Behringer STX (Elka Synthex clone)

Discussion in 'Synthesizers' started by freefeet12, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    "Recreating the Magic of the Elka Synthex

    The Elka Synthex, a synthesizer from the early 1980s, is cherished for its rich, warm sound and unique character. Musicians like Jean-Michel Jarre and Duran Duran have used it to create iconic tracks, solidifying its place in music history. Designed by Mario Maggi and produced by the Italian company Elka, the Synthex has a storied past.

    At Behringer, we're working to revive the Elka Synthex with a dedicated team of top-notch R&D engineers in Italy, where the original was created. Using original DCO oscillators and advanced Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), we're able to replicate the original circuitry and signal paths, capturing the essence of its distinctive sound.

    Honoring a Classic

    Our goal is to make the classic sound of the Elka Synthex available to today’s musicians, combining its vintage appeal with modern technology. This passion project aims to respect the legacy of the Synthex while providing the enhancements needed for contemporary use.

    Bringing back the Synthex

    Stay tuned as we work to bring the Elka Synthex back to life, celebrating its history and sound with the same passion and innovation that marked its original creation.

    This “labor of love” project will take lots of time, but it’ll be worth the wait as the Synthex is one of the most iconic synthesizers of all times."

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  3. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    [​IMG] Yeah Behringer.. bit bored with there "oh its a" when anyone who actullay owned one knows..
    This cheap versioning is all good for the hobbyist and the manufacturing tech has enabled them to produce cheap standing on the shoulders of giants but, Stick to cheap recording gear.

    Their cheap synths are great but be realistic is it a prophet, Modular, VS,OScar?... la la la... yeah nah.
    thier are way better plugin emulations IMHO... Their giveaway VSt synth is pretty good.

    Ask yourself id they have actually made a classic..
    They are the knockoff chinese verion of audio.


    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
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