KLU (Kontakt Library Utility) - Version 2

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Fred Bloggs, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I would just follow the advice given by clone and myself and just "reinstall both Kontakt and then Klu cleanly".

    Not like it takes that long to do, and even if you are using other NI products and whatnot you are worried about creating problems with, it might get in front of possible future problems, and should be just fine.

    It just seems like you have spent more time trying 'other' things to avoid doing just doing that, unless I'm missing something right?

    But hey, all good. If it's not important to you, sure, move on... I get it... be well.
  2. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    what is the library "0015" in "library order"?
  3. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Pacific ensemble strings

    Attached Files:

  4. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    I reinstalled both Kontakt and all 3 latest version of KLU countless time... since this was the most obvious solution to think about right? :)

    Some other also pointed in the way of the strange names of my library folders, which contain spaces and slashes "/" or minus "-" or asteriks "*" and which has never impede any other installation with previous versions of KLU...
    BTW: It maybe must be useful to know that KLU read the character slash "/" as a double dots ":" character... we just noticed...

    I even pointed in the way of some missing allowance to KLU to be able to access to "stuff" in my system user, since no PW popup window is showing up prior to install a library after clicking the "Install this library in Kontakt" button. So I gave access to KLU on the entire local disk but... still no go...

    On request I can provide my KLU "Show anomalies" PDF file (which i do not screenshot here being it VERY LONG)

    For the rest I am clueless... :(
  5. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Hi @S2D01. I think re-installing Kontakt and KLU is pretty pointless at this stage. Yo have I think pretty much established that both are OK.
    I would very much like to see your PDF printout of libraries and anomalies, long or not, and sorted in SNPID order BEFORE you create it. I think the answer is in there and the pdf will help pin it down. Oh and if you do send it to me, please create it with the latest version 2.4 that I posted as 2.3 will maybe not show the problem!!
  6. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Just sent you my Anomalies content. Hope it will help!
    Cheers and tanks for your kind attention!!
  7. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I'm sorry, but could you please send me what I'm asking for, rather than a copy/paste of the screen. It's hard to make head nor tail out of this and it's certainly full of interesting things, but I just need the ACTUAL PDF produced by KLU and, before producing it, sort the list by SNPID order (press on the SNPID header), in the SNPID utilities window. Once you have done that, click on the PDF icon to produce the PDF on your desktop, then send me that PDF. Thanks.
    That said, glancing over what you DID send me, I'm hardly surprised you have problems:woot:
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  8. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Can't find a way to attach any files in private messages so I am posting it here....


    Attached Files:

  9. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    OK. I'll take a look and keep you posted…
  10. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    you previously added "Pacific ensemble strings" (library for kontakt full) used DIY nicnt file with "Gamelan 2" snpid.
    usual problem for DIY nicnt files.
  11. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    @S2D01 OK. After a first look at KLU's report, I'm lost for words. Seriously ! I just don't know what you've got going on in your libraries, but even KLU doesn't know what to report anymore ! My first thoughts are that you did installations and then moved libraries elsewhere. KLU basically is saying. that it just can't find most of your libraries so did you move them all after installing ????? Have you got a, or even several hard drives for your libraries ? You know that the fundamental rule with Kontakt is that once you have decided where to install your libraries, leave them there!

    Importantly, before you do anything else, do you have official libraries installed and are you using a licensed Kontakt ? You MUST HAVE A cracked Kontakt ! Official libraries will certainly have to be uninstalled and reinstalled after! You are warned!

