The regrets of going legit

Discussion in 'Software' started by Adam Ford, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. toetea

    toetea Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    Depending on where you are in the world and how much money you have, it is very good to support these companies. We all have had some purchases we regret, but overall I do not feel any regret about the majority of the software I have bought, even if it may be money lost. I have bought many other junk, but at least these purchases we make in software eventually lead to advances in technology or new plugins for us to use.

    Your money is power... Be wise who you give that power to.
    A lot of these developers deserve it. If I could, I would buy almost every plugin. :rofl:
    Much respect to business owners that do so. I am a little envious. :phunk:

    Ironically, people are quick to buy the software that has iLok rather than the software without any protection.
    People want what they can't have, right? *cough* oeksound *cough* *cough*
  2. tobiasnz

    tobiasnz Newbie

    May 20, 2019
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    I find it interesting how often people use the justification that "if you make money from your music, then pay for the plugins". Although I do think this is correct, in fact you should pay for the plugins even if you are not making money from your music - if you are making money in any other way too. If you can afford it, and you are only making music for yourself, you should still support the hard work of others (developers).
    I have used pirated software over the years, but am totally legit now. From the privilege of being able to earn money (not necessarily through music), and some will power to not want every new plugin released.
    I respect the creative work of all the wonderful plugin and sample library creators, and would not want to work for free myself. When I put in my creativity and effort into my work, I expect to be paid - so do they.
    And we are incredibly lucky to live in an age where we have everything we could need to make wonderful music, totally free anyway.