Firefox 29 (New Interface) Released: Find Out What Is New

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Catalyst, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Firefox 29 ships with an interface redesign called Australis, a new customization mode that goes along with it, and a redesigned Firefox Sync synchronization feature that is incompatible with the old.

    Mozilla will make available Firefox 29 to all users of the stable version of the web browser over the course of the next 24 hour period.

    Existing Firefox 28 installations will be updated to Firefox 29 in that period if they have enabled automatic updates in the browser. The same is true for Beta, Aurora and Nightly versions of the browser which will receive an update to the next version as well, in this case version 30, 31 and 32 respectively.

    The update to Firefox 29 is already available on the official Mozilla FTP repository and third-party sites. While you may head over to one of those download locations right now, it is usually better to wait until the release is officially announced as last minute changes may replace the current build with a different one.

    You can check which version of Firefox you are running by tapping on Alt, and selecting Help > About Firefox from the options menu. Alternatively, load about:support in the browser's address bar right away.

    If you plan to download the new version, note that net-installers are provided by default. If you want full installers, check out our Firefox full installation guide.

    Since this is release with major changes, you may also be interested in testing it before you make the upgrade.

    Firefox 29 Changes
    Firefox 29 features a major interface rebuild that Mozilla named Australis internally. A tutorial is displayed on first start to users who upgrade to Firefox 29 which aims to highlight the major changes of the new interface to users to make adaption easier.

    A set of new improvements to the Firefox user interface
    As mentioned earlier, Firefox 29 ships with a new interface that moves, removes and changes interface elements of the browser.

    The new interface is an improvement according to Mozilla, as it is simplified and flexible. It "helps you get things done, faster" thanks to the new tabs design, and the new customization menu.

    The first thing you may notice is that the Firefox button is gone, replaced by a Hamburger button on the opposite side of the interface.

    You may also notice the curved tabs, that the add-on bar is gone (if you had enabled it), that tabs are no longer displayed on the bottom (if you had them there), that the bookmarks icon has been merged with the bookmarks button and moved out of the address bar, that you cannot move some interface elements such as the back and forward buttons anymore, that buttons are displayed larger (small button mode is gone), and that there is no option to display icons and text in the interface anymore.

    You can bring back the majority of interface elements that were removed by installing add-ons. Read our guide on how to do so here.

    A redesigned and improved customization mode
    The new customize mode displays directly in a browser tab. It allows you to drag and drop most toolbar elements and icons displayed under additional tools and features, to the browser UI.

    Note that browser UI in this regard means the main Firefox toolbar, the bookmarks toolbar that you can display additionally, and the new Firefox menu.

    You can customize the new menu to your liking, as the majority of icons displayed here by default can be removed. Only the bottom links and buttons starting with "sign in to Sync" cannot be removed or moved.

    What is interesting here is that you can move add-on icons to the menu as well, and may need to do so if you have not installed an extension to bring back the add-on bar or another toolbar.

    The core reason here is that all add-on icons are now displayed in the main toolbar as well. If you have many, you may notice that not all are displayed here as Firefox cuts them off so that enough room for the address bar and search bar remains.

    An interactive onboarding tour to guide users through new interface changes

    The tour walks you through some of the new features. Here it is in its full glory:
    The ability to set up Firefox Sync by creating a Firefox account
    Mozilla decided to redesign Firefox's data synchronization feature and introduce it in Firefox 29. While existing Sync users can still use the old synchronization feature for the time being -- but not add new devices to it anymore -- it will be disabled in the future.

    I have published a guide that explains how you can set up the new Firefox Sync on your system. The major change is that you need an email address to set up an account now.

    You do use the email address and a password now on all devices once set up to enable the synchronization, so that you do not have to juggle around with keys anymore to do the same.

    Note that you will create a Firefox Account in the process.

    It is still possible to set up and use custom Firefox sync servers.

    Gamepad API finalized and enabled
    The gamepad API should have been included in Firefox 28 originally but has now found its way into Firefox 29 instead.It was available since Firefox 24, but disabled and had to be enabled on about:config by setting dom.gamepad.enabled to true there. This is no longer the case.

    It adds gamepad support to the Firefox web browser which web developers can now utilize for their games.

    Additional information about the API are available here.

    Other changes
    Malay [ma] locale added
    Text Rendering issue on Windows 7. Workaround involves setting the preference layout.paint_rects_separately to true in about:config.

    Developer changes
    • navigator.plugins is no longer enumerable, for user privacy. This means that it is no longer possible to enumerate the nagivator.plugins array and compare it with plugin names to get a full listing of all installed plugins.
    • The add-on bar has been removed. It can no longer be a target for extension icons.
    • Clicking on a W3C Web Notification will switch to the originating tab.
    • Australis Toolbar changes
    • Australis CustomizableUI
    • SharedWorker enabled by default (JavaScript Shared Web Workers in HTML5)
    • Promises enabled by default.
    • <input type="number"> implemented and enabled.
    • <input type="color"> implemented and enabled.
    • 'box-sizing' (dropping the -moz- prefix) implemented.
    • Enabled ECMAScript Internationalization API
    • Console object available in Web Workers
    • Web console improvements such as arrays shown inline now.
    • Network Monitor shows pie chart performance statistics.
    • CSS source map now supported by Style Editor.
    • Auto-completion of CSS properties and styles in Style Editor.

