[Solved success] Bitwig Preview in the Browser: Routing to the Master?

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by Swatch, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Hey ho,
    i feel so stupid right now.
    I just realized that the Sample preview is not running over the master.
    It goes directly to the speakers.

    I have the SoundID Plugin on the Master.
    I played now for 30 minutes with the Monitoring Panel and tried to play the previews over the master with my SoundID Plugin. No Success..

    Has somebody a hint for me, how to route the previews to the Master Channel?

    Thank you so much :)
  3. evolving99

    evolving99 Noisemaker

    Nov 8, 2023
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    Use an FX track as ListenBus and place SoundID there, make its Input the Master(Post), set its Output to Speakers. Click the little Speaker Icon left of the Input until it turns yellow (so it monitors the Master). Set the Master track Output to non (all render always goes through it regardless). Now audio monitoring goes through SoundID Reference with your calibration, you can render the mix with the benefit that SoundID doesn't mess with it, and I guess with this procedure you can as well preview Samples, haven't tried that, let me know if it solves your problem.

    <EDIT> it didn't work here for me. Preview sound doesn't get to any discreet manageable output, manual doesn't clarify, old versions had some audio options in the browser, like they are gone now.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
  4. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Hey There.
    Thank you so much for your feedback. I was really stressed the last months and didnt realize that you answered :)

    Today i found a solution and will post here now. I Hope it can help some Bitwig Users :)

    Install Voicemeter Software
    Set Voicemeter Output to your ASIO Hardware Soundcard
    Set the Voicemeter App to start with windows, Run in Background and go to System Tray. The App needs to run ALWAYS
    Open DAW
    Set Output to ASIO -) Voicemeter ASIO.
    Now you already see more Inputs and Outputs :)
    Your Standard Output will be "Speakers" Output 1+2 (Voicemeter Bus A) Sound should already work as usual.
    Create another Input: Rename to "Audition" Set the Input to 3+4
    Create another Output: Rename to "AuditionOut" Set the Ouput to 3+4 (Voicemeter Bus B)
    In the Bitwig Browser you go to the Speaker Icon (Right bottom) The Output Monitor Selector should already set to AuditionOut
    Turn The Volume knob all high.
    Now the Previews will be sent to Voicemeter Bus B
    Create a new Audio Track in Bitwig Mixer.
    Set the input to Audition and activate the monitoring Icon.
    Now the Audio will be played from Voicemeter Bus B and send to the Master where your SoundIDReference Plugin runs.
    Set The Master Output to "Speakers" Not "Studio" Otherwise i had some strange ringing sounds :(
    Everytime you open BW all things working directly.
    Tested with Restarting PC and Opening BW
    I could match now the VSTs, VST Sample Manager with the Bitwig Sample Browser.
    All are running through the Reference VST Plugin on the Master Track.
    Eventually someone finds a mistake or error in routing. It works, but there could be a better routing option.
    Please Biwtig, when somebody reads that: FIX THAT
    Thank you
    Followe the Screenshot
    Original inspiring Post:

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