AVID - new pricing and new CEO

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by tzzsmk, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Hell, it was a huge deal in the mid 00's when they released it from the shackles of their hardware....

    I have many friends who are engineers and whatnot and I always give them crap about PT, and they know the grift on it etc.. but what it is... and we watch their stock and corporate holdings and decisions and would joke about it... they have been circling the drain as unable to service debt, at least for awhile back a few years ago, and I was hoping it was finally going to go away or Apple would just buy them or something.. but they did some deal, I forget what, which staved off the jackals around 2019 or so iirc... but yeah, I'm not sure how they are sustaining, and don't think that there are geniuses steering that ship right now, as there isn't, and they play musical chairs with it enough that the board and or whatnot know that they haven't hit bingo in terms of actually making the money they used to...

    yeah, just did a quick look up, the sold to private equity and went private for a 1.4B deal less then a year ago and then slashed their staff....

    so the board bailed, got a premium over their stock worth, they f'd their staff, and we have seen how these private equity firms think they can run a business like this (see: Native Instruments etc)... they are clearly in trouble and trying to find a way... but the water is crowded right now where they were once the only real shark.

    I need to study it more, but the board saved their own asses and cashed out, and usually that just doesn't work out well for the customers.. especially when they seem kinda flush out of ideas and options...
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  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    AViD is a huge company in terms of people they employ in the audio market. You can check that on linkedin, last time i checked AViD had around 1700 active employees listed there, now Ableton had like 700, bitwig 24. But this was before that bailout - lets call it thaat way.

    Yes these companies want profit no matter what, so AViD has to deliver, which i am not sure they can do. We see already how hard it is for NI. Also a reason why there is no Reaktor 7 - bcs the userbase is super small compared the one of Kontakt, so they keep only pushing 100% products and the other projects die with a less smaller margin, bcs they dont really do a big chunk of money in one go, thats just bad for variety ... and creative tools in general. But does this also mean that there is more space for smaller devs to come and release great projects - i know we should keep support them aswell.

    Now we will see how this goes.
    I doubt Apple will buy in, with that dying market ... sure would be nice that it happens, i mean Apple would dominate that market in the audio part, but i am not really sure apple wants to go for that low profit margin, if their mobile segment is just doing so much better with less afford - if you know what i mean ...

    the future for AViD is kinda unknown ... now we would cheer if the ship goes down? Probably.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i read somewhere that you have pay extra for support, like a service fee. i am to lazy to look that up.
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i think they tried already to open that market up, but the way to get to PT is just to far and smaller studios and bedroom producers might just have so many better options at the hand.

    like we already listed:
    Reaper with a keyfile, can read so many plugins formats, its scriptable, its skinable you can set custom shortcuts. and if you really want it, its 60$ and these 60$ will last like very long.

    now if you look at the other daws, they all dropped the ilok or any stupid protections.
    I mean even Steinberg got it and dropped elic, and once you have people to install it for free (sister page) or even making demoing easier, the chances will increase that they really invest money into it.
    I tried to PT a while ago, the installer did hang for 4h on something, which i didnt even notice and then you still had to deal with ilok, constant login in there
    then the feature package is just 90s
    you would need to load plugins with patchwork

    there are so many points which just are cons against PT for BDProducers and smaller studios, who cant afford to pay bigger sums.

    I dont see how AViD could enter the market?

    UAD going the same stupid way with ilok for LUNA. Who wants to deal with iLok when opening their DAW and then it fails and you cant start to make music ...

    im eager to keep track on what AViD is going to do ...
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  5. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    a new PIG in the Pigsty Industry

  6. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    that's just sad, for the hard workers that dedicated years of their life to avid. good analogy!!

    yeah, you're right. they're long way from it.
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, they were at 1485 employees in 2022, a year and a half before they cut a 1/3rd of their staff... so they have more then Ableton and whatnot for sure, and I'm certainly not arguing with you my friend... they are just shedding jobs though... and they don't have a plan apparently.

