Any interest in a program that can change basic sample file names?

Discussion in 'Software' started by tfmc369, Jun 25, 2024.

  1. tfmc369

    tfmc369 Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I think we have sample folders that list the samples like 1.wav, 2.wav, etc...
    I am currently working on a program that will convert all the files in a folder to a file name that includes key and tempo info in the file name, such as 1.wav to 1_G_92bpm.wav. As well as choosing the type of file you would like it converted to and whether or not you want to overwrite the original file or create a new file in the folder of your choice..
    it works as long as the file is not a one-shot and is not less than 5 seconds long.
    Currently, as with all detection software, it will not be absolute, but the program I am working on so far has about a 90% rate with .wav files and about a 99% rate with mp3 files.
    Also, I am only working with Windows.
    I know there are programs like KeyFinder that will tell you the key and tempo information, but it will now write that information to the file name to make it easier to search.
    In the future, I would like the program to add metadata embedded in the file in addition to the file name creation.
    I was just checking to see if there would be any interest in such a program and if there are any other additions that you would like to see.
    Also, what do you think the program would be worth in $$?
    Looking forward to any thoughts, ideas, and replies.
    The Fishman
  3. thembonesthere

    thembonesthere Noisemaker

    Jun 30, 2024
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    Hey man, that's a really neat idea.

    This is a bit off topic, but your title on the thread caught my attention. I recently ran into the problem of having to rename a savage amount of files. I looked online and found this program called "bulk rename utility" and it saved me what would have been literally days of editing file names. Super handy, you can maybe look at the interface for some inspiration - perhaps you can incorporate renaming files into it?

    Back to the program you're working on, this will do something like use a key detection software then rename files accordingly? Only thing about those software is the success rate is at best 75% accurate -still, better than nothing. I can imagine with a huge library of sounds this might take a long time.. curious on the development though!! Could be very cool.

    Don't know how much time this would take to develop but I could at least easily imagine paying between 50 - 100 usd for it!
  4. tfmc369

    tfmc369 Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Thanx. I have been using Bulk renamer for a long time. it works well for renaming large amounts of files, like removing the beginning characters or converting _ to spaces. but it won't work on renaming them by content.
    That is why I am trying to develop this program. I plan on making 2 versions. A Lite version will be free and will just work with one type of audio file and one folder at a time, and a pro version with more features like working with sub-folders and creating folders by key for a fee. I will keep you updated on the progress.
  5. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Freebie ADSR Sample Manager plugin will do this already (at least key checks/BPMs) albeit it doesnt rename the samples but tags them.
  6. thembonesthere

    thembonesthere Noisemaker

    Jun 30, 2024
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  7. tfmc369

    tfmc369 Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    That might tag them, but the file name will still be the same except with tags.
    1.Wav will still be 1.Wav but might have a tag attached.
    If the tag says that the 1.Wav file is a C#, my program will change the file name from 1.Wav to 1_C#.wav,
    and put it into a C# folder if you want. (with the paid version) (the free version will just rename the file).
    It is coming along nicely. The working free version should be ready soon.
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