The regrets of going legit

Discussion in 'Software' started by Adam Ford, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    i think im the opposite of most people in here lol. I have hundreds of plugins. close to a thousand maybe. I also have tb's of samples. I use them all.

    I have my "go-to" plugins, that are in templates or easily pulled up with a key command. I also have folders of plugins categorized by type. I often times will use a roll the dice function to pull up a random delay, random eq, etc, when i want to feel some inspiration, or do something different than i usually do. This works for me personally, as it keeps things fun, exciting and fresh. If for whatever reason the random plugin i pull up does not fit for that particular circumstance, i will fall back on my go to plugins.

    I do a similar thing with samples. i have them meticulously organized, and can pull random loops for a particular genre im working on. Need a clean drum break, load from this folder, a nasty boom bap break, pull from this other one, etc etc. Everything categorized by genre, key and tempo.

    I am a large portion Legit, and have no regrets. I still will use "extended demos" even of plugins i own, because i dont want to deal with copy protection, or keeping track of all my logins etc for updates.
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  2. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Heh, it's possible we know each other somehow. I won't reveal my identity here, but let's just say I was at the heart of one of the biggest Beltdowns right before the release of v1, and he most definitely had some sleepless night because of what I did after that :rofl:
  3. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    You actually can do that, like skip few major versions and then jump to the newest (upgrade plan gives you current version from whichever version you are upgrading), have additional 12 months coverage with that, get your upgrade plan from 3rd party shops too (like JRR). You can choose to be yearly billed, but not many folks do that, most just hunt for cheapest upgrade plans and then activate them whenever they want, it doesn't expire, so if you get good deal on upgrade plan, you can get it and just wait for a while before using it.

    I would advise anyone who wants to go legit to take Splice rent-to-own route, as I previously said, you get two years using newest version until you pay it off, then you get permanent license from Bitwig with additional 12 months of coverage. In those 3 years they can roll out 3 major versions and their development is fast because people are paying them to do so, it's in their interest to lure people to update more frequently, their track record of updates so far has been satisfying, except that one time they tried to charge additionally for that Spectral Suite, it backfired quickly and they got back on the track.

    Overall they aren't the bad guys, only reason I would even look at Linux at any point is because them and UHe are supporting it, involved heavily with CLAP, DAWproject integration, dunno, it's not Reaper kind of generous, but it's not worst rip off out there either.
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Adam Ford
    Actually, there is no reason why you should regret buying software.

    In the business world, the use of stolen goods is dangerous, even for less obvious reasons (see 2):

    1. the problem is that software - although it is actually a normal economic good - is often seen as having no intrinsic value, which it has if I can generate revenue as a self-employed person or artist with the help of the software. Just like with any other asset that I use to make a profit, be it a car, a rented studio or purchased hardware (but also intangible goods such as personnel costs). I would never think that I would get all the money back after using it. I once paid €50,000 for my Audi and only got €2,500 back after 20 years (without expensive repairs). Should I consider that a bad deal now? The car helped me get to business appointments and I also used it privately.

    2. A second aspect - and one that cannot be overestimated - is legal security. Most reports to the tax authorities are made by dissatisfied employees, business partners or wives. I simply don't want to make my business dependent on such disgusting things and possibly lose more through penalties than I have ever earned with the software. Because you have to be clear about one thing: By using stolen software, the state suffers a loss due to unpaid salestaxes and other taxes, and if they catch us, God help us.
    I don't want to make myself vulnerable to blackmail from anyone, so I've always bought all the software in the business and I don't regret it at all.

    private use is a completely different thing ofc
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    for the most part i really appreciate that they push CLAP together with Uhe and others. CLAP is fantastic, use it aswell via the wrapper i compiled and shared on the sister page.

    Ohh true, i totally missed that you can do that and then its even better than what Ableton does. I mean pay full price for every major version is kinda asking a lot.

    bitwigs users were just really hit by a lighting as it happend.

    Rent to own is also great concept, i wish Roland would do that.
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  6. BlossomwoodsCollection

    BlossomwoodsCollection Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Black rooster's compressor plugins are literal powerhouses
  7. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
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  8. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    This is not a conundrum or moral quandary. If you make money off of your music/services, buy the legit plugs to support the devs & company.

