affects it has on me)
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  3. reaktor

    reaktor Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Hi, there,
    I'm 66 years old and I go to the gym every morning, although I don't do any bodybuilding as such, but I keep fit and that's vital for me!
    Our bodies are made to move, without which they atrophy, our fascias need to work, drink as much water as possible every day, my mind thanks me, it's essential for my balance! without going overboard or overdoing it.
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  4. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    good diet is everything . 80% what you can buy in supermarked is poison . its a huge topic .
    a lot of false information out there eg eggs do decrease hdl cholesterol and are really a superfood .all vitamins instead of vit c are in there .if you eat 6-8 eggs a day you get testo values of 20 year old .of course only buy 110% organic from real farmers which have respect for animals and nature .

    weightlifting is ok but calisthenics are better instead for outer shoulder
    static stretching is very important
    road cycling is the easiest way to get into proper cardio....whatever you do : dont get into running/jogging with this age and body
  5. zalbadar

    zalbadar Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2011
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    My current method is to have weights opposite a hi-fi.

    I play a short playlist of current project material and refferance songs if it's only 1 track.

    Because my hands are full, it plays from start to end and i get an idea of the work in it's entirety, without stopping to adjust little bits.

    It also gets my excersise done in a way where i don't feel i'm wasting time.

    I wish i was one of those people who can put headphones on and go for a run but unfortunatly i can't, because my brain keeps telling me once your tired you've got to go that whole distance back.
  6. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    you would get there if you keep up doing it and from a certain point you def dont want to miss it
  7. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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    You could find a smaller track to run on and that way you're always there near the end :wink:
    But actually that's why I used to run a four and a half mile loop road in a National park around a lake, it was only one way in and out and once you got to the far side you were committed to go all the way back whether you like it or not. It's very motivating. I usually lapped it twice. Those were the days, never going to be doing that crap again LOL
  8. Angelfire

    Angelfire Noisemaker

    Jun 27, 2021
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    As others have said, it depends on your age and current physical condition. First, Anything is better than nothing. If you are used to an absolute sedentary lifestyle, then yes, a few walks around the park or neighborhood will improve your health, because again, anything is better than nothing.

    If you are average (good) build, not overweight or too skinny. Has a normal diet, again, don't need to be an Olympic athlete healthy diet, but don't live on junk food (do you cook your meals?). Then you could do with more exercise. If you are on your 40's already, should really consider start strengthening your muscles, as your strength will start to decline heavily from now on. Yes, get a few dumbbells at home, put on some YT channel or a light tv show while doing a few curls, 2-3 times a week. Do some pushups (alternate with the dumbbells day).

    Thing about doing your walks, is that naturally as you get healthier, you feel more motivated. You might naturally want to start jogging a little. Then one day you go try the pull up bar in the park. Starting is important, if for now it's the walks then go with it, hopefully you'll naturally feel motivated to improve.
  9. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    running with headphones on is a good way to become a statistic. Always be aware of your 6's in public.
  10. real

    real Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I always feel better after a good workout. Always.
    That's why I keep going. It helps me keep my head and my heart in the game.
    It helps me feel better because if I go hard enough, I stop my brain from thinking for a small while.
    Trust me, you're not thinking out loud when you're in the middle of climbing 100 floors on the stairmaster and your body wants to quit.
    Or in the moment that you're under heavy weight and pushing it off of you...your focus is on what you're doing and that's it.
    I personally find that therapeutic.
    Also, it starts to get addictive when you start noticing how your life has changed as a result of you working out.
    Everything physical is easier because you're stronger. Sex is better. Getting up off the floor or taking a knee is easier.
    Your mood is better. It's much easier to be confident when you just ran a mile in your fastest time. Or something equivalent. For you, that might be just showing up to the gym three times this week.
    Every win in this fitness game is selfish and personal. Physical fitness is a gift you give to yourself. And once you start, it never ends.
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