Midi Setup

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by IXV, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. IXV

    IXV Newbie

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ok I'm in a dilemma right here its the first time I've used midi cables and its ports, the thing is that i want to use the midi cables instead of the USB, reason why is because i have two external hard drives connected to the computer plus the computers keyboard, its an apple keyboard so it has its own usb ports which has an ilock dongle and the mouse, not only that but the eleven rack too which serves as my audio interface.

    I've done my search on the net about what goes in and out. The thing is that my audio interface has midi out/thru, so one of my questions is.. is the "midi thru" the same as midi in ? or is it just midi out ? lets say i connect my mpd 26 to the eleven rack, can it be Akai mpd 26 (Midi out) ----> Eleven Rack (midi out/thru) or it has to be akai (midi out) ----> Eleven Rack (midi in)

    I was wondering to do this setup

    Akai mpd 26 (Midi out) ----> Eleven Rack (midi out/thru)
    Midi Keyboard (Midi out) ----> Eleven Rack (midi in)

    can that work ?
    will there be any latency ?

    the other set up i was thinking is to connect my midi keyboard to the Eleven Rack like this.. Midi Keyboard (Midi out) ----> Eleven Rack (midi in) and then connect the Akai MPD 26 to the midi keyboard like this akai mpd 26 (midi out) ---> midi keyboard (midi in) ---> midi keyboard (midi out) ----> Eleven Rack (midi in)

    can that work and will there be any latency ? :dunno:

    I just want to avoid usb
  3. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    midi out/thru

    thru passes on what is "in" inputed into it. "out" doesn't pass on but is what is sent from module itself.

    Midi (non usb) is often a great choice...and latency should not be a prob


    Also on this line:
    There are 2 types of midi"ins"

    1)Midi "in" where you plug your keyboard or controller into the midi "in" of a sound module.

    2) A midi "in" in a midi keyboard that let you plug another midi keyhboard in and it merges the data of both keyboards and passes it on to the "out".

    A handy thing to have is a merge box which can merge many midi keyboard/controllers into one midi output..
  4. IXV

    IXV Newbie

    Apr 20, 2014
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    thanks *yes*

    like this one ? http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/iConnMIDI2p
  5. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Wow, that's quite a device.

    Here's the one I have available:

    In the end all that you have has to go into a midi interface that goes into your pc.

    Right now I chain my non usb midi via merging ins on keyboards and it all comes out one midi cord into my audio/midi interface.
    My usb keys or controllers go into a powered 7x1 usb hub or separately plugged into usb inputs on pc.

    If you want cutthroat timing maybe you'll notice latency, I don't. Main latency in my opinion will always be audio buffer.
    My 5 pin din midi is separate from my usb inputs.
    In the end they all flow into the PC like an ocean and whatever I play in real time including vocals sounds the same after its recorded and played out of the pc.

    That device you showed is very interesting and is probably more for tablets?

    I use a fair amount of mini keys some with midi ins for merge so I don't use a merge box right now..


    On device you pointed out:
    "MIDI Manager allows you to control MIDI Thru, MIDI Merge"
    This is a complicated device and you would have to read the documentation to see if it meets your need.
    You're really looking for a midi merge it seems.
    "Supports 10 ports of 16 channels of MIDI I/O per port "
    160 mid channels..do u think that's enough haha.
    I keep my array to one port of 16 channels standard 5 pin midi and whatever I want to plug in via usb, each usb device is its own interface and it doesn't seem bother anything.

    If all those inputs can be merged, you might have a good device there. Audio Pass-through is an interesting idea..what the hell is it?

    Don't forget, you can even put a midi merge device even before this unit too.
  6. IXV

    IXV Newbie

    Apr 20, 2014
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    thanks for the info, i might actually look into your device *yes*
    well it says its mainly used for tablets and such

    and i merged the akai mpd to my keyboard and connected it to my audio interface and it works the only bad thing is that the transport does not send any signal
  7. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Yeah that can be a tough one...

    Why do the keys and pads on my MPK send out MIDI signal but the transport controls do not?

    When using your MPK as MIDI controller to trigger sounds from an external sound module or from a program on a computer, the MPK can send various different types of MIDI signals. By pressing the Edit button on the MPK and then pressing a Transport Control button, such as the Stop button, you can access the type of MIDI signal the MPK sends out in reference to its Transport Controls. With everything else set up as it should be, be sure to choose the correct Transport settings for your gear.

    MIDI - Some applications and devices respond only to MMC messages, while some respond to transport control functions via MIDI SysEx or MIDI CC messages. Often this choice is used when controlling software and not hardware.

    MMC - An acronym for MIDI Machine Control, this is most often used to send transport control messages to other hardware machines. For example, pressing Play on the MPK controller sends an MMCPLAY message to a connected multi-track recorder - which would then begin playing. When Stop is pressed on the MPK, the multi-track would also stop.

    MMC/MIDI - This choice sends out both MIDI and MMC messages. If you are connecting and/or syncing multiple applications and devices which accept and respond to different types of transport control messages and you need them to work simultaneously, this is the choice to use. For example, if you are trying to sync an MPK with an MPC and Reason at the same time, you want the MPC and Reason both to Start and Stop when you use the transport controls on the MPK. Reason responds to MIDI messages and the MPC responds to MMC messages.

    CTRL - This choice sends out a Continuous Controller Message. Pressing PLAY will begin transmitting MIDI Beat clock (Timing Clock). Pressing STOP, while playback is engaged will cause the MIDI Beat Clock messages to stop transmitting.
  8. IXV

    IXV Newbie

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ill try mapping it :) but what if the mpd says its already in mmc ? also it seems if i plug in the mpd to my audio interface the transport works but if i merge the two devices like i said into the audio interface the transport doesnt send any signal back
  9. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    The in on your keyboard may not be a "merge" type. If it is, then it's filtering something.
  10. IXV

    IXV Newbie

    Apr 20, 2014
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    i sort of fixed it, i just connected the akai to the audio interface and switch to usb for the keyboard lol, ill order the midi merge box next week :grooves: , thanks :wink:
  11. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Hey cool