The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse (Beato)

Discussion in 'Music' started by Zenarcist, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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  3. BasedPirate

    BasedPirate Kapellmeister

    Sep 1, 2023
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    sounds like a grumpy boomer yelling "get off my lawn". why is Mr Beato mad people can skip the songs they dont like and listen to the songs they like on Spotify? just looks like Beato is trying to make money on Youtube by pumping out nonsense content. There is good songs made in 1950. good songs made in 2020. just have to find them. technology has allowed indie artists to make good music easier and have them heard.
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    All of that to say, the consumer in a mass market is an idiot.

    I tell you what - if you are in this business you already knew that but it gets bad when you get about Rick's age and start hating them for being dumb.

    They've always been like that, art and fashion have random fixations which businessmen refer to as "trends." Nobody cares why they happen or what they mean but business spends a lot of money on trying to crystal ball what the next trend will be or cash in on the current on as fast as possible.

    Some times things trend down in complexity and sometimes they trend up.

    Howard and Emerson in 1899 and the music is just a simplified version of Chopin's "Le Petit Negre"

    It is literally a song about calling telephone operators who were all women (for free) to sexually harass them over and over. The dawn of the publicly accessible 900 number for the drunk hordes of males who couldn't catch a "gal" or afford a prosy but were near a call box.

    Even worse in that span of 5 years where this particular piece is closer to the first half - Chopin's "Le Petit Negre" was the underlaying tune for over 117 songs. Same notes just slightly different cadences and sometimes embellishments. Ah that undercurrent of sweet bigotry some the turn of the century, even when it wasn't in you face it was right there. Worse part is that Chopin didn't intend the title to be bigoted or racist as in French it doesn't have that connotation, but leave it to us Americans to take it there.

    Art - "it was so much better back when...."

    The truth it's always been shit for the most part and that is just normal.
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    good and bad music - its hard to define imo. ofc you can be a musician and say, hey good music has a melody, great arrangement and well mixed. I give that, but as a listener, i found joy in drones, drumgrains aka glitch music, all sorts of techno, etc there is so much music which doesnt find the points a good musician would lay down.

    So i think this generalization is just nonsense and ofc most of the older people will say, i dont understand why this is #1, what do young people think? They dont think simply, they enjoy what they like or earlier liked ...

    We have so much music on our fingertips, open spotify - there over 60mio songs, its the most we had every available and without leaving for a record shop, we can do everything from home.
    Now the listener decides, do i want to listen to what everybody listens to or do i want to explore, find music, which is different?
    Then yes its possible, but it requires to dig and spend time with music ...
    And i think thats what the new generation does different. Music is just something like a background noise, something you have on in the bus or when you do something --- there is no time for actual exploring, like it was done 20 or even more years ago ...

    What a type of listener I am?
    I like music, which mindfucks - which is intelligent in its own way. Which is clever

    I like music, which is simple, which doesnt require me to think, which follows basic mainstream concepts, which everybody listens to, i want to fit in ...

    this and more plays a very important role in how Music is consumed and picked.

    Another question to ask it, how are these charts are selected? After streaming statistics, accummulated with physical CDs statistics or other sources?
    The consume behaviour has drastically changed, since the internet made so many things possible. Another point is how music is sorted now with Machine Learning, to find similar music, it changed our consume aswell ...

    Thats why i dont like such videos like beato is doing - i get the clickbait title, you have to make out with the algorithm somehow ...
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  6. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    But you DO need to get off my lawn.
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  7. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
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    My 2 cents:

    Bad or good is subjective, context and cultural dependent, etc.
    Simple or complex is more objective, but... simple is not the same as bad, and complex is not the same as good: simple can be good and complex can be bad (subjectively, culturally, contextually).

    With the rise of mass media and commodification of culture, you have formulas (trends) whose aim is to milk the cow the most for the longest possible. And this causes effects on peoples habits and mentality in the long run (like, I can ONLY enjoy Marvel super hero movies and cannot stand anything much different).

