3 extremely irritating things about Studio One!

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Engernettix, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Engernettix

    Engernettix Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    OK, So I woke up in a very good mood this morning and decided to finally finish off this album I've been working on within Studio One. Now im in a very agitated mood, Here is why. Also rather than this being a mindless rant, I am asking again for your help please.

    1. Duplicate instrument track so that it's fully independent (NOT Clone it). How could Pre-Sonus even imagine not having this simple feature? Fed up of saving music clips for every project.

    2. Odd Mixer Behavior. All tracks when renamed are listed in the mixer as there device names. I know this is pointing out I'm lazy but I'm getting annoyed and confused and here is why. When adding groups/Bus tracks studio ones mixer has a tendency to just put tracks where it pleases. Now combine this with pre-device names and this is pure confusion and to be honest just a pain up the backside. Mixer behavior has to be sequential by default not arranged in some totally unprofessional way otherwise whats the point in grouping tracks in the first place?

    3. Macro Bar. Studio one has a very nifty macro extension toolbar that is actually really good, apart from one thing. There are two Macro tool-bars - 1 on top of sequencer and the other above piano roll but only one can be opened at a time.

    4. Drag and drop browser and the Pool. Anyone who has a large VST/i collection should know this one. Pre-Sonus keep boasting about how efficient there drag drop system is and how it speeds up workflow but unlike the excellent tabbing file system for samples they didn't include this in the Instruments and effects. Sure you have chained effects which actually leads me to another question. How can you manage the chain layout?? The pool however is extremely extremely extremely simple.. It should be on par with Reapers especially with the 'not a real DAW' smear campaign that Pre-Sonus decided to do against Cockos. It seriously needs updating because there is a major bug with the relationship between assets and the pool files can be removed or overwritten, Especially when using Sample One at the best of times. Reapers Pool/Media bay is the best by millions of miles.

    Phew, Think I calmed down now. Please if you can help out a fellow user if possible on these subjects. I'm sure there are workarounds.

    Peace in.

    ps: OK so that was 4. LOLZ
  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    'bout instruments duplicating... yea'.. i wish we could duplicate the instrument tracks in a independent way and not by sharing the same instrument, so we don't have to load another instance of that instrument just because we can't duplicate the actual instrument in a independent way. It works only on audio tracks, but that's irrelevant [​IMG]

    I faced the naming/renaming problem as well, but it doesn't happen always. Sometimes if i rightclick a track in the arrangement view and rename it, it will get renamed in the mixer as well, but sometimes it doesn't so i have to go in the mixer and rename it there as well(that's how i fix the problem), its like you do two things to achieve just one [​IMG] So that's the only way i don't get confused, by renaming the track in the both arrangement & mixer fields.

    What do you mean by "How can you manage the chain layout?" :dunno: i've got confused a lil bit here...

    Presonus really needs to take these seriously for a future update... or else... [​IMG]
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    +1 for duplicate instruments, everytime i need to save & recall music loop to do that

    renaming for me isn't a big problem, a rename from mixer

    macro bar is good, my suggest is to assign "macro" to a shortkey, so you can recall it very fast

    browser in S1 is something amazing to my eyes, preview loops in sync is something really big. i don't get about chain layout

    S1 is good, but now with future versione we need a boost.

    In my opinion we need:

    Mixer Undo/redo
    Automations tensions, and a fast response to automations like Mute or bypass (sometimes isn't really good so you hear pops and stuff like that)

    *less important*
    Better Editor View (i can't really see where the bars are, so i prefer arrange view for editing)
    Rms/peak mode for the stock compressor (why just rms?!?!)
    internal pitchbend vst (so we can draw automations up or down, 3rd party vst like Pitchweel or Waves Soundshifter sounds like shit) or add this features to Impact. Sample one has got this features but miss fade functions

    I mean S1 is very very good, musicloops are something big EDM guys, like me, loves this features.
  5. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    I own Studio One 2 because i have a StudioLive 24. I can say i have never used studio one and when i do i hate it. To me its like those free things you get in a box of cereal. It just seems clunky/bulky and not very stream-lined or straightforward. And i am pretty good at messing with a program before saying 'forget it', but this one just didnt go. Love the studiolive, hate the studio one.

    I just cant find anything i want to find, cant figure out how to automate, just not my type of program. And i dont want to spend time to learn it when i feel more comfortable in another DAW and that has more in it than S1.

    Logic X is where my recording is. Much more logical in where things are (labelled and straightforward) in personal view.