    Their only plan and IP is their existing product for which they are trying to figure out a model to optimize for profiting, but are having so many problems, and can't pay the people they have now... and the private equity firm picked up a crap ton of unserviced DEBT they have... they are pretty much under water... and so they keep throwing darts at the wall with "subscriptions" and hoping that the old guard and whatnot and the people who teach (who would go to damn SCHOOL FOR THIS you know?!), will push people to the product to keep it going...

    but one of these days, or years, someone is gonna look to their left, and to their right, and there isn't gonna be a person who grew up with PT as the only viable option. And they know that.. and they can't sandbox forever, as there are new kids born every day who can get a $300 computer and Ableton/fruity loops/whatever or hell, Logic is damn 200 bucks and holds it's water... and Reaper we know etc...

    They don't have a sustained business model outside of the dinosaurs... and they can pull the drawbridges on the moats as much as they want with having only AAX or the cost of entry with their stuff... but that can only get you so far...

    And I know I could be wrong...

    But I'm certainly buying the beer for everyone when they fall.
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  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    exactly -- reason is that 5GB VST3 plugin which sits on my main SSD (there is still no intented way by the installer to move the refills files to a different drive letter to save up space on the main drive.) other than that i like those old effects and plugins they have created long time ago, i have no interest in their newer plugins.

    but i see somehow that reason caught new flow and i see it a bit more often mentioned than as they had WiBU key and had no VST support, its great!
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yeah the plan just sounded like - we have to squeeze more out of existing customers, because its unlikely to seduce new ones ...

    they real sit on their IP - exactly and they dont want to check out ways forward to evolve it, make it more attractive -- its crazy. i mean you could sit down and make a market analysis --- HEY AViD --- we kinda a made a free market analysis for you here --- are you not seeing that?
    ALso there is still a lot of schools, which teach PT only, but it looks like people just found something else before that course, just use the offered sub for the time of the course and then return with more knowledge to their DAW they met and fallen in love earlier ... so there goes this aswell?

    definitely the other DAWs are so much more accessable, its crazy.

    if you are on mac, you def have played with garageband and then found your way to Logic. the way is just so easy.

    Ableton being bundled with Hardware, same for bitwig -- its crazy, same concept.

    Reaper - people will just throw this DAW at you in forums/reddit, etc - because its so good

    Fruity Loops, is also just everywhere, the GUI and the step sequencer makes it so easy to start producing and there are still older versions around, so easy to find. wasnt FL at some point even sold on STEAM? i am not sure if im tripping?

    Steinberg Cubase and Nuendo, they are very well known in the audio community and dropping their protection made it so easy to get and finally use it

    S1 as Cubase "clone", also is easy to get into it ...

    i am not sure if missed any potential rivals to PT?
    Maybe adobe audition? they added multi tracks and adobe's subs works way better than PTs, no ilok i think.

    we have MOTU DP, LUNA by UAD

    Linux stuff: Ardour, which can be compiled for free on linux --- wasnt there a windows build aswell?

    this market has so many better and even more better bad products than PT.

    I know we are talking about PT only, but isnt it kinda the same for Sibelius aswell? We have Musescore as free product, then Dorico -- designed and coded by Sibelius devs and Final Score? Who would even use Sibelius, with its trainwreck of a GUI?

    What else has AViD as company to offer in terms of software?

    this topic really caught me ... :guru:
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  10. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yeah, I don't know WHAT Avid has outside of familiarity of use and name. I can't name something they do "better" other than convincing people that it is, and we see the grift every day in our lives from them and politicians and whatnot.

    What can you do in PT that you can't do in another DAW (Reaper in particular if one were to set it up to mirror it etc) other then confuse a 40-50-60 year old programmer/tech/mix engineer who didn't need to use his damn iLok and found that things actually worked faster?

    Yeah, I will admit that nudging audio and whatnot in PT was done well, and takes and nomenclature etc... (f, remember how long it took (a: decade plus) for damn Ableton to get that fact we wanted the ability to have takes or comp over some wiz bang extra delay they were selling their new version with that we already had covered with a 3rd party plug in?). ... and yeah, Ableton still doesn't work well with picture and f's it up as they spend too much time with other nonsense (and they really are against the wall with having to rebuild their audio engine from ground up from their insiders as why it can't keep pace ultimately with others going forward and times in the past)...

    but that's an aside...