    Yes, most people never cared for art, complexity, etc, but with mass production and technology this passive consummerist allienated intolerant atittude towards the different, the new, etc. has become standardized and expanded to industrial levels as never before on behalf of commodification and profit.

    Everybody loses, culture loses, art and originality loses when everyone just tolerates the sameness of the industrialized trends of the culture industry/mass culture for so long (art, literature, music, poetry enriches and broadens our experiences as humans - but if you can just tolerate the sameness of the formulas...).

    PS: no problem if you (also) enjoy the simple, the formula, the trend (just like Articstorm, I do like some of them too). The problem is when you are so indoctrinated by the big techs to JUST enjoy that and nothing else and is not even aware of it (and I know many people like this).
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
  8. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    agreed. although he has a few interesting points, that is a terrible title.
  9. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I understood your previous point of view and your current position. I think it reminds us about certain advantages of having accessibility. However, what I think you're not understanding is that, in the video, Beato mentions that there is overexposure to music and that, in the past, we had less accessibility to music and perhaps this helped us to value what we had (something like the desacralization of music, or more directly, devaluation, see the example of turning on the tap and letting the "music" flow down the drain): Nowadays, anyone has access to practically any song, moreover, any track. But scholars and experts have been asking themselves what good has come of this besides accessibility?

    Does this overexposure:

    1) Stimulates creativity and reduces anxiety symptoms? What if the person always listens to the same thing, day and night and suddenly gets bored and doesn't want to listen to anything else, due to overexposure, causing fatigue, or simply because they find it easy to access any song at any time, for example? ;
    2) Improves communication and socialization? People don't always go to parties/social events to listen to music: more and more people isolate themselves with portable devices, like zombies addicted to dopamine!;
    3) Increases concentration? I think this is one of the worst topics, because almost no one really stops to actively listen to music, since it has become a background for doing anything, like taking a shit, not to mention that these songs when very simplified and repetitive (and they are often the ones that are most publicized), do little to challenge the brain and they tend to be, indeed, quite uninteresting (long-term appreciation-durability: music used to be made to be listened to for decades, now? just until the next summer playlist). I wonder to what extent music has contributed to the fact that, for the first time, the children of the digital generation and millennials have lower IQs than their parents — yes, that is fact-fact... read, research and you will see a good number of articles about it.

    Are you not just considering the ease of access as a positive point? What Beato mentions is that having to commit time, money and quality attention brought and continues to bring many benefits. When I referred to unhealthy habits I meant this. In my case, dear friend, my concern is doubled, because I have a 3-year-old daughter.
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  10. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    all lyrics are open to interpretation, but I've never found that song to be about sexually harrasing telephone operators.
    its actually more about young single women (ragtime gals) - telephones were rare in 1899, its a song about technology.
    an equivalent would be a song about texting someone about your devotion and desire (though texting seems long in the tooth by now)

    Records whether flat or cylinders were limited in frequency range, so not much bass available on those things back then.
    hence the singing style of falsetto or nasal high pitched tones, these "workarounds" become a "style" or sound of an era.

    The problem now, is we have full fidelity, instant publishing and world wide distribution ,a we've lost our collective ability to be be creative, because the limits are gone that used to constrain our ideas allowing creativity to be channeled. now its like pissing in the ocean..
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  11. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    Yep. Also, there are periods in time when the tasteful and/or complex become popular and fashionable. For example, R&B productions in the early 1990s were arguably more harmonically complex than modal jazz, and came way after the peak of R&B giants like Marvin Gaye and Aretha Franklin. However, these coincidences seem to be random and unpredictable. Why did everyone all of a sudden start digging intricate chord changes packed with inversions, extensions and disguised dissonance? Go figure. I bet there are guys out there trying to break the cycle code to this day!
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  12. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    +1.000 and 1.000 agrees. Beato is making money. Nothing more to see here.
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  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yeah i sort of mentioned accessibility above, maybe not clear enough, but yes it will add less value to music.
    Look ive been doing an offline playlist, over 100GB so far in 320 quality - around 6.7k extended versions of dance tracks (with around 20% being not available on spotify), i want to add more and more genres to it, make it a playlist i can just use for work.
    All the tracks in that playlist are tracks i really like and they are from the past. they fulfill a certain criteria for me.

