KLU (Kontakt Library Utility) - Version 2

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Fred Bloggs, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    would be so amazing if someone in the community could write a PC version of it...damn
    Thank so much for those apps " )
  2. palmitan

    palmitan Newbie

    Sep 20, 2015
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    @sysiphus, like S2D01, I had the same kind of issue with version 2.3.1 (Sonoma 14.5/M1), I didn't keep a screenshot, but it was a weirdness of this kind !
    I have since installed many libraries, perfectly, with version 2.2.0, and if I remember correctly I uninstalled cleanly by erasing all 2.3.1 preferences... in case it could help :)
    Thank you very much for your interest and your time
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Hmm, I'm on Sonoma 14.3.1/m3 myself, and I dutifully updated to KLU 2.3.1 (keeping the installer for 2.2.0 and even the app in another folder as a "justincase".. and I've used 2.3.1 to add probably around 50 libraries so far without hitch.. but perhaps there is a difference or problem with newer updates of Sonoma/and/or later Kontakt, as I've also remained on HCiSO v7.9 (as if it ain't broke, I don't fix things....)...

    So I can't say for sure, and I'm no Fred Bloggs, I'm just some dope who is a big fan of the utility just trying to help here...

    But since there are now 2 of you reporting some issues, I'd be curious to know if perhaps there is some issue, or if you guys could name the libraries involved or circle it down or Venn diagram it to see what the issue is, and if avoidable or some misunderstanding somewhere in use, or certain packaged libraries etc create an issue... as again, I've just slowly added 200 libraries with it over the last few months, and outside of 1 or 2 problems (which were library oriented or my being stupid honestly), it's been solid.
  4. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 22.11.37.png Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 21.43.39.png Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 21.41.33.png Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 21.39.59.png Screenshot 2024-07-09 alle 18.27.55.png
    Nope: NO INSTALL. I just hit "Install this library in Kontakt" and the "one on the bottom right with the green arrow graphics etc" but what I get is the same pop up as you can see in the attached screenshots. The I try the Kontakt (7.10.4) stand alone app to check if anything new has been added but no way...

    1st screenshot I try to install a library using the "green arrow" and had that OutOfBoundsException popup error message

    Trashed all prefs I could found within Thinkertool and reinstalled 2.3.1 vs but nothing changed.
    Also try restart but yet no go.. Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 21.43.39.png Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 21.41.33.png Screenshot 2024-07-10 alle 21.39.59.png Screenshot 2024-07-09 alle 18.27.55.png
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2024
  5. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    hmm, first of all, thank you for posting the screenshots, as hopefully demonstrating the behavior can help explain, or some of us to test/replicate, or help Fred Bloggs in any fashion if there is indeed something odd with KLU 2.3.1...

    I'm going to assume you got "Trails" and "Balinese Gamelon" from the sister site?

    I haven't installed those yet myself as haven't had the time to grab trails, and I never used the OG Balinese Gamelon with my NI Ultimate package, so probably not going to bother, but that's neither here nor there...

    But I'm gonna grab "Trails" right now, and give it a go on KLU 2.3.1 on m3 Sonoma 14.3.1 and report back...

    I haven't experienced that yet myself, and I believe those are Talula releases on sister site (I'm sorry if I am wrong on that), and his releases have been fine historically for me, and he knows his nicnt and Kontakt dependency plist and other things well, as I see him educating others on not messing around with certain things as some can go rogue with assigning snipd #'s which aren't congruent with NI's or whatnot etc... (which KLU looks for, but still, it can't foresee the future assignments and whatnot obviously)...

    But thanks again for the evidence of behavior, as it is helpful.

    edit add: And like you, whenever I use KLU, I always boot Kontakt in stand alone, insure the library is working/loading etc as desired, before going to daw....
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Hmm, ok, well I just got around to installing Fracture Sounds Tracks v1.01 using KLU 2.3.1, on m3 Sonoma and it worked just fine.

    Had the same SNIPD number as your screenshot, ... installed, I booted up Kontakt standalone, it loaded and went through some patches etc...

