Seeking feedback on teaser video for new product (All Presets Have Modulation/Finalized)

Discussion in 'Working with Video' started by MBC_Music, Jun 14, 2024.

  1. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Hi all,

    I'm working on a teaser video for a new product I've created (a cinematic preset pack for Newfangled Audio Generate synth).

    I'm not an expert in graphic design so I'd like to know what it good, and what can be improved or modified in my product teaser video.

    Here is the product teaser:

    One thing I noticed immediately is that everything seems a bit dark, and I can make the Generate synth GUI overlay less translucent.

    What do you think of the audio demos for the preset and the length I play them for (too long, too short)?

    What do you think of object placement and size of different images (and titles) on screen?

    Should anything be removed from the screen (like the product covers in the right bottom corner)?

    I really like the audio visualizer I used but do you think I should change to a different visualizers during future videos to add variety?

    Obviously any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    If you were to buy something like this, what do you think a reasonable price would be?

    (Also thank you all for the support on my RC-20 clone I released!)

    All the best,

    Matthew C
  3. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    @MBC_Music / Matthew C

    First off, congrats on finishing a product! I didn't know you'd made an RC-20 clone until right now. I think both are neat af.

    About your teaser video: I like it. The only thing I might consider changing is the length of each passage. They felt a bit long to me for a teaser video.

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  4. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Thank you Mark! :cheers:

    That's helpful feedback. I'll shorten the audio clips to make the demo a bit more concise.

    I think that's a good idea to have a shorter demo as the main promo.

    Then I can also release the extended version as a separate video if people want to hear extended demos.

    Thank you for the support :)
  5. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Amazing presets!
    I loved the video (especially the futuristic animation and purple letters)
    Reinforcing what Mark said, just reduce the length of the examples to something around 30 seconds
    Live long and prosper!
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  6. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    So @krameri nailed the one point and you acknowledge it already (shorter clips are definitely better). And yes, they sound great!!

    As far as price, I think preset bundles commonly go for anywhere around $5-25USD, depending on how many presets are in the pack, and how good the quality is. My personal sweet spot is around the $10-ish mark.. but you could definitely get away closer to the higher end. I don't know how much of this stuff you have out there, but you might want to price things to make a bit of a name for yourself first (if you don't already). I'm no pro at pricing stuff, though, just guessing.

    I was going to say it was a little hard to read the text in the video, but that's only in the embeded player. When I click through to YouTube it looks pretty decent. The text could definitely be brighter or have more clarity in some way as the font is a little harder to read, but I wouldn't sweat that too much. It does look nice. If I were doing this myself, I'd probably keep the top right title information exactly as is (looks great) but use a little more clear of a font for the two bottom product covers. The neon/outline style doesn't really work so well when shrunk down.

    I think both of these covers provide good information people will want to see, so keep those. One of the first things I look for is "how many presets does this have", so it's important to show that, which you do in the one cover. And then the breakdown by type is good too.
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  7. LinoBanfi

    LinoBanfi Guest

    no need of the useless 2000's cheesy background: no one is impressed by that. Just show the gui in a proper way. From what I hear on demo, the synth is not so bad
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Seconded. The ad may be for the presets, but you are still selling the synth, too. The smaller GUI thing might be better if it was some old synth everyone already knows. I'd rather see the GUI.
  9. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    That's some super useful feedback. Thank you for going into so much detail!

    I think $5 would be a reasonable price point for this considering I'm a fairly unknown sound designer/creator. As you said, a reasonable price point will probably make more people check it out Hopefully impress a few people who could be interested in future projects.

    I'll go back and remove the neon outline from the project covers. I definitely think you're right that it makes it difficult to read when shrunken down that small haha.

    Thanks again.
  10. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Ahhh man I liked the cheesy visualizer :rofl:

    You're probably right though. It's just a distraction from the synth GUI and I should be featuring the synth interface more. Makes sense to have that be the focus.Other people seem to agree with that as well.

    Thanks a lot!

    Edit: also yeah, Generate is a surprising good synth with a great built in reverb, delay, limiter, modulatable EQ and interesting oscillators.

    Being a weird, unique synth is great because they're not copying the rest of the market. Unfortunately the strange "chaos" oscillators do kind of limit the synth to more unconventional sounds, but I think my presets demonstrate that it's a pretty versatile synth regardless.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
  11. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Thank you!

    I'm going to create a shortened version with more of a focus on the GUI of the synth and shorter audio demos. Then I'll also have an extended version with the futuristic visualizer as an extended demo of the presets.
  12. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Thanks a ton for the feedback. I'll rework the video with shorter audio demos and more of a visual focus on the GUI of the synth. It looks pretty cool to begin with and shows the presets in action fairly well.
  13. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    Yes do keep an extended version of the preset demos, I really like your sounds and compositions. :cheers:

    Can make the pricing "Pay What You Want" above $5. You can easily charge 3x or even 5x of that though.
  14. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    I can definitely set it as pay what you want! I appreciate you saying that I could charge more than $5 for the presets. That tells me that I'm at least doing some quality sound design.