    If a kid today at 17 or 20, he or she was given Reaper and PT.. and 4 years in a vacuum, Reaper would come out the winner I imagine in 99.9999% of studio recording or compositional workflow and efficiency... and that is ignoring the big thing of COST.

    (and this is coming from someone who is not a Reaper user himself, but has used it and respect it without question).

    I have taken some time off from music, and as a pleasant side effect, have been able to avoid god damn PT for 3-4 years.

    But now I'm back down in it. And it's still the same old story with those jokers.

    If people just realized that Avid doesn't really have them by the short ones and call them out on it.

    But again, it's just time. These people have to retire and pass away at some point, and that genius kid in his room making the new paradigm of music is decidedly NOT using "ProTools" to do so.....
  11. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    There are very few people like this, certainly not enough to actually run a business.

    Most people aren't idiots who just haemorrhage cash.

    Right, but we also shouldn't assume that they're going to buy the latest version, rather than stick with the existing "just works, no need to change" version.

    Existing users is not the same as new revenue, and this is why they want users to be hooked to subscription schemes, because otherwise people won't bother with new versions.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Those existing users are dying or retiring every day.

    (which I know you understand obviously)

    And people apparently aren't lining up to "subscribe" unless they have to. And the fact of the matter is, other then their fragile stranglehold right 'now', there really isn't a whole big crop of subscribers coming, which in that business is defined by growth.

    They have salted the farm field, and they aren't coming forever.
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I think Protools is like Windows. We've been hearing hype for 30 years that *this time!* is the new heyday for Linux; companies and users are leaving M$ in droves, and it has finally been proven that Linux will be a great PC platform for Audio!!!. And then five or ten years later, we hear the same thing again. Like it or not, Protools isn't going anywhere. It doesn't matter if Avid own it, Apple, or whatever other "holding company" wants to buy it next. Just like Linux, most people who "just don't like it" don't even know how to use it.
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  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Hell, if Apple were to buy Avid, which they could with money earned in pocket change interest in time less then was spent on thread comments here, one would think they would have a stranglehold on Hollywood and movie production re: audio etc for "now" and the "near" future if you think it's not going anywhere.

    The fact that they aren't interested kinda says something.

    And hey, maybe it's not. I don't know. But they have more business acumen then I do, and the skinny on the Avid deal is not good for anyone outside of those lucky fool f'err that got cashed out.

    But I do know how to use Protools, and at the same time, no, I just don't like it. (and perhaps just 'for me') But I get it's utility for what people are using it for, as it works. As does a screwdriver. And it's not my bag or job, but I know enough to know that there are other things that can do the same, and more, and importantly cheaper, with a weekends worth of a little RTFM, and the equity firm who picked up their large amount of debt (you have to understand Avid has refinanced debt for a long long time) and their company for 1.4B isn't on the right end of that, coming to that realization with the the butt end problem of that landing on the currently installed user base.... and the previous board at Avid were out the door as soon as the ink dried on that swift move at 32% or whatever over value what it was worth, ...and they were dancing in the streets. It's not their problem anymore.
  15. Simplywavs

    Simplywavs Noisemaker

    Sep 8, 2018
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    " It's funny how often though when I'm working with those people they have to run off stems or tracks for me to 'fix' or work on with another DAW, as PT can't do it easily....

    But for recording or lining stuff up to picture and their nomenclature and their workflow with directors and DP's and whatnot, they just are familiar with the format and the different file exchanges etc...."

    Omf/AAF Saves so much time and headache exchanging session with my clients who dont have protools
  16. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Reaper. 60 bucks. 1 download. No iLok. Protools skin/Theme
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  17. Balisani

    Balisani Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2014
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    First, I don't use PT personally - been on Logic since before it was called Logic (Notator SL for those keeping score) - though I do book and record in studios and pay engineers who do. So I don't really care if people want to bash PT, or Avid, or both. I hardly care when I see people bashing Apple and/or Logic. You're not the first, you won't be the last, unfortunately.