    So I'm not sure what is going on with your setup... granted, we are not on exact same macOS, and I am using Kontakt 7.9.0 HCiSO...

    But KLU 2.3.1 behaved exactly as expected for me given the same library and data.

    Have you added anything that required changing SNIPD numbers or created NICNTs etc?
    (I'm just trying to imagine or speculate on possible conflicts etc... but...hmm.. I don't know why you are getting that..)

    And to ask, as perhaps maybe somewhat important (or not): what is the source/releaser of your version of Kontakt? (as there are obviously different ones out there....)
  7. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    I did other tests: This time I really deleted any files related to KLU (included the one into var/xxx/etcetera (as in the screenshot). Restarted them mac mini M1, Started KLU 2.2.0. Try to install the same lib (Trails). Installing with "Install this library in Kontakt" nothing happens. Installing with the "one on the bottom right with the green arrow graphics etc" got the same "OutOfBoundsException" popup error message and the app quit after I click ok.

    Clueless now.
    Please HELP Fred Bloggs!

    s Screenshot 2024-07-11 alle 07.34.43.png
  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    So the first time you didn't really delete the files you suggested you did in 'downgrading? (but I don't think that would matter from my understanding regardless.. as I don't get the idea that KLU being used properly is the problem here...)

    I'm just trying to understand and help honestly... what version of Kontakt are you running and who provided it might be of some help, again, maybe not, maybe so...

    It is working for me fine, and while I don't think I'm an outlier on that, perhaps I am?

    Obviously in this activity and pursuit, and what we are doing with this utility requires some attention to detail, as the utility is trying to accomplish and circumvent that which the developer actively does not want us to.

    and they do their best to make that difficult for obvious reasons.

    I haven't seen reports from other macOS users on the sister site complaining about this situation in regards to this library, or others of late.. which leans in to the possibility that perhaps there is a problem on your end that can be dealt with and we can help solve, as it is working for others.

    If you could answer some of the basic questions posed prior, (what version/source Kontakt are you using?/ have you previously created or brought in other nicnt's that are not 'official', (as they might not be kosher with NI's growing assignments perhaps) etc, it might help the rest of us help you as we want to.

    and as a search will tell you:

    "An out-of-bounds write is a software flaw that permits modifications to app or system data, and particularly where such changes should not be permitted.
    The results of that write can be a data corruption, or might cause an app crash, or an exploitable vulnerability, depending on what gets written, and on the context and details of the particular flaw.
    Most shared computers (like a Mac, which allows multiple different people to log in) try to protect other users from unauthorized modifications by users, and most computers (Mac, iPhone, iPad, etc) also try to protect the kernel from unauthorized modifications from users. When those protections are found to be bypassable, bad things can happen to data, privacy, and general security."

    which from my reading, and the nature of KLU, I don't know, perhaps points to not either giving proper permissions to KLU, or having other problems inherent that were introduced previously with adding off brand nicnt's and whatnot... and while I am not a coder of any regard, and I'm certainly not Fred Bloggs, and I know I could be wrong... but I am one who is fastidious in paying attention to detail on my systems and whatnot to my level of understanding, .. and that reads to me as what it is or suggested above...

    And answering those other questions might help in diagnosing the problem you are experiencing.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    ...and if it's just that library (and possibly another), have you tried to download them again?

    That has solved problems a few times at least...
  10. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    I did try that with other libs too but the problem persist. Haven't done anything like altering NICNT nor SNPID values. As stated above Kontakt version is 7.10.4. Rel by HCiSO.

    I will patiently wait for the next release, hoping with my finger crossed. Thanks for the time and patient.
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    if you would not lose any work, I would reinstall both Kontakt and then Klu cleanly. Maybe there is a second preferences folder, ~ and system? Worth a look. Sometimes people do not run the Standalone version first, like it says in the install instructions. They actually mean it. If they panic, the next step is to screw up some directory structures too. ;)

    remember when you are looking for files to delete, you have all files unhidden. Press Command + Shift + . (the period key).

