Working with Chronic pain / Chair Rec's?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by shinyzen, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Hi all. For the past year or so i have been dealing with chronic back pain. On bad days, its completely debilitating, on good days, i can still only sit and work for an hour or so at a time. I have barely worked at all in the last year, have had to turn down many sessions, and am basically at a breaking point.

    I have seen all the doctors, doing physical therapy, eat extremely clean, take all the supplements, medication etc etc etc. Im still struggling most days. I bought a standing desk, and that helps, but not really. My next step is to try a new chair. I have a herman miller chair, which is supposed to be the best for this, but its not cutting it.

    Does anyone have any experience with mitigating chronic pain while producing / mixing? Any chairs you can recommend that i may have missed in my searches?
  3. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Producer

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    Have you tried pilates?
  4. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    yeah, pilates and yoga almost daily.
  5. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Depends on the source of your problem. I've had piriformis syndrome, originating from sitting at a desk for years and suddenly starting to play soccer. The sitting made my muscles weak and imbalanced, issues that arose thanks to soccer. I've managed to clear these issues by working the muscles in specific exercises within three months, and alternating working standing/sitting.

    What is the source of your problem?
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  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Those Herman Miller chairs are supposed to be great for this. But maybe the problem is your desk. If you have things positioned where maybe you type slightly at an angle, or view your monitor. With repeated movements, even something seemingly minor can do this kind of stuff. Something like how people get carpal tunnel syndrome and try multiple keyboards before they figure out it is the angle of their mouse. You might have to look at the ergonomics of your entire setup.
  7. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
  8. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I have severe leg and back pain after having cancer radiation treatments. I manage my pain with meditation, a TENS Unit, combined with some medications. I'm never 100% pain free but at least it's somewhat tolerable. My stamina and endurance is limited but I'm still able to play music, compose and get around places. I am content that at least I'm not completely disabled. See a physiotherapist and find out if a TENS unit can help you, I got mine on sale online for a good price.
  9. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    How clean are you eating exactly? Because cheese (and all subgroups thereof), and to a lesser extent sugar, causes inflammation which very few quack western md's even have a clue about let alone treating it. Laying off ALL inflammatory foods for at least 2 weeks and taking a turmeric based anti-inflammatory each day might help your issue.
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  10. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    three slipped disc and spinal stenosis.

    Ive tried various setups, looking into exactly like you said. Tried monitor arm, no monitor arm, monitor on the wall, etc. Different desk heights, placement, chair height and placement, still nothing has really clicked. Will keep trying though.

    Oof, im glad you are able to see the bright side and maintain a positive attitude. hoping it continues to improve for you. I use a TENS unit regularly. It helps with some of the pain. Im also prescribed various medications, but try to avoid them, as i hate being reliant on med's, and they come with side effects. I do take them on really bad days.

    I eat extremely clean. Zero gluten, zero dairy, no processed foods, 95% organic. I basically eat vegetable soups, chicken, and the occasional steak or something. The only sugar i have is from fruit, and thats minimal, an apple and a couple dates a day. I agree western doctors have no clue what they are doing when it comes to inflammation. My GF's mom is an excellent functional medicine doctor and has me up to speed on all of that. I take turmeric daily, as well as NAC, oregano oil, black seed oil, and a few other anti-inflammatories.

    Thanks for the tips and feedback everyone! Im going to keep trying new things until i find a solution.
  11. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    mate no chair in this world will fix this
    replace one of them with calisthenics and cardio , cut sunfloweroil,wheat and processed food use curcuma with linseed oil and pepper ,supliment vit d .............................

    i tell you like it is : you fckt if you dont get into the mentioned above.
  12. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Alright then, this is out of my league. I wish you all the best my brother. Btw I also have the Herman Miller Aeron, loving it! But try to stand as much as I can, much better.
  13. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    hahah im fckt then. I already have zero oils except organic ghee and olive oil. havent had wheat in years, eat zero processed foods. Take about 20 supplements a day, majority being anti inflammatory. I don't do full on cardio, but i walk as much as possible. I shoot for a mile or two a day. usually uphill at a hiking trail across from my house.
  14. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Well with all the healthy foods you consume did you ever try other diets. I'm basically a carnivore, if I don't get enough of red meats I get extremely weak and have no energy, so I binge for a few days on rare beef, liver and blood sausage which gives me a burst of energy. I don't eat sweets, only use kosher, Himalayan or pure sea salt, I eat a lot of garlic, onion and hot peppers which I eat like candy because of their health benefits, I do eat pork, poultry, fish and seafood but nothing beats red meats. I attribute whatever energy I have to this dietary lifestyle. I always try to find alternatives to improve mine but I'm a stubborn mule who never gives up hope, doctors don't agree as they seem to assume medication is the superior to anything else. I hope you find some alternative solutions to improve your lifestyle and health, stay positive, never give up.
  15. LdashD

    LdashD Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2024
  16. emmepicsd

    emmepicsd Member

    Jan 30, 2017
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    Ciao, ozonoterapia e risolvi.
  17. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Thank's for the encouragement and rec's. I do eat a fair amount of beef as well. I take liver supplements and eat a steak and burger patties probably bi weekly. I eat a ton of garlic and peppers too haha. love em!

    wow! this looks great. I have not heard of it, will def look into it. thank you for sharing.
  18. juliaprado8801

    juliaprado8801 Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2022
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    i have a problem in my back too.. try putting your legs over the table lol.. i do it a lot ... mouse and keyboard close to you fix the pain...
  19. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    As much as healthy food *may* help prevent certain diseases, it won't cure three slipped discs and spinal stenosis. Not saying you shouldn't eat healthy (I'm a healthy mofo myself), but let it not prevent you enjoying the fun things once in a while. And be critical of your supplement intake, it's an industry built on scamming people. Unless you're deficient because of lack of access to healthy food (which sounds like that is not the case), 20 supplements sounds like A LOT.
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  20. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    so funny isnt it.20 supplements a day is counter productive as hell .dont eat at least for 12 hours a day .get a full bloodwork with all vitamins and all minerals and act acordingly .get raw honey , milk and only eat 110% organic . cow milk max2 liters a week /goat sheep have other cassein and they dont eat wheats and corn .
    most important for you is finding the shortened and locked muscles in your body and work on them .
    walking a mile or two is nothing .get into calisthenics .
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
  21. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    does not taste good and cant be heated up high either .
    most certainly is mixed with sunflower oil. do a refrigerator test with yours .
    get a guess why i posted linsead oil and i never said use it for cooking/bakin/frying.
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