Any Good Chord Detection from Audio File?

Discussion in 'Software' started by StormChaser, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I guess you found your tool, but as I tested some, this is what I can say IMO:
    Song Master Pro: the most advanced in chord recognition, it can recognize 7th, sus, aug, dim, apparently the only one able to, works in sections, plus has amenities like MIDI playable piano and staff, training mode loop;

    deCoda: as above can work in sections but simpler and can't recognize complex chords, it has a graphic selective filter plus (very important) a switch to add an octave and get mudded bass notes (here filter helps a lot);

    Riffstation: has similar workflow and gizmos like deCoda and more or less same chord recog but IMO less effective filter;

    Transcribe: does not recog chords, it's similar to Amazing Slow Downer but with graphical waveform.

    Personal note: all these tools help a lot if you don't know much of theory but many times fail to recognize correctly, especially with fast chord transitions or muddy audio.
    And no above mentioned tool is able to recognize inversions, at least in my test.
    I think was 1.6.3
    Yep, but not as effective with whole songs.
  2. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I do like Song Master Pro too

    I do like what I have seen of this, I wish I could make the interface larger as in scalable :)

    As far as the chords they certainly look nice I have no idea whether they are the right chords but my thinking was the note the chords down and just play them in Scaler 2 or just by ear and then I will know if its the same as the song I am looking to know the chords of.

    I do have this one of the things I have always like is how much you can zoom in to see just blocks of the waveform.

    Have you ever heard of Song Surgeon 5, looks pretty good and on there webpage they have a comparrison with Riffmaster.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply
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  3. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I am going to look in to the Melodyne, I didnt know it could do chords.

    Thanks for the tip :)
  4. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    There are some small free tools that can help that way, the nicest to me is midiChordAnalyzer (you play on the keyboard and it will tell you chord name).
    Not easy to find unless you go on the wayback time machine, if you need let me know.
    Also, you can use apps for smartphones like Piano Companion, that helps in reversing scales and chords given the root key and all notes of the scale/chord.
    2024-07-15_104115b.jpg 2024-07-15_104115.jpg
  5. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    This looks fun, thanks for posting I will go and find this now.

    Thank you
  6. The Retro Bassist

    The Retro Bassist Member

    Feb 1, 2024
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    tHe bEsT ChOrD/KeY DeTeCtOr iS YoUr eArS, bRo :bleh:
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