    If your problem is caused by remnants, installing a new version may do the same thing.
  12. palmitan

    palmitan Newbie

    Sep 20, 2015
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    After several attempts with the 2 versions, installation and uninstallation, the 2 write the .xml file of the lib well, but only version 231 creates messages, a first time to indicate that the SNPID is not used, then at the end of the installation that a position number of the lib (and which does not have the same SNPID as that of the newly installed lib) may enter into conflict. None of this with version 220 :) as a reminder: Sonoma 14.5, Kontakt 7.10.5
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  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Cool, I knew you were using 7.10.5, I didn't know if it was HCiSO, whose releases have historically worked great for me.

    I read the changelogs with iterative releases, and I haven't run into any crashes or aberrant behavior with 7.9.0 and so as I mentioned earlier, I tend to not fix things that aren't broke, as over the years I've experienced more fail with updates then I would like, and if something is purring along...(and I guess I dodged a bullet as I don't use a Canon EOS webcam utility that could crash previous versions! (?!?) )...

    and also, while I don't know if it is a problem with macOS versions of Kontakt and KLU, I know there are reported issues with people using unofficial nicnt's on some Windows releases at least (as I have seen @Talula warn on this) in regards to the fact there are also upid/hu/jdx , which are other unique identificators that are linked with snipds, and could toss a monkey wrench in the works... (at least with the R2R release), but again, I don't know how that impacts macOS users, or relates to KLU, as I imagine if they did, Fred Bloggs wouldn't have it easy or as an option to change nicnt values or edit them etc.... but just trying to eliminate possible problems that you are experiencing by asking..

    At this point, as clone said, I would probably completely uninstall Kontakt and KLU using Find Any File, (and as clone said, unhiding hidden files etc, as they are there... and just do a clean reinstall of it, and KLU, as while you will have to re add the libraries, you shouldn't have to lose your libraries and the GB's of stuff you have already acquired.

    and I don't know how many libraries you have, but I have around 200 that require KLU, and it wouldn't take that long even doing them one at a time as I prefer rather then bulk importing them etc...(as KLU allows, and I know it is something Fred Bloggs has been refining with updates etc, so that might not be 100% 'on' yet...but obviously he is the expert on this and his utility, and I'm just trying to help from my limited understanding and what I know does work for me and has well).

    But I understand that could be a pita for you, and I'm not sure how different dependancies exist/function with NI exactly, as while I own NI's whole package, I haven't bothered with their other products or even installed it legit, as I simply don't use them right now, so cleanly wiping Kontakt from my system might be a hell of a lot easier for me then it is for you.

    (I would backup things like shared library etc prior as there may be some things in there one needs/wants etc, but if you are like most, it should be a smaller folder, as when I do .pkg nstalls etc, I always have choose to have larger assets in libraries installed to an external drive when prompted, although some things are obviously put on the system drive, and importance on those hasn't been something I have examined deeply, as other installs which require KLU to add libraries etc, haven't been any problem and I'm not dragging things over to the shared lib etc, as KLU is doing what it's doing..and I imagine it would work fine with other libraries.. and a safety is never a bad idea :) ).

    But hey, I know all that is a pita, and you just want Kontakt to work and get on with your life I imagine.. (and it IS working fine with previous libraries installed correct? and only rearing this behavior with new libraries? and you are able to go about things what were previously installed and working? (hopefully at least..)?

    Regardless, I hope everything works out for you, and this is just a temporary hiccup that is overcome easily with something Fred Bloggs may know (as hey, again I admit I'm no genius on this at all, and I just jump in this thread to try and help with what little I do know, as I realize Fred is a busy guy, and not as active on this site, and I just hope I am not either creating more confusion or suggesting something he would knock down in regards to his very helpful and necessary utility for some of us, as that would not be good.. I never want to do harm..)