    Source: GHacks
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I'm using Firefox version 16.0.2 - not long ago i still used version 3.6! :wink:
    It's not that i have something against progress, just the developers stopped to support older computer OS. :sad:
  4. transporter1333

    transporter1333 Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    THX Catalyst
    I will update it right now... :wink:
  5. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The Sync function... how secure is this?
    If my bookmarks and open tabs are stored on a server somewhere in the cloud, wouldn't it be available to 'big brother' to spy on my browsing behavior?

    I wanted to use Firefox Sync but got tangled up in the key system!
    Who else here at audiosex uses Sync and how reliable is it?

    hmmm... I'll watch for reviews
  6. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    Wonderful. Mozilla is now emulating Google Chrome.
    I decided to toss Firefox right after they axed their CEO for having the nerve to have original thoughts and opinions. Using Pale Moon browser these days....looks and acts just like the old Firefox without the self serving left wing hypocrites involved. (oops! did I just have an opinion that runs contrary to what the thought police dictate????)
  7. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    and there was me thinking some fecking software installation had secretly installed chrome :wink:
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah well it wouldn't hurt for Chrome to emulate Mozilla which isn't a slimebag company that spies on it's users plus they have tab groups. :bleh:
  9. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    :dunno: what about anti pop/ad

    I really just care of browser that can get rid of those filthy ads.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    What do you mean? You usually install a third party application to provide that functionality as built-in popup blockers suck. It still uses addons but the bar can no longer be a target for those apps to install icons. You might have to update some of your 3rd party plug-ins but they will still work. *yes*

    Same as Chrome but at least your data isn't in the hands of Umbrella Inc. If they want to spy on you they don't really need your bookmarks, they have millions of other ways of doing it that are WAY more frightening. You should read some of the NSA articles I put up, in particular the How The NSA Hacks PCs, Phones, Routers, Hard Disks 'At Speed Of Light': Spy Tech Catalog Leaks one which has 2 amazing videos about some NSA capabilities. Part 2 should not be missed. Really.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Try it out first, they have tab groups and other cool features plus you support a better company. I like that they made better use of space. Chrome is faster, more secure but many plug-ins suck, no tab groups, Google is the devil...
  12. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Maybe Opera is a way to go, or Firefox ESR ? :dunno:
  13. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    never liked Opera as a web-dev, even though they're now on webkit engine, it's too late for that. although i do understand people who simply got used to Opera.

    I've been using Chrome for coding, because it's the most popular browser, plus it has the best Developer Tools. I still used FireFox for browsing, but i don't like these recent changes.
  14. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Nope, firefox for me, although the new version does look a bit like chrome. Seeing as I have just updated to win8.1, it's not really a problem to extend the learning curve for the new firefox version as well (and my hdd's/software are all over the place at the moment) :mates:
  15. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    I left firefox a couple years ago when they started to release a new version every second day.
    I'm very happy right now with Iron, a chromium build without all that spyware crap google put into chrome :thumbsup:
    Not so advanced maybe but I'm fine with it (also use Safari from time to time)
    Thanks for the info Cat, I may have a look at this new Fox let's see how it is :mates:
  16. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    edit, trying to dual boot my new win8.1 with osx 10.8 but osx is throwing a wobbly (the dreaded boot error) :snuffy:
    so no safari for me at the mo :mates:
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah SRWare Iron is great because it actually protects your security from Google. I actually use a mix of browsers. No problem guys, check it out see how you like it. I heard it's faster now.
  18. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Firefox is and will be the best browser for Pro Users. every time I tried to use other browsers, I returned back to Firefox.
    I will install it beside FF28 with separate Profile. So I have both.
  19. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I just installed FF29.

    It is much faster than ff 28. I have many Addons installed. the ff29 had nod compatibility issue with my Addons.

    The status bar is no more present. but the new menu replacement is ok.
    The title bar can be removed now and so You have more Vertical space.

    I suggest all to install it.
  20. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    So true
  21. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Since I upgraded my main OS to Linux Debian I don't really care what I use, nor I need AV and crap like that, but Firefox is just fine and I've been using it for years. Mozilla is a great company and should be supported. I actually use Iceweasel now which is a fork of Firefox made by Debian authors. For as long as I can play HTML5 videos with it, I'm fine. :)

    Fuck Microsoft, Monsanto, bankers and the whole crappy system etc. You already know my bitchings bitches! :rofl:
