Superior Drumer 3 - issue installing sound Lib

Discussion in 'Software' started by RoRoStar, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. RoRoStar

    RoRoStar Newbie

    Jul 11, 2024
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    Hello !

    I'm having few issue with SD3 to load all my sound libraries.

    I have downloaded few stuff, and installed SD3 on a Windows 11x64.
    I downloaded the 5 Parts libraries files as well.

    First I installed version 3.0.1 standalone host, and then install standalone app v3.3.7 on top of 3.0.1.
    I've done a core library update to 1.2.0, and then update to 1.3.0

    Now I have v3.3.7 working fine and I was able to load the SDX_Part1.

    I have few other SDX that I was able to load in Settings/Library Path because they have same folder/file structure I guess which is :
    - Graphics V3
    - Midi
    - Sounds
    - bunch of files at the root

    Ex : Area33 v1.0.0, Orchestral percussion I and II v1.0.1, Stockholm v1.0.1

    But I have SDX Part 2 to 5 that I'm not able to load, same with few other SDX (SL-FieldsOfRock , SL-JazzSessions). Error : No sound librairies found in selected directory

    On SDX Part 2 to 5, file structure is not exactly the same as Part 1, path is :
    E:\Toontrack\SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part2\Contents\SL-SuperiorDrummer3, but here I have only a "sound" folder and UpdaterConfig file, no "Graphic V3" or other files.

    There is another path E:\Toontrack\SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part2\ALL_Contents_Part2_100\Contents\SL-SuperiorDrummer3 but here I have only a UpdaterConfig file, nothing more.

    Same file/folder structure ont part3,4,5.
    So I don't know how can I install these parts.


    On my SL-FieldsOfRock file structure seems OK, but same Error : No sound librairies found in selected directory.
    Theses folders have the good structure with :
    - Graphics V3
    - Sounds
    - bunch of files at the root

    But I can't load them.
    Difference is with this SDX pack , there was and update to download which is : "Toontrack - Fields Of Rock SDX Library Update 1.0.3" , but when I launch the Sound Updater.exe it doesn't find the path where to install and can't click Update (greyed out button).


    ------------- here is my config in Help menu of SD3

    Superior Drummer 3 plug-in version 3.3.7 (build 40500) [64-bit VST 2]
    Standalone host version 3.3.7 (build 40500)
    Area 33 - Origin version 1.0.0
    Stockholm version 1.0.1
    Superior Drummer 3 - Electronic version 1.0.0
    Superior Drummer 3 - Percussion version 1.3.0
    Superior Drummer 3 - Preset Sounds version 1.0.3
    Superior Drummer 3 version 1.3.0

    Let me know if you have any idea on how to proceed !
    Thank you for your help !
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    "E:\Toontrack\SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part2\Contents\SL-SuperiorDrummer3", I think shows your problem. Or at least how I would fix this on Mac. You already made it a root folder \Toontrack\ and this is an external drive.. I would first make a backup copy of the whole thing how you have it. And then I would move everything I could, up to the root \Toontrack\ folder. Or as close as I could get it.

    The first time I read this as instructions, I thought there was no way it would work. But it did. So Your E:\Toontrack\SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part2\Contents\SL-SuperiorDrummer3. folder would become E:\Toontrack\SL-SuperiorDrummer3

    Then you point the plugin's content directory location at the root folder also. You could use a dump truck to put the files in that \Toontrack\ directory.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  4. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    All SD3 libraries have a file called 'NAME' in the root. Open this file in notepad.exe and here you can see what the root folder must be named. In case of Area 33 Origins this is: "SL-AREA33ORIGIN". So all content of this library must reside directly under this folder. And this goes for all other libraries with their own names. If in doubt check this file in the root and name your root folder accordingly. And then directly under this you must place the structure you already mentioned:
    - Graphics V3
    - Sounds
    - bunch of files at the root

    Sure you can have folder before it like \Toontrack\SD3\SL-AREA33ORIGIN but the folder holding the library files must always be the one as named in the file 'NAME'. Then it will scan all your libraries correctly.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  5. RoRoStar

    RoRoStar Newbie

    Jul 11, 2024
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    OK, I think I understood that all libraries should be in E:\Toontrack\SL-LIBRARYNAME based on the NAME file in root.

    Actually, NAMES seems OK, just by shortening path to E:\Toontrack\SL-LIBNAMES all my libraries, it did the job !
    SL-FieldsOfRock and SL-JazzSessions are loaded now.
    GREAT, thank you for that !! :wink:

    About core librairie in part 2-5, there is no NAME file in root but I can see in "updaterConfig" file that the name of each is always SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3, so should I copy content of SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3 of each part 2-5, and then replace existing files/folder everytime ?
    Ex : For part2 , I copy content of E:\Toontrack\SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part2\Contents\SL-SuperiorDrummer3 and paste it in E:\Toontrack\SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3 where I already have files of part 1, and then replace all ? and same for 3-4-5

    Is that the good way to do it ?

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  6. RoRoStar

    RoRoStar Newbie

    Jul 11, 2024
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    Well I tried for Core part1-5, but I fucked it up .... :(
    It works by copying Part 2, no error, but then with the other parts (3-5) it doesn't load anymore saying invalid Library.

    Copy / paste / replace doesn't seem the good way to do it

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Do you see on the bottom c:\program files, for additional libraries? You want to have it also look at the E: folder.

    You also have EZdrummer installed? It should be looking at E:\toontrack\ also. put all of that stuff in the root folder.

    Find the content files, if any, which were installed to C:\program files\... folder locations, and move them into E: also.

    For the one that says invalid, I'd try using the browser buttons to the right, and manually locating what they should be looking for. Click the location even if it seems to be exactly the same thing in both. Sometimes manual selection will make it refresh, force, or reset itself in some way.

    You really can't screw anything up. You just have to do a little trial and error, just making everything looks to the correct locations where you have stashed the files.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  8. RoRoStar

    RoRoStar Newbie

    Jul 11, 2024
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    I fixed it by copying / replacing files of part1 again in E:\Toontrack\SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3
    Looks nice now !! Thanks for your Help

  9. RoRoStar

    RoRoStar Newbie

    Jul 11, 2024
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    Well, no I don't have EZdrummer installed.
    Ok I'll try to move as well files which are steel in C:\program files\...
  10. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    Also, change Disk Type from HDD to SSD unless it is a traditional spinning HDD.
  11. StonyLix

    StonyLix Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Gold info here
    thank you
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