IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. funkdialout

    funkdialout Guest

    Agreed, John I sent you a new PM with the latest pack that has been updated.
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  2. funkdialout

    funkdialout Guest

    Sent you the update you were missing.
  3. Aline

    Aline Newbie

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Hi Funkdialout,
    I am interrsted too if any update since mid May.
    Thank you anyway..
  4. funkdialout

    funkdialout Guest

    You got mail
  5. aiccu

    aiccu Newbie

    Jan 5, 2023
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    Hello funkdialout.
    Can you share me toi? Would be awesome.
  6. zegraf

    zegraf Newbie

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Hi funkdialout,
    I would be interested to try this new pack.
    Could you share it ?
    Many thanks in advance.
  7. horst

    horst Member

    May 10, 2024
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    this might sound like a newb question, but do ya'll think one could achieve the ossom sound which the winstons had on their
    drums setup??

    finding the right drumset isn't the problem, but figuring out what mics and all that .. is the endlevelboss!

    any ideas / suggestions?
  8. Justboostit

    Justboostit Member

    Jun 13, 2024
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    Thank you so much
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
  9. funkdialout

    funkdialout Guest

  10. zegraf

    zegraf Newbie

    Jan 3, 2021
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    You roxx
    Many thanks
  11. Justboostit

    Justboostit Member

    Jun 13, 2024
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    Just wondering if the IK Mesa pack is encrypted in some way?
  12. ObZen

    ObZen Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    @funkdialout Can I get this pack too? :D

    I feel like 90% of the Tonex Captures are either terrible, or just average, it's really hard to find something good, even paid captures are mostly "meh".
  13. Justboostit

    Justboostit Member

    Jun 13, 2024
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    Might need to boost your input level. The DI tracks provided by Tonex are a good yardstick to judge by. They're pretty hot, if I run them into anything else I reduce volume by 12.5db.
  14. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Yep, this catches a lot of folks out - unless you're using super hot active pickups, don't be afraid to boost the input level quite a bit! I run mine at +11, and from the looks of it, anywhere between about 10-12 seems to be the sweet spot for most people.
  15. ObZen

    ObZen Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    I use only high-gain head/stompbox + head captures and I think it's not about the input level. I have to set it at -3 to avoid clipping when I pick really hard, but that's it.

    The problem is that even when the EQ-wise capture is almost perfect, I feel like the gain structure is just... wrong. It doesn't react like amps in Quad Cortex or even Helix. Captures in Tonex feel kinda flat and one-dimensional; the bottom end is kinda loose and compressed in a weird way, while the top end is dull and lacks details, also some captures turn into fuzz if I bump the gain just a little bit.

    Tonex is still a great piece of software/hardware, but compared to my tube amps/QC/Helix, it's kinda lacking, I have found a few capures that sound good, but pick attack and responsiveness is not really there and gain structure doesn't feel 100% right.

    Maybe I expect too much from the Tonex when I compare it to the real amp, or an amp modeled in a plugin/multi-effects processor.

    Hmmm... are you clipping with input set that high? Does it even matter if we get clipping in Tonex? There is no weird digital clipping when I clip, at least I can't hear it.
  16. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    I'll get an occasional clip red light if I'm using hotter pickups and picking super hard, but it doesn't audibly affect the tone, and I found that, for my guitars & interface, +11 gives the most true-to-life response for me, both in terms of feel and sound, so that's where I leave it set!

    It seems counter-intuitive to have to really crank the input gain like that, but it's kinda become the standard practice with Tonex.

    It defo sounds like there's an issue at some point in your signal chain. I use Helix a lot as well - the amps are great, but honestly I'd say that with good captures, I prefer Tonex for feel. It's close though, Helix is still fab, but these days I'm mainly using it as a pedalboard.

    With all the issues you're describing, it kinda sounds like you either have an impedence mismatch, or your interface (or something else) is messing with your gain on the way in?
    If you set your input gain correctly, Tonex is easily capable (with good captures) of getting like 95+% of the way there, both in sound and feel.

