Do You Believe The World Can Change?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Apr 27, 2014.


Do You Believe The World Can Change?

  1. With all my heart

  2. Theoretically but not practically

  3. No and I think we should come to terms with that fact and find a way to be happy anyway

  4. No we're all doomed

  1. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    i personally don't wait anything from politics, i think it belongs to people to get out a bit from there personal sphere, to look around them and to understand that change can, and will only come from themselves (sadly, politics live in another world, a different reality ).

    With flood of informations in the mass media, press, books,internet, TV (brwwoerk, sorry to vomit) but also alternative information, people have the tools to know that politics will only make "changes to not change", little bandages whereas system need to be a full surgical operation. They want to preserve a 30 % working system (regarding to the world scale), and diffuse the ideas there are not alternatives. Thus it can only come from people, mass people, but it's hard and a bit despairing since most of us have our imagination fully colonized and our behavior conditioned by fear of loose more than we already loose (social rights, wages, comfort and so on..)

    Make me think how news and event became entertainment with "cinematic" music, titles, tone of the presenter.. :sad:
  2. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Hey men, wrong question :bow:

    The world is us......or, if you prefer (more musical...) we are the world

    Do you believe that 12-13 billion (I don't know how much) humans who have lived up to now have all died in vain?

    If you want to be free from the evil we have to accept to defeat, or at least fight it, and that takes time ....

    No poetry or false utopias, it takes time, effort and fortitude
  3. upliftom

    upliftom Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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    That always happens regardless of our actions or inertia.

    If we want a change leaning to good (that is something we all feel but can't really express) a great thing must happen. That is, people starting to realize not WHO but WHAT they are in relation to themselves and in relation to others. Once that happens you have already started changing the world.

    Any forced action for "the common good" always fucks things up. Even the worst people in history have acted by wanting to do good (in their own subjective view, an underlying egoism they were never aware, which led them to really perform horrible things).

    Don't be consumed by your desire to change everything,starting observing yourself, only that will suffice. After a while words have no meaning, it's all about understanding.

  4. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I think humans are not in charge.It's the monsters that are in charge,with human;s face.

    Attached Files:

  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    "Christians have done some pretty fucking horrific things throughout history."

    No my friend. RELIGION has been responsible for some horrific acts throughout history. Those who CLAIM a veneer of Christianity as a cloak to hide behind whilst carrying such atrocities, are, by those very acts, simply NOT Christian.

    Is the world ever going to change? Not whilst so many are happy to remain ignorant to that which is being perpetrated against them. So long as they have their little toys, distractions and luxuries, they`ll continue turning a blind eye to that which should cause them to STOP right now and scream, "NO MORE!"

    God bless.

    I didn`t find a tick box which felt right for me either Catalyst. :dunno:
  6. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    The whole System is out of control..
    We cannot change the World with Democracy,
    or any kind of political thinking.
    We must wait until Capitalism reaches its highest
    point of selfishness...and wait until the Environment
    Our only chance is that everything must get destroyed...
    the way WE think,the way WE treat ourselves and others..
    what WE think is important or not...and so on....

    People where created to be loved.
    Things were created to be used.
    The reason the World is in chaos
    is because things are being loved and People
    are being used.

    Our only chance is a World War 3 or a Catastrophe...
    like the story of Noah...
    Our only chance to make a New World...
    is to Destroy the OLD...
    That is the meaning behind the prophesy
    of 2012... the OLD World is dying...

  7. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
  8. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    My 2 cents:

    The world can change, just not in our lifetime and not until there has been massive bloodshed, because, the powers that be won't just roll over and let a bunch of common peasants close down their racquet they've had going for the last couple of millennia, they have all the weapons don't you know?

    Surely we're not that naive to think that they wouldn't turn them on their own citizens to protect their own arses, of course they would, without even batting an eyelid

    Things that need to go:

    1: Religion, first and foremost, get rid of that bullshit, tell people the truth
    2: Money: take the control of money out of private hands, money should not enslave us
    3: Law, needs to be simplified, who knows what the law is?, not even the lawyers and judges do..simplify!
    4: Politics, complete overhaul is needed, it's a cesspool of corruption and bullshit
    5: Royalty, fuck them right off with their theatrical costume bullshit
    6: Corporate control, something needs to be done about their power or before long, we'll all be working for Walmart or Lockheed Martin etc.