    Were it me, I would uninstall everything , choose a destination for your libraries and reinstall them, having moved out (rather than throwing, just in case!), all your Service Center library .xml files from the SC folder, and their equivalent .plist files from the Main library folder. Put them in separate folders on your DeskTop say, in case you should need to come back to them. You can then re-boot Kontakt to make sure it is now empty, quit Kontakt again and launch KLU, which should also now be empty. Now drop your library disk (or disks - ONE AT A TIME) and wait for KLU to install the libraries from the (or each) disk. See how that goes and send me a new KLU report if you like.
    We'll see if we can start making a bit more sense out of all this !
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is picking up a few plugins that you have installed. Isn't Skanner XT a Reaktor based title? I had this happen before (awhile ago, on High Sierra). I had to delete the service center.xml file and I probably reinstalled Native Access and Kontakt.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  13. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    I keep all my libraries in one 3 Tb external drive. When starting to be short on space I first uninstall the oldest and unused libs using the KLU "Remove library from Kontakt" button THEN I check that the lib has disappeared in Kontakt (stand alone app) THEN i physically delete the lib from the drive.
    I NEVER moved any Kontakt libs nor any other samples folder contained in that drive. I have been added mostly all those contents to Sononym, so it would be a nonsense and it would be a nonsense to move around libs after installation anyway.

    Nope: no official libraries installed and yes I do use Kontakt 7.10.4 by HCiSO.

    Ok. Check if I got what you mean:

    1 - Uninstall every single lib in KLU one by one
    2 - move to a folder all SC Lib .xml files
    3 - move to the same folder all .plist files from the Main library folder
    4 - reboot Kontakt to check all is gone
    5 - quit Kontakt
    6 - launch KLU to check all is empty
    7 - DROP THE FOLDER CONTAINING ALL LIBRARIES I WANT TO REINSTALL over KLU NICNT utilities window and wait for the installation.

  14. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Yup: Skanner XT is a Reaktor based title. I must have missed it the other day while cleaning all the plugins .xml files after @belalugosi suggested to remove all plugins .xml
  15. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    We try to fool KLU using the gamelan and trails .xml files from a friend but it did not worked...
  16. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    It's great that you should store all your libraries all together, but it makes the report that KLU is generating all the more unexpected, not to say absurd! I'd be curious to see a couple of library Main Prefs .plist files for libraries being reported by KLU as being unfindable ! If they're all in the same 3TO HD, the <key>ContentDir</key> in every one of those Main preferences should contain something like :
    <string>Your 3TO HD:Trails Library:</string> or <string>Your 3TO HD: Balinese GAMELAN Library:</string>… that sort of thing… These ContentDir tags are what KLU relies on to find your library folders. It's the ONLY way that I'm aware of, so if that path is wrong, your library is unfindable!
    Note that the paths are in mac format, not Unix format… colon separators :)) not slashes (/).

    Overall, yes :yes:
    • Make sure in point 7 that you drop your folder on the batch icon (Green arrow pointing down)
    • In point 1, instead of uuninstalling them one by one, you can also use the batch icon with the red arrow pointing up :wink:
  17. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    imho, it was a bad idea... :unsure:

    it's hard to understand how it all happens without seeing the whole process. and not sure if a screen capture video will help to understand...
  18. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Very strange KLU cannot find the usual path... I don't know what happened but everything runs smooth before 2.2.0 update. Since there the mess has started. I repeat I have never moved any libraries nor change any names to folders nor disks.

    Anyway.. before I start the epic removal (which I pretty much hate since I suppose to be making music instead of repairing those kind of damages) lets clear some term:

    3 - move to the same folder all .plist files from the Main library folder

    for ".plist files from the Main library folder" you mean I have to remove all the libraries preference files into:
    Macintosh HD/Library/ Preferences/ ?

    How about the Users/me/Library/Preferences ? same files there... not removing those too?

    Thanks for your time
  19. gnylcm

    gnylcm Newbie

    Jul 23, 2024
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    hi. I have an m1. Everythings worked fine but it cant find my all ssd libraries. I mean I installed that two libraries (Scarbee and Factory library 2) in the past because they had the dmg files. But then I downloaded all my other libraries and they have no dmg files all of it. So I used that other libraries on the files tab on kontakt. So when I saw this post I said maybe it can help to my issue. But like I said the KLU find the only already installed libraries. All of my libraries in same folder on my ssd btw.
  20. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I suggest reading Fred Blogg's FAQ's and readme files closely to understand how NICNT's etc work and what they are and how to add them properly etc. And then read all his instructions again to insure you know it. Then peruse this thread in it's entirety to see what other users have experienced and what help they have been given to solve it or understand it etc.

    KLU2 is a great utility, but one has to take the time know how to use it.
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