    Spotify has so many remixes not available, or just damn stupid reissues of the original remixes or even totally new versions or there are simply only edits, probably due to license problems. Its a big issue, most of the time listeners just opt for most closes mix or whatever they can find.
    in the spotify playlists also frequently tracks simply get geoblocked, so you want to listen to a certain remix, boom you cant. Hence the offline version with more tracks, which are just mine ...

    Ease of access is a problem, because it downspirals the value of something. you can just let spotify endlessly play some stuff, while in the past, you learned to love a compilation with all its songs, which you wont do today if you have so much other music available.
    To what does that lead? maybe to produce more music with less quality? I think that is possible ... also payments on spotify are minimal, with spotify also removing all revenue payouts for any songs below 1k plays and i guess these are lot ...

    i wouldnt go so far that the IQ went down, lets just say the IQ might be different valued today, they have different skills, which people from 30 years just lack because the tech was not there. Sure on the other hand it just adds another bit of ignorance. Younger people simply do not care, what some apps are doing and they just use it - without brains. Maybe you mean that?
    Ngl being everyday hours and hours on tiktok might not be beneficial for your cognitive skills ... since you passive consume what others experience.

    About your daughter you can always choose to parent her different that mainstream does, teach her value of things, teach her to spend her time with valued input for her mind.

    One example: You could watch something on a streaming service, just consume it. But you could also watch it and still learn something, making the movie you watch just a background noise. This would help your cognitive skills.

    So much for this topic ... its a topic with a lot of depth. Thats it for the moment ...
  14. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    There is only one real reason:
    No one takes notes seriously.

    As simple as that...
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    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    be a to mato :v
  16. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    who's "music is getting worse"?
    not mine.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
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  17. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    much of the world has been altered over the last 50 years, nature and nurture. Food has lost many qualities, many people are mentally deficent because of food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, and gut biome injury. they are told its normal or stress..

    on top of that society has shifted tremendously, people are isolated, society is less cohesive, for many reasons constant exageration of fear is used to keep the populace demotivated and internalized, virtually frozen emotionally and socially. Education has been reduced to a fraction of what is needed to understand and deal with the world, let alone strive and enjoy life.

    we are given a million choices, but none of them meaningful, a hundred brands of detergent, but only one currency. etc.

    we seeing a schism develop in the world, where a sizable group is seeking to stop the headlong jump off the cliff - a back to the land, simple life, real food, etc manifesting as a counterweight, to ai, 15 minute smart cities,digital id, digital currency, etc. Many people can't see the changes for what they are as they are brainwashed by their portable big brother in their pocket, their smart phone, that is the window into the world (but a window with a filter they can't control)

    Teach your daughter to entertain herself, not a phone, or a tv, or a computer. She must learn to use her creativity, before it is smothered by the mass media and higher education. She must understand there is more to the world then what her phone shows her. Give her books and love and time and attention, not distractions..
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  18. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    Anyone can define musical skill in any way they want. Someone can say that because I have gained a lot of skills in mixing and mastering, making beats, sound design etc, so my musical skills have definitely increased, and whatever I make now is definitely better than the stuff which I made last year.
    But reality does not work like this. Musical skills are not these things in my opinion. The things I mentioned are mostly secondary skills besides music. The main skill is the skill of working with notes, which almost most people active in music have deprived themselves of it and of course it is their own fault.
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  19. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    yeah yeah may be all true yet beato seems the only one here not speaking from his own bubble rather from the all over picture...
    fact is the amount of shit played by radio and in the clubs is higher than ever ever
  20. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    what about pulse, timing and swing? does that have anything to do with music?

    would you like better to play all the right notes at the wrong time?
    or all the wrong notes, at the right time?
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  21. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I agree in that part. I mean, he's selling his courses in that same vid to save the music :rofl:

    Rick, go back to your real good content, real rants about Apple for instance. That was epic

    Wrong thread Foster, this is not your "working with notes" one :lmao:
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