    There's probably a zillion other issues, but if we got to work on the above it'd be a damn good start i think

    But, it's all a pipe dream, none of the above will happen in our lifetime, my theory is, if i can change 1 persons way of thinking in my lifetime, then that's good, hopefully that person will go away and do the same and so on

    It's a long drawn out process, but there's no other way to do it without everyone of us ending up dead

    People need the truth, that's it, the truth, just tell them the fucking truth and call time on alllllll the bullshit once and for all

    Xmas, Easter, valentines day, halloween, and so on, it's all superstitious medieval superficial meaningless bullshit, backward thinking, the human brain should evolve, no-one is better than anyone, we're all equal, that needs to be the message

    Fuck valentines day off, and call it equality day, dump xmas and instead of buying one another stupid fucking gifts, feed the fucking homeless, do away with Easter and instead of buying eggs, oooh i dunno, anything, you all get what i'm saying don't ya?

    It's all childish and immature the things we 'celebrate' we should celebrate humanity and being fucking alive, why is it that we don't?

    Commercialism and brainwashing through corporate media and indoctrination through the education system if you ask me, but then that's a different story all together
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Actually X though nobody is necessarily forcing faith on anyone we cannot underestimate the very real problems that it brings. For example in the United States stem cell research was halted for years because the president was a Christian. Fuck that little girl dying of some terrible disease, it's religion that is more important. Also the fact that marijuana STILL hasn't been legalized is largely because of religion because hey they know what's better for everyone. Terrorism is yet another negative effect of religion. For me belief in a higher power and religion have nothing to do with one other. Religion has been used to control people since the beginning of time and it will continue to be used because it's so incredibly effective.
  10. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I think guys like Kearnsy don't necessary dislike religious people, but rather the institution of religion.
    Cause no matter what the individual person does and believes, the institutions are built on lies, corruption, manipulation, opression.
    If people move away from that I think it's good cause you don't need power to have faith.

    Top advice in my book. The world is full of crap but I've found my piece of kryptonite that helps me keep the wolves at bay and take a step away from the powers that wanna control and manipulate every-friggin-thing we do and think and feel.
    I'm simply living my life and I'm happy right now just minimizing the impact of evil forces around me.
    I try to fight a few things, like I'm an active supporter of the pirate party over here.
    I personally don't think we need to fight the super rich, the mega corporations and their puppet politicians. I believe they will eventually self-destruct cause greed is stupid and don't know how to stop. That will be one of those moments when everything could change in a major way.
  11. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Yeah guys, i'm not saying take peoples faith away from them, that fascism, i'm not into that at all, you know, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Satanism, hey even bloody Scientology, they should all be free to practice or believe anything they want, however, just because someone believes something doesn't make it true if you know what i mean?

    In religion, it's not free at all though, in some countries, if you follow a different religion than the state sponsored religion, then you may face the death penalty for following different teachings than what the state says, that's bad, as it discourages independent thought and critique

    Organised religion is the biggest sham on the face of the Earth, obviously i'm an atheist, but if someone wants to follow the teachings of the bible or any other holy book, then that's cool, who know's what the answers are to why we're here? certainly not me, nor anyone, including religion as well, even though that's what they claim, to know the answers, i don't buy it, but as i say, there's no 100% proof for a god nor is there for no god, so iut's just one of those things we'll never ever know

    But, i'm against organised religion, as they just exploit the followers who on the whole will be decent people trying to live out a decent life, but, the people behind the religion, the people at the top of the tree, they're the exploiters, the corrupter's, the paedophile protectors, the money and gold hoarders and so on
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You guys hit the nail on the head each in your own way because I think it's important to try to see where everyone is coming from. Personally I have quite a few religious friends and I accept their right to believe whatever they want just like they accept mine. So long as what I believe isn't hurting them and vice versa it's all good. In society though it isn't quite so peachy because agnostics and atheists are a minority in most parts of the world so it ends up being that they don't have a right to their viewpoint and are forced to dance to a different tune which creates such things as ridiculously harsh drug laws, the impedance of science, etc. I won't even get into the fact that in the olden days many of us would have been put to death for heresy like many many people. I also won't get into the fact that had that continued science as we know it would not have existed because as we well know it all started with the rejection of the church that started the scientific revolution. Also I have to agree with Matt tons of abuse hiding under the veil of dogma. It's a complicated situation because religions aren't okay to just do their thing, they want to push their views on society (I mean why do you think there is separation of church and state in many countries)...and even with that they get their way because in most countries they are the majority. It's a complicated situation and one that we will only solve by keeping an open mind.
  13. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I was hoping this thread would stay on topic and not veer off into religion...

