A Friendly Contest #1

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Lois Lane, May 27, 2024.

  1. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    You know, it's exactly the reason why, for the original, French version of this contest, they have decided to let the chance decide who will be elected to manage the next Contest.

    For example, for the French Contest #78, the "Organizer" (as I call him/her) simply wrote the name of each composer on little pieces of paper, put all the pieces in a bag, and pick a paper at random. You could also attribute to each composer a 2-digit number, and throw a pair of dices.

    This way, there's no frustration and no dispute. No one feels "less" than the other, IMHO this is the most friendly way of doing it.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
  2. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    bassifondi: i like the sounds coming out of the track, but the mood is too negative for me to like it, it's a bit too harsh! on a positive note @Bassifondi, the name is perfect for the ambiance created
    (veramente sembra di passeggiare di notte in un quartiere malfamato eheh, nome azzeccato)
    lost in a lonely sky: it's a nice ambient piece, i enjoyed it more when the percussions come in of course. at some points it feels like you could fill in the spectrum more, as it sounds thin in some portions, but maybe that's the point. when the percs come in it's a complete different thing :wink:
    clouds and the coming storm: :like: i really like one of the main melodies, but same as bassifondi above, some of the sounds were a bit too harsh/dissonant and i was expecting something more mellow. i've never made a drum and bass track i should listen to this kind of stuff more. good job brother
    reflections componium: the intro guitar reminded me of diablo 1, a game i used to play when i was younger, lovely atmosphere. lyrics are not my FORTE but one thing i enjoyed was the big "mix" of styles/sounds/sections. it is a different kind of track and i must say, the guitar chords when there's the chorus are stuck in my mind :crazy: wonderful ^^

    there was also the pontius track which i remember listening to and i really loved the sounds there, very mellow and i really like what aschnt said: you could almost touch the texture. a shame he isn't around to reupload it. i thought i had it downloaded somewhere but i can't find it anymore :( and honestly, i'm undecided between lois lane and pontius, but i think i'm going to vote for the pontius, i listened to it a few times when he first uploaded it and i really loved the track. but i'm happy for everybody because the idea of grabbing inspiration from other pieces of art has always been interesting to me and one that i've messed around with in the past.

    good job all :like: have a good weekend
  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I was going to suggest that the next be not a contest at all but rather only a community exercise to create from a common focus, a photo or artwork like we did in this episode. I can be quite a slacker and not buckle down and do the work of focusing on completing an actual song, and this, at least for me, could be considered an assignment that has a deadline (which for myself could well be a lifeline, LOL).

    What say, ye all?

    I'll put everybody's name in a hat and choose the person to run the next segment if that is a consensus.

    All who say Aye...all who say Nay....

    The Aye's have it...and the Ruler of the Known Universe is...


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  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

  5. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Woooowww, you did it!!! :disco::mates::thumbsup:

    Doing this, you have made a giant leap in the looong History of (English-speaking sides of the world) contests, competitions and challenges!

    Brave Writer, you're now the Official Hero of the Anti-competitive Artistic Movement (a Movement I just invented right now)! Bravo! :wink::wink::wink:

    . . .
    P.S. After reading your message, I could possibly, if everyone agree, suggest to - perhaps, if you want - change the name of the "Friendly Contest" to something closer to the French name, which is "Inspired Compos"...

    ..Or anything else you want: I find that this direct translation from French doesn't sound appealing enough, it's not enough poetic / esthetic, perhaps someone could have a better idea?

    P.S. #2: After deeeep reflection in my bathtub, I could suggest: "The Image Travelers Event"

    Or: "The Congress of Musical Imaginers" (insert the number in the title, it could gives "The second Congress of Musical Imaginers' "The Third Congress of...", etc....)

    Or: Something simpler...

    P.S. #3: ...after a little more brain exercise: I think it should be something inviting / inclusive like:
    "Imaginers' Reunion #2: everyone is invited!" ...Mmmh?

    What do you think, dear Composers? Because I think you should decide together, in accordance with the next "Organizer in Chief": the great and precious @Aidene.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
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  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Congratulations on the coronation of Queen Aidene! May your reign be prosperous and fruitful.

  7. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    OMG! I go away for the weekend ....come back and for the first time in my life I win a lottery.....and live on video too! So I'm designated 'organizer in chief' huh !!! That's a heavy responsibility. Maybe i should buy a EuroMillions ticket...could be on a roll? :wink:
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  8. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Buy a ticket on Tuesday, you're on a roll!
  9. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    thanks, I did happen to write it under intense psychological pressure. If you could hear my latest track, I think you would hear a noticeable difference in that regard.
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  10. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    Jelly Roll Morton?
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  11. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I was thinking "on a Kaiser roll with extra pickles, French dressing on the side, and could you please lightly toast it if it isn't from this morning?
  12. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    Ah, gastronomic tourism. :bow:
  13. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Hello, congratulations and welcome, Chief of Creative Affairs, and Dreams Creator yourself! :wink::mates:

    What do you think about the idea of changing (or not) the name of our friendly happening (read the end of my message above, if ever you have time), now that @Lois Lane have accepted to remove any single bit of competition from this lovely reunion? I'm sure it was not so obvious at first, but by letting the chance decide of the issue of the "contest", Lois have made a giant leap of faith which, I'm sure, will mark the History!

    Here, these days, in the country I live, there is the Olympic Games competitions. I dare to imagine what would be this kind of sports event... without the "tough competition" aspect? What I do see is that there is a considerable economical, national, social and political pressure on the back of the athletes... the stakes are high! This goes far, far beyond sports... Too far?
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  14. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    I received a lot of pressure from several special interest groups. I really can't get into it very much here.
  15. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    I hunted around, and eventually at the bottom of the wardrobe, a bit squashed admittedly, found my trusty old Chief Of Creative Affairs hat. I shall wear with honor. I'll look for my Dreams Creator lanyard and see if i can hang that around my neck too!

    Look forward to seeing where everyone involved can take this idea now....and develop it even further. Hopefully more people get on board too!
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  16. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I see this exercise like a life drawing class but everybody is doing mushrooms so the art all comes out vastly differently.

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  17. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I like the idea of this exercise but unfortunately music and the idea of doing it makes me throw up now.
  18. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Specially for our new Chief, and also for all the composers who will join us for the second adventure, a very inspirational game OST, I'm an absolute fan of this composer, Tim Larkin! Here is an excerpt from the game "Uru - Ages beyond Myst" (with soprano: Tasha Koontz), I just hope it will inspire you as much as it inspired me:

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  19. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I always loved the original music from Myst. Ahead of its time and it definitely had a vibe. It might not have been something that would have worked just as a listening experience but within the game it was really good. Same with Minecraft. I greatly prefer that stuff to the big wanna-be symphonic scores the most games try to have now. Unfinished Swan is another.
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  20. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    You're right, there's a sort of "escalation" among game and film composers, it's like they play a game of who will have the most epic / monstrous sound. The competition is very rude...

    It's like they forgot that one don't need to show off big muscles to make valuable pieces of Art...

    I'm not particularly into Pop, but - to give a meaningful example, I really appreciate the musical approach of Christine and the Queens: with very minimal, humble means (basically, she uses only Logic, most of the time with stock plugins and samples), she makes the most: her sound can be as big as anyone else's, but I think what makes her special is her ability to introduce tons of nuances where they are needed... The result is that her music is anything but flat:

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