I am creating a native midi controller for EQs. Interested ?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Zzup, Jun 18, 2023.

  1. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    I do not use Ableton as FL is my main DAW, but since it is a script you could learn from it as a starting point for your device to make it usable in Ableton. Good question i don't know if its patented or not. Here is the Homepage for the Script. https://isotonikstudios.com/product/crossfire/. Also the Fire NFX 2 Script by Warbeats https://github.com/nfxbeats/FIRE-NFX-V2 could be useful as it has some nice functions for FL integrated like switching presets.

    Coding the Hardware in C is clever since its with C++ the closest language to Hardware the only one above would be Assembler. The Python Script is only there to make the Hardware and FL unterstand each other as i understood?
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
  2. Zzup

    Zzup Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2020
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    Thanks for the links, I will study the question for Ableton users.

    There is already on my side a work with the script functions of FL studio, in fact I first tested the script possibilities then thought of a hardware for those implementation (like the akai FIRE).

    Yes, that is the case. The hardware is C operated on the EQ hardware, generate / send / get midi commands, script do the processing of the midi message on the DAW (next eq plugin, get eq value for real time tweaking and adaptation for a preset).
  3. Zzup

    Zzup Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2020
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    So, I have been grinding in the dark a 3d render for my idea. I might not even finish the thing in real life, I underestimated the engineering part.

    But here it is : woowoo7.png
  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Like the song as well as the movie, you cut it down from 9 to 5 bands...which is still cool.
  5. Zzup

    Zzup Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2020
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    Some updates,

    I have done some other 3D render :

    I have finished the design of the PCB :

    Capture d’écran du 2024-11-28 11-13-15.png

    And manufactured it. Now I am populating the pcb and doing some test :


  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    IIRC, (sorry it's been since 2009-10 or so...), but you could port your own python scripts to Ableton as I used to do that with the original APC40, and some other devices... (I remember doing some editing on them, and it was as simple as dragging them into a particular folder), I don't know if they locked it down since then as they sell their Push devices and whatnot, but I kinda doubt it, as if anything they promote controllerism quite heavily, and with Max4Live etc, I'm pretty much 100% sure you could do it..

    Heck, I remember mapping xbox and Wii controllers and the old RockBand Guitar etc, (and using their gyroscope functionality etc)... I'll have to see if I have those notes around here on some backup drive...

    (sorry, I didn't see the second page of this thread! Your work looks fantastic! and you are farther along then I would have thought... congratulations, and best of luck with it!)...

    I will be following this thread and your progress. Godspeed. :hifive:
  7. Zzup

    Zzup Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2020
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    To be honest, I don't know python, and that is the part of the project that is still obscure to me. I am ok at designing electronics, the hardware, the machine code (the midi USB device / this knob send midi / this LED on ..), but the rest of it, most of people know more than me.

    I worked with FL studio and recently they launched the ability to do many things with python (like recalling value of plugin and send back MIDI / searching a certain type of plugin and focus and many many other things).

    I never touched other DAW, so maybe they are compatible to what I am searching to achieve ?

    The hardware I am designing have features set mainly for any EQ plug (intended for fabfilter ProQ3), it basically send midi data like a simple MIDI controller (sends knob tweak information via MIDI, button press, etc). But it need data back like actual plugins values when a new plugin is selected, actual VU meter value / mixer channel info etc. It is compatible by whatever DAW that can send this data back with those informations in MIDI.
    See front panel :
    Screenshot 2024-08-14 141254.png

    That is the main nuance from a normal midi controller, is that it is more immersive, a bit like the SSL console.

    So.. maybe every DAW nowadays could do that ^^

    Thank you man ! ;)

    EDIT : here, clearer view of the functionnalities (not fixed)
    Capture d’écran du 2024-12-01 16-12-27.png
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2024
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