MPK Pads Logic Pro

Discussion in 'Logic' started by ChemaChinasky, Jul 7, 2024.

  1. ChemaChinasky

    ChemaChinasky Noisemaker

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Hello, I already created a topic with the same problem, but after 2 years and seeing that there are people who have it working on MAC (I have seen tutorials on how to do it) For me, unfortunately it still does not work, the problem is with the MPK MINI 2, that there is no way to edit the pads so that they match in DMD (Drum Machine Designer) of Logic Pro Same problem and have found a solution.

    The problem comes from the MPK EDITOR. that when I open it and select the pads or anything I select it crashes and closes. I have spoken with Akai but of course, since it is not an expensive MPC, I suppose they will not rush to help me nor make much effort. Sorry for asking the same thing twice but maybe after years I guess someone has an alternative or answer. Thank you and greetings to all!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would use the Logic stock Transpose Midi plugin as a workaround. Or at least for your testing. You insert it before (above) the virtual instrument plugin.

    Don't worry about DMD for now. Load some pads up full of samples; any samples or kit you want. Something you use already would be good. Hit record in Logic on the Midi channel you have setup to control your APK. I would use the Logic External Instrument Midi plugin to do it for testing, but maybe you already have some way you set this up.

    I would record Midi information to Logic, from your existing APK drum kit. Hit every pad a few times to generate some new Midi Note On messaages into Logic. Now we have a Midi file directly from the APK's current layout. If you hit playback, you should be getting those pads replayed on the APK. Maybe you have to make a new audio channel and route the sound to it, but that's always going to happen anyway.

    Next, what I would do is take any breakbeat drum loop and load it into Logic. Sling it into the DMD so it slices and kicks out another Midi file.

    Switch your Midi file from the APK out with the Logic DMD sliced up midi file. Put them both on the same Midi track like you want them to play sequentially, one after the other. Look at the Midi notes and compare them, to see where you need your breakbeat midi loop to line up with the pads you want it to play back.

    That's where the Transposer plugin comes into play. You can slide it up and down +24 semitones in either direction. With Logic playing back, move the Transposer's slider to change semitones until you hear it trigger some sounds from the APK. Now you know the difference between the octaves and +/- semitones the APK is waiting to accept via Midi/usb.

    I do this all the time with drum machines in Logic. It is a great way to make additional loops as well. When you transpose a midi that is feeding the drum machine, it is like telling a drummer to play the same thing but with the hand he uses to play a snare to hit a Tom instead. By shifting the kit up and down in semitones, every midi note will trigger a different drum or perc sample, etc. I love the Transpose plugin for exactly this purpose. Explaining this is complicated, but doing it in Logic will take you about 30 seconds. It also works for scratching plugins and making dj crossfader sounding cuts\; like it's coming from multiple sound sources, should hiphop be your thing. :winker:
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024
  4. ChemaChinasky

    ChemaChinasky Noisemaker

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Brother! I appreciate your help but it sounded like Chinese to me, I'm not that professional or knowledgeable. What I will end up doing is the option to "Remember Note" and assign pad by pad and save a template. To always have them organized in Pad 1 -Kick plan
    Pad 2 -Snare


    Thank you very much for the answer, but I already told you that I haven't understood anything! I'm sorry but I'm very new.
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