    Honestly though I think I'll start the PWYW at $4 because if people really like them, I don't think they should have to spend too much to try them out.

    I'm glad you like the compositions I used to demo the presets. I put quite a bit of work into writing some things that fit the presets well (for around 3 or 4 of them I used Cymatics midi clips though to be completely honest and transparent haha).
  15. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Thank you all for your feedback on the teaser video.

    I made some changes based of the feedback you guys gave me, and here is the updated (shortened) video edit.

    Is this a bit better? Shorter audio demos, no graphic background, better view of Generate GUI and fixed transparency of images.

    I still haven't changed the neon font outline on the thumbnail in the right bottom corner, but I will probably do that before posting the final video.

    Also, the Gumroad link at the end of the video does not work because I haven't actually posted the presets there yet.
  16. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    I appreciate your honesty regarding some of the compositions, I forget about Cymatics all the time...
    My compliments still stand though, you did some nice work. :)
    The video looks good and gives a good quick idea of its contents.
    I think you are ready to ship this thing out.
  17. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    - I would make hard cuts from sound to sound, get rid of the fades. This will make it more 'in your face'.
    - I don't know the synth, but is it possible to show a bit more of how those sounds were made?
    - I would modulate the sounds, not just hear the bare patch. This will show the possibilities of the synth - and will make your teaser more interesting.
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  18. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Thank you for that! I'll be releasing them very soon and I'll post an update here, as well as make a thread in the presets section of AS.
  19. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    That's some great feedback. Thanks.

    1. I agree that the slow volume fades remove some of the impact, but it was kind of necessary as I am cutting up longer phrases or material. Without the fades it would be a bit jarring to abruptly cut from a soft pad sound to a grinding bass patch haha. The fades were a tradeoff in this case imo.

    2. I could absolutely dive into how the sounds were made in another video! I'm not a complete expert with this synth and there's a lot to it. What Generate lacks in conventional oscillators, it makes up for in crazy modulation options and effects. I can go through how I made some of the sounds. Admittedly some of it was trial and error with this synth because it is so odd imo.

    3. You're definitely right about modulating the sounds using the cutoff or mod wheel to show what the synth can do in action. Honestly I'll think I'll have to make an update for the pack where I add interesting modulation options using the mod wheel. At the moment the patches don't utilize any controllable mod options mapped to a keyboard.

    A bit of an oversight on my end, but admittedly I have purchased countless preset packs that simply only utilize the filter cutoff being mapped to a keyboard controller wheel and nothing else. I did try make the sounds dynamic on their own though. Still, I think there's some great potential with adding some controllable mod stuff to my presets.
  20. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Thanks for the advice on showcasing preset modulation. I went back and reworked almost every preset to have significant modulation capabilities.
  21. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Welp, it's been a full month. Thank you to everyone that gave me feedback and advice to help with this project.

    I ended up going back and adding significant modulation capabilities to almost every preset in the Black Sand pack.

    Generate gives you such an amazing amount of modulation possibilities that I was basically able to use modulation to let the user "morph" between 2 significantly different sounds using just the mod wheel.

    Here's an updated video showcasing the modulation potential for each preset:

    I'm going to add timestamps to the video to divide it into sections for each type of patch (bass,pads,etc.)

    Please let me know what you think!

    I think I'll send out the preset to a couple people for feedback and compatibility testing (I experienced a few bugs with some presets on my machine).

    This is probably the last post I make on this thread before release. Now that the video component is out of the way I will have to figure out how to move this thread to the appropriate category on AS.

    Thanks again everyone!

    Edit: Some of the best examples of the mod capabilities can be heard with these presets:
    (Timestamps in video)
    3:02 Bass - Thallium
    3:35 Bass - The Universe
    4:31 FX - Folding Inwards
    5:24 Keys - Mystical Marimba
    5:40 Keys - VHS
    6:02 Keys - Flashback
    7:10 Pads - Aluminum
    7:56 Pads - Changing Shapes
    9:03 Pads - Lush Lands
    10:05 Pads - Powerful Feelings
    10:49 Pads - Radio Decay
    11:54 Pads - Soulful Strings
    12:42 Pads - The Summit
    12:58 Pads - Thorium
    14:31 Plucks - Dark Clubbin
    14:45 Plucks - Gallium
    15:04 Rhythmic - Momentum
    15:28 Rhythmic - Soft Keys
    15:58 Rhythmic - Suspended in Air
    16:35 Sequence - Zirconium Pad
    16:56 Texture - Dangerous Currents

    I also forgot to mention that I added even more presets (maybe 5 or 6) to the final product.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
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