Do I need Ezdrummer factory library if I have Superior Drummer?

Discussion in 'Software' started by TheBaker6595, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. TheBaker6595

    TheBaker6595 Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    I'm not asking about EZDrummer Third Party Libraries, as I know they are valuable and unique to use in Superior Drummer.
    Rather, I want to know whether the EZdrummer 2 and 3 FACTORY library content are included in Superior Drummer 3 in some shape or form?

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  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    These are two separate product libraries. The EZdrummer 2/3 core library & compatible expansions can be used in SD3 as long as all required updates have been applied where relevant.
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  4. TheBaker6595

    TheBaker6595 Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    But can I find the EZD Core sounds in SD in one form or another, or is it all totally unique?
  5. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    It's unique, or a lot of it is. They are different units. While SD3 can load anything you have brought in with EZDrummer 3, the converse is not true. And if you have expansion packs etc, they will appear in SD3, but SD3 expansions will not appear in EZD3 to my knowledge.

    EZDrummer 'tends' to have the processing more baked in so to speak, and you can change things like levels and some eq and room sound etc... but you aren't putting a particular compressor or whatnot on a specific channel kinda thing....

    EZD3 is great, but SD3 is a lot deeper in terms of how you can sonically sculpt and route... although EZD3 is great for most, and I used to use it all the time.

    If you HAVE the EZD3 core library, I imagine SD3 will see it and you can use it.

    But I don't think it is necessarily installed with SD3, due to what SD3 is trying to do or workflow, (like the fact each channel has it's own eq/comp/etc etc ~usually~ placed upon a dryer non effected sample (not that it won't have character imparted from how it was recorded if you know what I mean)... where a lot of times in EZD3, compression and eq choices are kind of made for you on presentation, although one can route different tracks to different outputs and further process on ones own... but for some things, you can't "unbake" the cake again analogy...

    SD3 can do everything EZD3 can do, but not the other way around to answer your question, and the libraries are designed differently, so I wouldn't expect, or rather depend, that everything from EZD3 to be there upon stock installation of SD3.
  6. TheBaker6595

    TheBaker6595 Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    IIUC, are you essentially saying that SD3 contains the same factory drums, but only dry, whereas EZD contains the wet ones?

    If so, then I could just stick with SD3 core and apply the channel FX manually.
  7. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    Not quite. Every EZX expansion has an "Original Mix" preset which is the drums as recorded without any processing.

    This vid explains it:
  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I'm not saying that exactly... I'm saying that the EZD3 library sounds tend to have the sonics built in, kind of like what is being said in the previous comment, although I have encountered more libraries where with what they mean by "dry" may not be considered "dry" by others, and may be "raw", but with characteristics that are part of their color (like the Sigur Ros kit in an empty swimming pool thing), or console/mics recorded on (which is obviously gonna be there anyways to get to tape/drive), etc.. which is "dry" for most purposes as doesn't generally have compression or outboard eq etc but... whereas the SD3 library does more lifting with it's own fx engines, allowing for more customization etc...and the ability to bring out specific elements of the different library in addition.. But EZD3"dry" kits aren't drenched in verb or saturation or compression or whatnot etc(unless that is part of it's inherent reason to exist as a library)....

    They may or may not be the same drums, and if you want the EZD3 expansions or whatnot, I would just get those, and SD3 can read them just fine, but you won't, in some instances, be able to do things like take the compression off or whatnot....

    I guess it would be easier to ask what you are trying to do? or avoid etc...?
  9. TheBaker6595

    TheBaker6595 Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    Okay, so not 'dry' but rather EZDrummer has Raw and limited FX though the 4 dials, whereas SD has Raw and fine-tuneable broader FX options.

    I'm just trying to understand whether the EZdrummer Core library is adjunct, bc if there's some sort of duplication, then maybe I can discard the library and be more efficient with drive space, if I can get those sounds in SD somehow.
  10. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Best Answer
    Yeah, pretty much as you said in first comment for the 'most' part.

    If you have SD3, you could probably dump the EZD3 library I'd imagine, but if you use EZD3, I think it wants it existing, and I wouldn't dump it.

    I just put mine on an external SSD, as EZD3's core library is ~15GB's... and the expansion packs are what they are, and I have a bunch of them.

    I used to use them in SD2 (EZD expansion packs), but I haven't installed SD3 yet on my machine...
  11. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    I have always thought of the EZD lib's to be like the "basic meal" as opposed to the SD3 lib's to be like the "7 course banquet". I don't believe that the EZD lib's are sampled quite as deeply as the SD3's are - hence they (EZD lib's) are generally lighter weight than the SD3's overall. I have never taken an inventory comparison of the EZD core vs the SD3 so I couldn't say for sure how much overlap there is (if there even is any). I did drop the EZD sampler after confirming that the lib's for each instrument worked perfectly fine in SD3. Didn't really see the need to keep both sampler apps around since I use SD3 almost exclusively. Personally, unless you're really strapped for storage space I'd just keep the EZD core lib handy even if there is some overlap for those occasions where you don't require the fully deep sampled SD3 stuff.
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