Postive feedback to great forum members but also constructive criticism

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Blendramos, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Blendramos

    Blendramos Noisemaker

    Apr 1, 2024
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    Hello everyone,

    As a Mac user, I'm posting this in the Mac section, but I believe it applies to the entire forum.

    I'm a relatively new member here, and I must say, this forum is a fantastic place for those who are adept at working with advanced computer systems. However, for beginners or those looking to learn from the experienced members, it can be quite challenging to follow along.

    My frustration level is through the roof, but I’m determined not to give up because I really want to learn. There are some members, like Clone, who genuinely want to help others, and their assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much, Clone.

    Now, back to what I wanted to address. I hope some members can write instructional guides in a clear and understandable manner. Many of us can read and write but still feel like "dummies" when it comes to following complex instructions. I am aware that most of you guys simply has no time but rude comments like " should I hold your hands or should I come home to you " are not helpful.

    Of course, everyone’s setup is different, and the issues that arise can be unique. However, there should still be a way to create instructions that are easy to understand and follow. These guides should lead to a final installation that works for most users. An great example is copylefter thread "Optimize OSX Performance for Audio"

    Terms like "codesign," "create a bottle," or "Permissions Reset to R-W-X for all users" are much easier to understand when put into context. Clear, step-by-step instructions would be incredibly helpful for beginners like me.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope the experienced members will continue to help people like me. I will keep asking for your help, and I hope one day I can be the one who helps others here.

    Best regards

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  3. guns and gold

    guns and gold Producer

    Feb 29, 2024
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    follow comments involved with sophisticated installs on az plugin listing pages. Start a note file for yourself and cut paste information relevant to your system and lines of questioning. Pre-posting, consider if your inquiries already definitely have an answer posted on the site
  4. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I agree, man. @clone is solid!
  5. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    Best Answer
    I would say it would solve many problems if members search to see if the question has been answered before asking, things. Also for general questions, like "which computer is best?". you would be better reading up on computers on the internets in general, using your favorite search engine, rather than starting a pointless flame war, and niggling over nuances of various cpus and memory buses, etc.

    This is a music forum,yes we do deal with computers, but only in relation to making music. A general computer question has most likely already been answered by searching the forum, or google etc.

    The problem with many newbies is they don't know, they don't know anything, which leads to frustration when they receive an answer they don't understand because they haven't take the time to educate themselves. When I was a wee lad, we had no interenet., if I heard or saw a word I didn't understand, I looked it up in a book called a dictionary, or an encylopedia. This taught me to not be afraid of things I didn't understand as they could be understood with a little effort.

    In the end, no one can teach you anything you can't understand, so the pupil must not only be open to learning but must also make an effort on his own to understand the topics that interest him. Never rely on a sole source for any important information, not even

    Good luck and keep learning, we were all newbies once..
  6. Blendramos

    Blendramos Noisemaker

    Apr 1, 2024
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    Everything you said is absolutely true.

    I can only speak for myself, when I first joined, I was a complete newbie to installations and system setup. I've learned a great deal since then, thanks in large part to the incredible community here. Clone, in particular, has been invaluable, and many threads, like Copylefter's, have provided essential guidance.

    Despite all this support, navigating this field can still feel like a jungle, even after reading countless comments and threads and spending months researching on google.

    It would be fantastic if contributors could always keep in mind that there will be newcomers discovering this amazing site. By being great teachers, they can help countless beginners, just as they've helped me.

    Thank you, Garamondo, and everyone else who contributes to making this community so helpful and welcoming.
  7. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Since you're feeling grateful, go ahead and give those posts a "Like". Clone's not in this thread, but next time he helps you, click this. Give Garamondo a like, too. :). It may seem silly, but it's a good way to say "thanks" (in addition to your words). There are ten choices there, but the thumbs up one (which is "like") is the best one to give if you appreciate help.

  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is the case @Blendramos. There are lots of people that would help, if you were asking about their subjects. Windows, or how to restring a guitar and I am of very limited use. It's not there yet, but soon enough AI GPT will be good enough where we do not even need to ask people things anymore. It's already mind-boggling how good it is for audio questions. If you see a interesting question you can't easily answer, try running it by ChatGPT just to see the results. Anyway, thanks for the mention. I am happy to help.
  9. Blendramos

    Blendramos Noisemaker

    Apr 1, 2024
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    You see Krameri, I was looking for a like button but I would not have been able to recognize it until you showed me where to find such a button. I saw only " Best Answer " " + Quote " and " Replay " and wondered why isn´t there a like button :)
  10. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Your eyes, ears, and mind seem to be open to technical ideas and help around here. We get some "one-post wonders". Some post a question and don't check back because they've posted the same question on five other sites. You can find yourself writing paragraphs to them and it won't reach them. I digress... keep your openness and I think you'll be fine
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