WAV Metadata

Discussion in 'Software' started by blackmoon, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. blackmoon

    blackmoon Kapellmeister

    May 25, 2020
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    Can anyone recommend a proggy for adding "Album" and "Artist" to a wav file? I have tried everything and while mp3tag etc, etc, all work to a degree nothing I have found paid or trail or otherwise will do it?

    What are studio's using to do this? Buy a Cd, throw it in your vehicle or player and it has all the metadata inlcuding the album and artist. I read it's RIFF based but not sure how it can be done. I can add everything, (including cover art) except that damn info. Isn't there a proggy that will add it?

    I appreciate any help here, burning a CD, (I know old fogey here) for a few fam and friend of tunes I've done and it'd be nice for that to show on their systems? Thanks in advance, this place rocks!
  3. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Maybe you need a CD burning software that lets you add/enter CD-Text information to tracks. Or alternatively, an editor for CUE files with support for CD-Text. Or manually add CD-Text info to your CUE file.

    TITLE "My CD"
    PERFORMER "Lord Dong"
    FILE "longdong.bin" BINARY
    TITLE "Big dong"
    PERFORMER "Dong Bon Jovi"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
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  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You can also directly write some information with a program, the more "old way". A wav editor and most convertor programs would also work.

    https://www.dbpoweramp.com. full functioning trial for 21 days. it does lots of different audio file conversions. And it is very fast.
    https://www.audacityteam.org Audacity can edit metadata in Riff (wav) files and it is free.

    Something like Soundforge or Wavelab of course has these. Any decent wave editor should do this stuff. The other approach is better, but wave editors maybe more familiar already.
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  5. blackmoon

    blackmoon Kapellmeister

    May 25, 2020
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    LMAO! Cracked me up good with the details there!!! Yes, I'll give a cue file a try within imgburn I suppose. Thanks.
  6. blackmoon

    blackmoon Kapellmeister

    May 25, 2020
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    Thanks clone, tried audacity and the metadata works well however, when I add it to a device (player or phone) it won't retain the "Artist" or "Album" just like mp3tag (drag). It says it's all there on both as well as properties but no cigar when transfered over. I would really like to be able to retain this info on devices as well as a CD format.

    I don't see why or how this is some kind of secret sauce I mean seriously. Take a song you've made and mastered then add metadata to 44.1 16 bit file and artwort successfully then it shits the bed when displaying artist and album on a cd player (vehicle or house)? It will display song title, artist and track then it says No Artist and No Album on the next readout. I dunno, any other thoughts on how to achieve this? Thanks again!
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I haven't burned a physical disc in what seems like forever. I do not think the metadata being saved to your file incorrectly is the problem. Using a Wave Editor to prepare all the files and add information to build the TOC (table of contents) is how people would do things. It should pull the saved metadata from the files automatically, when saved by your wave editor application. But you have to still review everything is populated correctly into the burner software you are going to use. Then you are just burning a Redbook format audio CD. (with cd-text).

    A benefit of saving everything in the wave editor was because you would setup all this data only once, for both the burned discs but also from any wave files you converted to .mp3 or other formats.

    Like I mentioned in my previous post, I think the other way of doing it is better. But it can also be easier to screw up. For some people thiis way is more familiar to them.

    Redbook CD refers to the standard audio CD format developed by Sony and Philips. Here's how you can burn a Redbook CD so that track information displays on a car CD player:

    1. Use CD Burning Software: Choose a CD burning software that supports Redbook CD format. Many popular software options like Nero Burning ROM, iTunes, Windows Media Player, and others can burn Redbook CDs.

    2. Import Audio Files: Prepare your audio files in a format that the CD burning software supports (usually WAV or MP3 for audio CDs). Import the audio files into the CD burning software.

    3. Enter Track Information: In the CD burning software, there should be fields where you can enter the track titles and artist names for each audio track. This information is crucial for displaying on the car CD player.

    4. Enable CD-Text (if supported): Some CD burning software allows you to enable CD-Text. This feature ensures that the track information you entered will be encoded onto the CD. This step is optional because Redbook CDs don't inherently support CD-Text, but some car CD players may still display information if it's embedded.

    5. Burn the CD: Proceed with burning the CD as per the software's instructions. Ensure that you select the option to burn an audio CD (not a data CD or any other format).

    6. Check Compatibility: Before finalizing the burn, verify that your car CD player supports Redbook audio CDs. This format is widely supported by most CD players, but it's always good to check the player's specifications.

    7. Test the CD: Once burned, test the CD in your car CD player. If everything is set up correctly, the car's display screen should show the track titles and artist names as the CD plays.
    By following these steps, you can create a Redbook audio CD that displays track information on a compatible car CD player, enhancing the user experience by providing relevant details about each track.
  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yeah, what ChatGPT says is true. You need to write CD-Text to a CD and the CD player has to support CD-text. That's the only way to get some info about the songs show on a player. No WAV metadata will work as CD-Text.
  9. Emma Evi

    Emma Evi Kapellmeister

    Nov 12, 2021
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    Apologises for the lil’ offtopic, anyone knows an alternative for apple loop utility? Where we can change tags without duplicating the loop? Eg key, bpm etc please
    btw I also asked chatgpt
  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I second dbPowerAmp too. I haven't ripped a CD in long time but it can read the CD's metadata from the most popular internet CD databases


    There you can read:
  11. canbi

    canbi Kapellmeister

    Jun 12, 2023
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    why you want to tag wavs when flac exists
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Burning flac files to a redbook audio cd was not his question. The root cause could be chalked up to reading the first post.
  13. blackmoon

    blackmoon Kapellmeister

    May 25, 2020
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    Like I said... This place rocks!!!

    Thanks to everyone that replied and helped out as it was an amalgamation of all that landed me on the right path. What ended up working was mp3tag, dbpoweramp, cue and then flac > M4A and burned it there with all info included.

    I know, who burns discs anymore? Even I was like do they still make them? Again, really appreciate the help especially because one of those peeps is a very good old friend that is going on a year road trip in the motorhome in a few days and wanted some of my music for the road. If the music sucks then hey at least they will make good coasters for the beers, with all the info of course lol. Glad to sort it out before the trip. Thank you!!!
  14. blackmoon

    blackmoon Kapellmeister

    May 25, 2020
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    Great info that I was unaware of, thanks!
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