    Second, for the main course now: most people who actually do use PT on a daily basis and make money from doing so are running studios (of all sizes), or trying to. I needn't remind anyone on here that's a musician (sorry DJs, you're not musicians, and I'll tell you why - nicely - if you ask nicely), how challenging it is to earn a comfortable living (rent, utilities, healthcare, car, gear, and God help you if you've got a wife and kids) as a musician, or studio owner, or both.

    So it would appear to be a small percentage of all musicians worldwide (who are running PT).

    But, PT is used also on (most if not) all major tours, for backing tracks (remember the A.S. SNL lip synching fiasco 20 years ago). Practically every single artist now has dual PT rigs playing backing tracks (a few use DP, but it's uncommon).

    And third, every single film and possibly every single TV show you watch is recorded and mixed on PT as well. For dessert, Avid's biggest "customer" (indirectly though they may be), is Netflix. Not because they buy a whole lotta rigs - they don't - but because they mandate that all shows and films, produced by them or not, acquired overseas or not, are delivered to them on Avid products (Media Composer and ProTools). All those new films and series you watch on Netflix are ADR'ed (if not foley'ed), edited, mixed and delivered as MC and PT sessions to Netflix (for translation, censorship, etc), which forces all Film studios and production houses all over the world to use Avid products. That's a lot of coin.

    It's a lot of coin, and that's why they didn't raise the prices (allegedly) for some time, but now that revenue bump has given birth, and Mama Avid is still eating as though she's preggers, hence the CEO change, price hikes, etc.

    My point is simple: stop complaining y'all. PT is the audio standard, no matter your wine and cheese, just as Boeing planes were the standard, pretty much everywhere. Now the 'new' European kid (Ableton Live) is the new sexy swinging Airbus, but Avid, like Boeing, still has its loyal customer base - who've invested so much money and time into it, they can't just back out. And those studios and production houses spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on cameras and lighting equipment (and salaries). The cost increase of their PT subscription licenses doesn't even dent their pillow.

    So bash away if it makes you feel better (husbands and wives do it all the time), but don't expect Avid, or PT, to go away, or suddenly grow a conscience, or common sense. Not gonna happen. They don't need to. Likelihood is they won't ever.
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  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Problem with Linux over windows is that there are a lot software, which simply doesnt run well under Linux and there are no alternatives on Linux. Alot was done on that fact, but most of the Audio software people bought for windows, cant be used on Linux.

    If i wouldnt do audio stuff, i had already switched to some Linux distro, bcs its simply better for coding and the work i do, and the constant shit MS pulls in the last 7-8 years (ads, telemetry, now recall). But the audio stuff is holding me on older versions of windows. Im still sitting on windows 10 pro version from 21, before MS introduced all the other crap. I did backup this ISO just in case.

    Now i know a lot of people wont do that, they simply update through with MS ...

    So now how compares this to PT vs Reaper?
    You might have a point, most of the older folk with just sit this out with PT, waiting on older versions, till they cant use this anymore, due to not working hardware? That is very critical on macOS, since Apple doesnt give a rats ass, about backwards compatitbility, but im sure you can always downgrade on the other hand and still use your older PT versions, if you had to buy new hardware?
    On windows again for PT no problem, stoneage software still works fine on windows10 and windows 11. So maybe does very old versions of PT. But again those dont make AViD money, i guess.
    Might get critical if at some point x86-x64 architecture vanishes for ARM for windows? But this might take another decade?

    what happens if PT stays industry standard, but AViD dies of bcs going bankrupt, i mean, people have to buy something in flow for AViD to make enough money ... i really dont know about that.
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  19. Skeletor

    Skeletor Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2024
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    Snake Mountain
    In all honesty, what can Pro Tools do nowadays that any other major DAW can't?.....the playing field has been leveled and even some surpass PT in functionality and appearance, It's still a major player in the DAW world, but could easily be replaced......IMHO
  20. TokyoShokio

    TokyoShokio Ultrasonic

    Oct 28, 2023
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    why don't Linux just create a some type of file or source that allow window apps to work on it? ...Linux is really good i hear a lot of great things about it ..
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