    Maybe its just me :dunno:

    I have like 8 registration licenses for it and capture 2 and some free shit that comes with them both. Just cant get into it.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The GUI for the love of god the GUI. Don't they have eyes? :beg:
  7. happyshoppa22

    happyshoppa22 Newbie

    Nov 24, 2012
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    1. yep, sucks (i guess a workaround is you can clone the instrument itself, then clone track and assign it to the cloned instrument)
    2. yep, sucks (workaround is just forget ever having an organized mixer)
    3. havent noticed, i use macros a lot and no probs
    4. cant understand what you mean here

    easier than anything i've used. click the knob you want to automate, and drag the hand icon to a track. (or move the control on your midi controller, its like a built-in midi learn that keeps its mapping every time you use that vsti)
  8. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Engernettix have you posted this in "Studio One Feature Requests" forum.
  9. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Ok, anyone got an answer for this one? If I have a plugin open in Studio One, and then have a meter plugin open after it, is there any way to see the meter plugin at the same time as the other one, so I can see how I'm affecting the sound? I keep reading about using the "pin" icon to do it, but that only keeps the main plugin wrapper window open, and doesn't seem to make seperate windows for each plugin.. would love an answer to this one
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    If you pin the first instance and keep it's GUI open, you can double click the second instance (meter) and they both will be shown up at the same time, i don't know exactly what you did wrong here but it's a pretty easy thing.
    If that way still doesn't work for you, then pin the both tracks ('cuz it works) and just open both instances, they MUST be shown together with no problem.
  11. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Well sheeeeeit that was easy :mates: now one more question, is there a way to make that default behavior? Aw never mind, that wouldn't be practical, I was trying to get it to behave way the ableton does, but no such luck I guess...
  12. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Subject 1 (most important and professional)

    Presonus forum is full of posts about this argument an related feature request, from 2010 till 2014, still undone in last updates, obviously.
    There's a workout that seems interesting:

    in the Mixer window you can Control Drag the Instruments and it duplicates the instrument (VSTi)
    Quick and easy. Then just drag up to the arrange page.

    I still have to check it.....
    By the way, do you know how to forum registering (just to fill feature requests thread with this one...... :rofl:*yes* )? seems that without produkt key....... :dunno:

    But in the end (Catalyst said it) :wink:

    The GUI
  13. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I love studio one, even with all the faults. I dunno what the guy meant about not knowing how to do things, I figured most everything out and barely cracked the manual. Its really intuitive. The forums on the Presonus website are filled with complaints such as these. The staff there are good about getting back to you, but the company as a whole is slow to update their software with some of the more popular user requests.

    Yeah the GUI needs help. Bad. Its still better than Pro Tools IMO (The GUI I mean)

    One thing really annoying happens whenever I try to use Presonus's single channel sampler instrument Sample One. I used to use it sort of like FL studio's wrapper and just load all of my drums one at a time into it. I had to stop because loading multiple instances of this instrument with samples and then playing them back would always eventually crash Studio One. It would take a while sometimes, but my session would eventually crash, without fail. I tried Presonus's forums and they had no answer for me, just said they would fix it with future updates. They have indeed updated since then, and I even went and got myself a faster computer with more RAM, Sample One still crashes my session. I use FXpansion Geist now for my drums, which I actually love using. I'm curious to know if anybody else is having this problem with the Sample One instrument.
  14. brushuk

    brushuk Newbie

    Feb 9, 2014
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    well! i love studio one. :)
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I made this video for the guys who got problems with the sucking duplicating way of Studio One, also showing the renaming/naming issues or automation & assigning(dedicated to moonspace user :bleh: ) .
    Btw, i have no personal youtube account (yet) so i had to upload it on Zippy:

    video evorax.mp4
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    @OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Studio One isn't for you, go on with logic :wink:

    @Evorax thanks man

    same problem with Sample One. Sometimes crash with blank song and 1 instance of Sample One. I reported this to Forum and they said that the problem was my computer (both PC and laptop). Everytime i report a bug they act like "it is a Studio One problem, the problem is your computer". So i stop reporting bug and go back to music, i only use Sample One when i need a pitchbend effects like every EDM buildup.

    I can list same buggs:
    When select a range on automation and tried to duplicate the bar, sometimes S1 skips some dots
    Sample one crash
    can't copy past value from dot to dot (even if there is copy button)
    sometimes crash while closing S1, saying "virtual call error"
    Enormous load of Ram, my ram meters is always higher than my Cpu's one (i3 3,20 ghz and 6 gb of ram) and in some songs i can't use more than 2,4 gb of ram (this is real strange)

    win7 x64 i3 3,20 ghz 6 gb of ram
  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    1) +1 I don't know what the developers were thinking when they implemented this functionality

    2) +1000 OMG what a pain in the ass! Random positions when adding Buses?! I thought it was me doing something wrong.

    But still in love with S1 :mates:

    PS. sometimes strange things happen when I have vst's in the master bus, at least to me. They can be fixed bypassing and activating them again
  18. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    evorax and other guys, i noticed this thing a while ago but wasn't a big problem for me.
    in the top left corner i don't have 2 black box but only one (automations) while controller box isn't here. both pc and laptop with every resolutions, anyone know why??

  19. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Theres only one work around, that im aware of !! Logic Pro X :wink:
  20. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    @ Mostwest try adjusting you screen resolution
  21. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    @mykal has i said i have already try it

    on google images ("presonus studio one") i found others s1 with only one black box, maybe there is an option hidden or something like that. however it isn't a big problem, with one box s1 looks better :wink: