Neural Amp Modeler/NAM

Discussion in 'Software' started by Buhdurkachomp, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    iPad can work for ppl who need limited options.
    But on the other side, ppl who like limited options will probably go hardware multi FX :wink:

    Ipad is stuck between computer and MFX ... no real place for it.
  2. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Can .nam captures be created in Stereo?

    I've got Genome and Neural Amp Modeler. and a handful of .nam captures. I know Neural Amp Modeler can currently only playback mono signals, unless you work in dual mono, but then the same IR capture is played on both left and right.

    Genome can play Stereo, Mono, Mono from left and Mono from Right. Anyone know if Genome is actually playing back a stereo .nam capture, or is it merely applying dual mono processing on the fly?

    One more thing. Is there any way to tell if a .nam profile is either in mono or stereo? Maybe the file size is an indication? Perhaps another way?
  3. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    Audio Assaults Amplocker has a NAM profile player as well
    for a much cheaper price and it does stereo out

  4. Sapriisty

    Sapriisty Producer

    Jul 12, 2022
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    After testing Neural amp like you, I looked for other tools that read IR in stereo, I discovered AIDA-x and Proteus but the latter clearly does not work for me, Genome seems to work very well in stereo and seems to be a real stereo.

    According to my tests with Bertom eq curve we can clearly distinguish the L/R when activating the plugin and the phase seems ok in most of the IRs that I have used, you have to understand and think about putting your DAW and/or your project in 48khz as well because the IRs are captured at this precise sampling frequency otherwise the result in 44.1 will not be equal to the curve.

    Litlle review of my own experience with these tools :

    I discovered this world of IR emulating tools like these DAC - AD/DA for a very short time for me the IR was above all used to emulate an amp or an effect linked to a simple hardware tool, and to discover it since 1 month that apparently Past to future has succeeded with I don't know what miracle of AI tool has to have IR of these famous tools. [​IMG]

    I am somewhat skeptical that said, I tried again and again, it took me time to understand how, where and with what to use it, most of the Past to future IRs are NAM files, which are therefore uses with Neural Amp Modeler an open source freeware put forward for some time, some can also be used with "proteus" another tool which emulates the IR that we inject into it but this time in .json, I tried it but it spat out in each of my ableton or reaper sessions. [​IMG]

    so I quickly abandon Proteus to the detriment of NAM. The very quickly apparent problem with NAM is that everything that passes through it then becomes mono, which is basically very annoying, so I had to use a simple trick, but which works a priori, creates 2 buses with NAM and fully pan left and right for these 2 respective channels with the same parameters on the 2 NAM plug, unfortunately this therefore requires twice as much CPU/GPU resources.. And then it's a trick that emulates a sort of false stereo recreated from two mono files, or dual mono as you wish, in reaper there is an option to also output them in L/R but this remains restrictive for my taste. [​IMG]

    So after these tests and my frustration at not having a real stereo stream I started to search even more and understand that firstly the majority (not all but especially the .nam) of the IR works exclusively in 48khz knowing that it we were capturing at this sampling frequency there, the NAM plug did not satisfy me so I went back in search of a tool that could use these famous IRs and make them also work in stereo, I searched again and found AIDA -x which looks very interesting and simpler and more pleasant to use than NAM plug but nothing works, the latter also only works in mono and has a sort of artifact problem that is only found with there is probably an incompatibility between the NAM files and the code that AIDA-x uses. In short, I was unfocused all week because of that, then I searched again and I discovered Genome from Two notes which takes .json & .nam files and finally magic the latter works in stereo with the tool amp simulation tool "Codex".

    I did multiple tests with past to future IRs, notably Burl, Apogee symphony, prism audio, and JCF,(findable on the sister site) and the results are interesting but I still have difficulty understanding or even capturing what these pulse emulations frequency really brings digitally vs the real AD/DA tools knowing that in the end it's the DAW and your sound card that does the Digital conversion, the real feeling I have is that these IR bring a color a tone a warmth or a coldness, and act beautiful is quite strong on the whole of a bus master that we pass through it, maybe I tested Burl and very clumsy like with a big layer of mud but control giving a feeling of heaviness but to the detriment of the balance of high frequencies, Apogee symphony is clear and detailed with an almost crystalline dimension and a stereo widening limit 3D rather interesting but I still doubt these capacities to really transcribe in the audio export the sensations it brings. Prism audio was for me the least interesting as a loss in the overall treble and a widening of the very low and very high frequencies like a sort of double eq banxadall poorly adjusted, in my context this did not work for me anymore and therefore did not work , finally JCF Audio Latte, gives a sensation of dynamics frees up space in the low frequencies and gives a little more boom and impact to the kick, and also brings a sensation of freeing up 3D stereo space but more contained and focus on the high midrange as well as the entire spectrum as with symphony..

    I've had ASH Acustica for a long time and one thing is that these IR emulations are not clippers and work completely differently, more like tone colors to be applied to buses or specific instruments in my opinion.

    Out of curiosity I also tested IR tube compressor (herchild) limiter (bettermaker) etc and the result is particular and bizarre at the same time it makes everything either very messy or too clear like an extreme component during a chain mastering or mixing, that said, the Herchild IR in "less" mode provides a real warmth that is rather creamy and discreet at the same time.

    All this to say, nothing beats experimenting for yourself. I plan to continue trying and exploring these things, but I remain very skeptical about the ability of these tools to make the sound better or give a real change to mixing and/or mastering. .[​IMG]
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  5. Pedra Sofia

    Pedra Sofia Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Well if you like TONEX, NAM etc, then the audio assault is the best as well as the free Tonocracy cause you have fun badnwidth control of all NAM profile including effects and outboard gear, audio assault has great fx already which is why I see this as a fantastic alternative to tonacracy because you have a base of stuff to work with which is harder to find in nam tonocracy cloud.
  6. Sapriisty

    Sapriisty Producer

    Jul 12, 2022
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    I work with Genome recently from Two audio engineering it's really interesting and quality skill, unfortunately I really don't like ilok force so i will don't try Tonocracy for now
  7. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    Are there any differences in using two instances of NAM on a split (L&R) stereo signal versus Genome, or are they the same in that case?
  8. Sapriisty

    Sapriisty Producer

    Jul 12, 2022
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    I find that Genome consumes overall less CPU and restores a more precise sound curve, (analyze with bertom eq) compared to two instances of NAM, + the fact of having the two instances of NAM forces you to apply two identical parameters to each time this makes the workflow more tedious and less conducive to creativity and the acoustic availability of the feeling of the ears.

    Genome in my eyes has the advantage of having very precise settings and the possibility of chaining several instances; for the moment it is my favorite in the use of IR I had very interesting results with the JCF audio latte and the dangerous but I cannot say if this has any correspondence with the original material including come the IR, in my opinion it's just a tone a direction a color an opening more than a guarantee of quality or hardware strength in the software, overall I feel more definitions and dynamics but nothing more or more less.

    After some test i pref some .json as .nam it make me fell more flexible or dynamic i guess
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2024
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  9. Pedra Sofia

    Pedra Sofia Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Sounds good, is it uploaded for the community yet? cause its 79€ bucks lol! NAM is great inside tonocracy and audio assault
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2024
  10. Sapriisty

    Sapriisty Producer

    Jul 12, 2022
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    $80 for a more than functional tool with so many options is clearly worth it, afterward it is possible to do endless trial periods with trash mail..
    In short Personally Tonocracy does not suit me due to the Ilok and that of audio assault clearly didn't appeal to me ^^
  11. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Tonocracy is Free
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  12. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Tonocracy doesnt use iLok anymore i never needed to login to ilok i just made an account and downloaded the program/plugin
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  13. Pedra Sofia

    Pedra Sofia Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2023
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    exactly lol, he is advertising here for the company or something lol
    dont worry, it will be around soon, should of been free for everyone from the start ;)
  14. Sapriisty

    Sapriisty Producer

    Jul 12, 2022
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    Ok thank you for your feedback I will try that.
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