    I will NOT offer any argument of religion here... however I will simply point those who care to look into the foundations of aforementioned religion to please read up on :

    1. Constantinople... and HOW they converted a great part of the 'then' known world by the sword..

    2. "The witch craze" - where countless women were murdered, tortured and raped with church support

    3. I do believe it was members of the same Religion who needlessly dropped nuclear bombs on regular civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki - a great atrocity - and it was not done by "terrorists" however they planned it in advanced and even printed propaganda to support it :wow:

    4. I can go on with a great long list of information that is usually hidden from public education, however... I will end here.

    again.. I am not offering any type of religious argument... simply pointing to little known HIStory....
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    What about The American Revolution, equal rights, women's suffrage, the scientific revolution, etc. etc. etc. A problem only arises when people stop having an open mind to what they're trying to change and think they know it all. I for one can admit that I don't know all the answers but I'm willing to ask the questions and open a constructive dialogue about it. A person like that would certainly not commit any more heinous crimes than the government of pretty much every nation on the planet since the beginning of time. Are you reading the articles I'm putting up? I don't agree that passive acceptance is always the rule. Oftentimes in history it's the fact the people did nothing and that's why they got nothing. It is very likely that if we do not act then we will not survive.
  15. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    1. Are you talking about Constantine the Great ? Because he just ended the christians persecutions and declared the freedom of worshipping by the Edict of Milan (313)
    2. The Malleus Maleficarum has been forbidden by the Catholic Church in 1490, later this book has been used by the secular justice to burn witches down.
    3. Who ? The Catholic Church ? I don't think so...
    4. Seems to me that you are not very well informed anyway. As well as much people here... I did not reply to any other messages as it was so full of nonsenses, lies and BS I would have wasted my time.

    History is written by the winners.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    See comment above yours.^^^
  17. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    The American president pictured above ... dropped 2 bombs on women and children in Japan... Apparently... winners made sure it was clear and widely publicised that women and children were killed...

    This is one of the "horrific things throughout history" ...

    Thanks for pointing out my need to become more informed Mr. Rotten "dry heat" AZ Hell...

    I will now do more research into the worlds evils... just random things that intrigue me ... including the infamous man who had a Catholic mother who himself was Baptized as a child... he later grew up to become Adolf Hitler... :bow:

    The world.. AGAIN ... I return to the topic... this world can NEVER CHANGE ... as long as we have PEOPLE BLINDLY FOLLOWING leaders... even as AZ states...

    "History is written by the winners."

    He was not 100% off target... Just think for a moment everyone... in what year did Thomas Edison invent electricity ?

    NO REALLY PLEASE TRY TO REMEMBER THE YEAR !!! Do it now.... then continue reading...

    Now ... see if you can remember what year the Wright brothers were successful with their first airplane...


    Now remember what AZ just said eh?

    "History is written by the winners."

    Think about it ...

    "History is written by the winners."

    Yet.... Pyramids have been looted and working lightbulbs several thousand years old were found inside ! Along with batteries... WORKING BATTERIES ! And Airplane gliders... all several THOUSAND YEARS OLD...

    yet... HIStory... tells us that two Americans invented electricity and Airplanes... how odd... 3 thousand years AFTER they were created in Egypt...

    Ooh at least one IUD was found there also... used thousands of years ago !

    This stuff may not be easily found on the internet... you can easily find it in VERY large libraries....

    How I love me some HIStory.... HIS STORY is great aint it thou :wink:

    I invite anyone to research in a large library the information I have presented and prove it is incorrect... If you find that the information about what was found in Africa to be incorrect then I will give you a free 100% legit copy with License of Komplete Elements ! (I have Komplete 9 Ultimate - no need for Elements)
  18. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Religion is yet another distraction to divert our attention away from the fact that we're all the same

    Just another tool the powers that be use against us to keep us all divided
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow I totally could have said that. :thumbsup:
  20. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    That's the spirit... you're very welcome, of course. :wink:

    Really ? Seems the Godwin point has been reached... what do we do now ?

    You can still learn about Hitler, though... and about Wall Street, BTW =>
    Then you can go on with this one =>

    Now, you can start your own analysis of why Staline is in the Yalta picture instead of Hitler... :thumbsup:
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