    Best of luck, and fill us in if you discover something or a fix along the way, as it may help others who run into similar.
  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    hmm... while I haven't messed too much with library positioning, I do look at the KLU generated reports often (Show Anomalies), and while I do receive notification that certain libraries main prefs files do not contain SNPID's, I don't much with it following Fred's verbiage in the report.. all I'm concerned about is that all my ninct files contain valid snipd numbers that correspond to the Service Center xml ones etc, and I don't know specifically how the ranking position numbers work in regards to snipd's and whether anything is altered in those as a result (which I imagine not iirc) and the positioning is written with reference to perhaps, (which is only retained properly with a restart of your system as Fred explains as there is something nebulous going on that he hasn't honed in on yet and no one else has seemed to help point to either so....)

    Thanks for your specificity though, as it is interesting that both versions 2.2. and 2.3.1 write the .xml file the same, but if I am reading you correctly in that the problems exist or manifest when positioning said library?

    (as many of mine, as the anomaly report states: "have ranking position numbers of "0". )

    Though I personally haven't gone down the tagging/catagorizing rabbit hole, nor been concerned that much yet of positioning yet, as what is most important to look at 'for me' is that: (as Fred's report kindly reports):

    • All your Service Center XMLs seem to conform to XML standards. Any possible tag errors or missing tags have been corrected.

    • None or your Service Center XML files have SNPID values of "000"

    • None of your Main library plist files are missing.

    • The stored paths to your Kontakt library folders all appear to be correct.

    • All Main library SNPID numbers (if present) correspond to the Service Center XML ones.

    • All your libraries appear to have NICNT files in their respective library folders.

    • All the NICNT files appear to contain valid SNPID numbers

    • All the NICNT file SNPID numbers correspond to the Service Center XML ones.

    • All the Kontakt library folders were found.

    • None of your User library plist files are missing.

    so it is interesting to me that you are getting dialog messages (if I understand you correctly) regarding a noticed difference in snipd number in regards to positioning and possibly creating said conflict/problem.

    hmm. If you do not edit positioning are you able to install/add libraries without problem?

  15. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    goto Service Center folder and move somewhere else, all the xml files not Kontakt libs related.
    (there's lot of them installed by plugins that do use NI controllers)

    See if the move will lead to any relevant change (no install failure warnings)
  16. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Did some cleaning @belalugosi: 240 files removed! ;) Still same warnings.. this time I got this new one:

    Screenshot 2024-07-11 alle 22.00.43.png

    and yet noting installed...
  17. palmitan

    palmitan Newbie

    Sep 20, 2015
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    [hmm. If you do not edit positioning are you able to install/add libraries without problem ?]

    Short answer, yes, with KLU 220 I installed the latest NI libs that often require the latest version of Kontakt), such as Session Percussions without any worries. I never interfere with the positioning of libs within the Service Center... Thank you for your support :)
  18. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    star KLU and then:
    1. switch to "NICNT utilities"
    2. select library folder (KP library with official original nicnt file)
    3. press "Install this library in Kontakt"
    ... and enter your password in popup window!

    Снимок экрана 2024-07-12 в 11.36.16.png

    that's all. installed and working.
  19. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    OK… sorry guys for my absence, but I've stopped receiving notifications again! Had I seen the latst posts, I would have said "I'm on it!"
    Version 2.4.0 is in the first post, as usual.
    What' new - short version (please read the update file:
    • A fairly important bug fix + other minor gremlins,
    • Quite a lot of cosmetic fixes,
    Just to expand a bit on the "important bug fix", it probably addresses your latest woes!
    I quite by chance realised that an SNPID check had stopped working, which wouldn't have been too serious except that it was somehow allow duplicate SNPIDs to be installed and not picked up by the error checking ! It only happened in rather particular circumstances, but I did get it myself. This is now fixed an if any duplicate SNPID numbers were installed in your libraries, they should be correctly flagged in the anomalies.
    The "This SPID number is not used by any of your libraries." dialogue is now correctly displayed, so if you get this, you really are OK!
    Sorry about the hassle guys but as they say, "Stuff happens!", although perhaps not in those exact words :(.
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  20. S2D01

    S2D01 Noisemaker

    May 18, 2016
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    Sorry to say still unable to install anything with 240. Probably the issue is not in KLU but on my hand... having enough of keep of trying things between versions... Giving up until further notice...

    Attached Files:

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