Let's get this party started! ( EQ scams )

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ELJUNTADERO2022, Jul 11, 2024.


¿Do you think this industry its scammy?

  1. Yes

    48 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  3. Dont care

    18 vote(s)
  1. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    The super DAW times , across all genres plays them into the hand . Now every producer trying to get a engineer and testing plugins instead of writing and give a flying fck bout mix details . Of course creative ppl must know stuff bout compressing ,eq'ing and what not but the majority get into a trap similar to the warez trap kind of .
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  2. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    Let's not forget that the placebo effect is real. Its cause may be an illusion, but the effect does happen, and brings about consequences, like states of mind, decisions etc.
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  3. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Yes, humans are rational beings. Rationality is what makes us unique, giving us a positive kind of specialness — not the negative connotation of "special needs." Conscious decision-making sets us apart from beastly, impulse-driven animals. For instance, choosing to pay over twice the initial price for a "Tesla Cybertruck" can exemplify thoughtful and rational decision-making. Should anyone buy one? Probably not. Would anyone buy one if labeled "IT'S A SCAM, PEOPLE!!! TRUST ME, I KNOW!!!"? Well... Let's not forget that decision-making is influenced by belief systems. These belief systems, or BS, can be seen as both rational and irrational. Rational decision-making is often hindered by numerous factors, including the nocebo effect.

    If someone, with his-and/or-hers unique rationality, can't be satisfied with basic EQ (Q1-2-3, Kirchhoff...), they can always opt for "analog approximation/simulation" skeuomorphic one that looks, sounds, and most importantly, feels like the real deal/thing. "Trust your feelings!" Those with this special kind of rationality don't mix with their ears or eyes; they mix with their hearts. And if that process makes them happy (since emotions are priceless), the cost of having 396.589 equalizers for every special purpose that sounds just right, is perfectly fine. After all, the economy thrives on consumption, they say. The negative emotions buried in the inability to satisfy needs with mere tools/toys ultimately benefit us all, don't they? By taxation, and such, someone must finance the production of affordable glitter nail polish, or...
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it depends what your audience wants. you can go in depths otherwise there wouldnt be any academic talks uploaded.

    if you are doing a tutorial series about filter algorithms, ofc you can go into details. Nobody can hold you from doing.
    Ofc if you mean those brrrr videos, where an EQ is reviewed then its not okay to talk 2h about how filter algo are created mathematical and then another 1h about how they are implemented ("computability in real time improvement"), unless the audience expects you to.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
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