    Install cracked ones to avoid the headache of using plugins you bought with stupid protections schemes. Its a win win.

    Don't buy plugins assuming they will hold any significant second hand value.
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  9. BlossomwoodsCollection

    BlossomwoodsCollection Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2024
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  10. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Where did you read that the 8-Track Free version is sub-based, lol? That's literally not true. What is true is that Bitwig's update policy is arguably overpriced and not that convenient and perhaps you're mistaking that for a subscription? Anyways, no. Bitwig's products aren't subscription-based, an update plan lasts a year, but you don't really have to pay for it if you're not interested and if you chose to do so you won't lose access to the software.

    That being said, I disagree with the statement that Bitwig's updates aren't steady. They're just fine, following the pace of other DAWs such as FL Studio and Live. Of course, nothing compares to Reaper in that regard if is that's your measure but apart from that, they're regular.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i got a serial a while ago (like march 2024) and after i entered the serial, there was a 12months sub plan listed for that version.

    previous versions 8-track auths i couldnt upgrade, since the sub did run out.
  12. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Yes, the BSA (as it used to be called) and their ilk are always lurking as well as the POS govt. If you're running a larger type operation with employees, business taxes, licences and the like you're a bigger target. Not saying it's impossible to use cracked-ware in that situation. I have known some who did successfully. I think there's a great many here who are single person operations. In that respect there is no one or anything to worry about other than themselves.

    One question everyone everywhere should be asking themselves on a general, somewhat related note - How is it that monkeys like bezos, musk, walton, etc, can possess wealth in amounts that no one single monkey could spend in 10000 lifetimes? Every day they get away with breaking laws, cheating tax codes, laundering million$ in offshore accounts, etc... They make and influence policies and laws that affect entire countries, yet the little folk are running around simply content that they didn't get pulled over, that day at least, and have their shit searched by cops just itching to send them into the for profit prison system for a 1/4 oz of weed.

    If more folks asked these questions and actually followed through with research to learn the real answers to them, things in general might begin to change for the better.
  13. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Can confirm that too, have 8 track version in other account with expired plan and version I can download there is 3.1.3.
  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I would be in favor of setting an upper limit for wealth. This ceiling should apply worldwide in all democratic countries, not because I am envious or a communist.
    But it happens all over the world that extremely rich people have so much power that they can bend laws or laws are made just for them. A married couple, an extended family can get by really well on let's say $1 Billion (just an example). More just leads to unelected people being able to exert excessive influence. > 1b tax rate 100%, interest and earnings above that are skimmed off. No one needs $100b.

    If this or something similar isn't done richer get richer and poorer get poorer everyday until the poor people (Billions) would stand up an kill all those bloodsuckers (Thousands).
    A few super-rich people have already realized this and are voluntarily foregoing such extreme excess (out of self-interest, not because they are philantropists).
    OK, it's off topic but...
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  15. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    what about sample rate ?
  16. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    This is totaletarian and not adviceable , it most be a moral code be leading also for the big timers which never cared and never will
    first i would find out who are the big timers with their 200 hundret years old look into G.O.D and c bank system
    second there is no democratic system anywhere whit current lego/tetris majority system at all and the corrupting lobbyism and ngo and all the organisations ppl think they not real atlantic bridge friedrich merz is jesuit,weidel is black rock ...etc3000
  17. baszermaszer

    baszermaszer Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    But you paid back to the developers, which is most important, as you'll realize.
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    its an investment, ofc i bought also software/plugins, where the company got eaten by apple jsut 6 months after buying a license.
    Or the dev just left the company and didnt provide any support, no new versions, nothing - the company is just dead.
    It happens, but i mean i can surely for example support u-he or Cockos (just examples), they are long growning companies, which work hard and release updates and new features/products.
  19. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    RIP Ugritone 2017-2024. Nice company that catered to the metal/punk/hc crowd. Darn shame.
  20. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I don't need or use a lot of plugins I've bought the most important ones that I use all the time and absolutely need, I use a lot of the free VSTi and plugins like those from full bucket and several other good creators, and then I do cheat a bit use some non-legit, but I do like trying out new plugins as a pastime when I'm bored.