    Are you using crazy hot active pickups, bc I don't think I've ever heard of anyone needing to set Tonex to -3 to make it sound ok (also, how hard are you picking?!)

    Just another thought - are you comparing the tones you're getting out of Tonex/Helix to a real amp you're playing in the room with you? Because that's not the right comparison to be making.

    Tonex captures sound like a close-miced amp, which is a very different sound to what you hear in the room when you have a real amp turned up.
    Tonex/Helix/QC tones aren't designed to sound like an amp in a room, they're designed to sound like what a microphone hears when you stick one right up against a cab (which is a very different sound).

    Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, but that catches lots of people out, if they go in expecting a capture to sound the same as what the amp sitting in the room beside them sounds like.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
  17. Ilajdzamen

    Ilajdzamen Newbie

    Jun 14, 2024
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    Hello everyone, I am wondering if it is possible to use a Tonex pedal with pirated Tonex software? If, for example, I buy something official for that account, and I also have pirate licenses, can I be caught and be "pedal locked" somehow? (because I know that the pedal is bonded with a serial number)

    Also, every Tonex, even the smallest One, can use the entire library on the Tone net? (because I read that the SE version that comes with it is not so great)
  18. ObZen

    ObZen Newbie

    Jun 13, 2024
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    @Lube Bag

    I will test cranking input, reducing gain and ignoring some ocassional clipping.

    It doesnt really matter how my signal chain looks like, sometimes it's just a guitar>ToneX>headphones / studio monitors, but also I like running my stuff into SD Powerstage 700 and real guitar cab - ofc cab sim is disabled, also in this scenario it sounds much better if I use amp only capture, using amp + cab captures and disabling cab doesn't sound that good.

    I have over 10 guitars, with crazy hot, to medium and low output pickups, I use very heavy string gauges and I pick REALLY hard :D

    Tonex with an IR won't sound like real AMP in a room, but any decent modeller, and partially Tonex too gives me that real amp feel when I run it into the poweramp and a real cab.

    I am kinda experienced in these topics, but it always may help someone new, I am not saying Tonex sounds bad, it's 95% there :D, but I feel like there is a clear difference in tone quality between Tonex vs. QC/Helix.

    I use legit Tonex One + legit Tonex software, also added some "not so legit" captures from audioz, 0 problems so far. I think you can use Tonex pedal with pirated Tonex software, but Tone Net doesn't work on it, and most captures from the best version of the software kinda suck, some free ones from the cloud are much better imho.
  19. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Yeah, turning off the cab section of an amp+cab profile doesn't usually sound that good in Tonex, it's definitely preferable to use specific DI captures.

    And re: the clipping - like most stuff with music, it just comes down to what sounds good - honestly I don't worry about the meters in Tonex that much - just wiggle the input knob round til it sounds/feels good!

    There are difference between each of the platforms, for sure. But at this point, it comes down to personal preference, more than any kind of lack in quality on any platform. It's ofc totally cool to prefer one platform over another, but there really isn't any quality issue with any of them.

    I have noticed that in recent years that a lot of players, especially in heavier, modern metal kinda genres, etc, actually tend to prefer tones that diverge a fair bit from 'real world' tones. Which is cool, because it's just expanding the tonal palette of guitar sounds.
    But yeah, I've seen it happen quite a few times, where folks have preferred 'less realistic' modeller tones over real amps, more than likely bc they're the sounds that they're used to hearing on records, and they're the sounds that fit in the mix for a given song/genre.

    I'm wondering if that could be a factor at play at all in your case at all?

    I agree with you that the majority of the IK stock captures aren't that great - tbh I never really use them myself. But yeah, I think at this point, it really comes down to preference as to which platforms you like, we really are at a point where if you're using any of the major platforms (Tonex, Helix, QC, Fractal) the quality of modelling/profiling really isn't holding anyone back, whether playing live, or on record.
  20. Justboostit

    Justboostit Member

    Jun 13, 2024
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    It works better than you think, I did an experiment with a free IR capture vst that I got, disabled the amp on a capture, made an IR from the cab, loaded that IR with the amp, and it sounded identical to me. Try it.
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