mental ilnesses

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kate Middleton, May 27, 2024.

  1. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    the people who suffer from mental ilness their life is very hard. i am just saying.. so many people who also dont talk about it
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  3. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
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  4. stav

    stav Member

    May 25, 2024
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  5. aitken

    aitken Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2022
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  6. ClarSum

    ClarSum Kapellmeister

    Aug 24, 2023
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  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Profound! You should write a book!
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  8. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Their friends and family will also have difficult lives and most won't know why.
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  9. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
  10. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    I may have mental ilness
  11. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    My mother and sister both killed themselves.
    I suffer depresssion and anxiety and self-medicate with beer and cannabis to survive because pharmaceuticals rob me of my soul.
    My philosophy is that I'm killing myself to keep from killing myself.
    Slow burn vs fast flash.
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  12. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I suffer from mid hard depression and I have had social panic attacks. Like @Kluster I used to drink a lot to avoid it, but I got hospitalized twice in week 2 years ago, so I decided quit playing around. I've also lost people because of mental illness and some of them no one didn't know, how bad things where.
    So if you have bad feeling, talk to someone anyone, get help. Worst thing you can do is to leave the burden to your close ones..
    Hug for everyone :mates:
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  13. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    I've been through shit I don't wish even for my worst enemies. The mind is a mystery, capable of great feats and also capable of self-destruction.
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  14. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    A big hug
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  15. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    What's this thread following?
  16. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    This is my everyday rutin jam in this style :) Enjoy life, it's short!
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I don't think I've ever met anybody without one, really. :sad:

    These days especially anxiety, narcissism, depression, insomnia, social awkwardness are rampant. I have all that. Possibly autism and/or attention deficit disorder. I've tried therapy but shrinks here suck all the way to hell ("get a job" she says entitled bitch, I'm 70% disabled on paper and 54yo this year). They gave me Diazepam for anxiety and insomnia which ruined me nicely. Don't ever take it if you can. Any benzodiazepams. At least try not to get dependent on it. Occasional usage should be fine, but regular can cause benzo-rage... you'll absolutely know when you get it. At least rage doesn't last and most things get back to normally abnormal when you stop using benzos, but it takes quite a while. I've been off it for 18 months now and think there's no better therapy than a relaxed marijuana usage. Helps a lot with day to day coping...

    Cheers! Take care!
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
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  18. arhythmtech

    arhythmtech Member

    Apr 18, 2014
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    my best friend growing up, who taught me guitar, had extreme mental illness. he showed up at my house and told me i am archangel michael, and i have to die so i can go to hell and defeat the devil. this was about 13 or 14 years ago. hadn't spoke to him since. he ended up taking his own life a few months ago. the night he died, i didn't know he died yet, but i had a dream about him. my dream was that he was sleeping on the floor, and i woke him up and asked him if he wanted to go to the comfy guest bed, he tiredly said yes. told my wife about the dream, after we found out he died, and she suggested it was a message from him, telling me he was tired. at his wake, i spoke to his dad, and his dad said "i haven't told anybody this, but it's a relief he's gone." he had been living with his parents the last few months. they were afraid for their lives too.

    it's an extremely unfortunate thing, mental illness. affects everyone to a certain degree. madness has created such beauty in art and philosophy, and has destroyed so many in relationships and ways we can't comprehend.

    everyone has their dose of "mental illness". some embrace it, some hide it very well, some are debilitated by it, and it destroys some.

    i remember reading some study saying how musicians are a certain % more likely to be affected by it.
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  19. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Audiosexual

    Aug 14, 2022
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  20. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Actually that is a very GOOD idea.
    Writing down stuff can be very enlightening and possibly helpful.
    It might also lead one into places one should perhaps avoid ... but nothing is without risk.
    I'd say, don't ever go halfway down the rabbit-hole.

    So, here is a rabbit hole, protected by a spoiler :rofl:
    Don't examine life in a casual or lazy manner or accept half-assed philosophy.
    There is a saying that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" , but "a little philosophy" may have proved to be more detrimental both on an individual level and on a global one. I feel that the worst of wars were begun by "a little philosophy" being whispered into the ear of someone either coming to power, or in a couple of cases the philosophy inherent in the an ideology that grabbed hold of millions of people.
    Some may say that "philosophy" is how we sum up our ideas, but that is not quite right.
    Philosophy is a great tool for tearing apart ideas, but provides no answers of its own.
    Philosophy, done properly, can destroy any particular philosophy, so it is really a not the best idea to pick a "philosophy".
    Although different philosophical ideas can be tools in building a "view of life', the result seem to be what's called "ideology".
    How accurate, realistic, and comprehensive that ideology is, determines how well it will serve us.
    Unfortunately most ideologies and bits and pieces, assembled for utility during certain situations and abandoned at other times.
    We usually don't examine our ideology critically in order to reshape it for our benefit, but instead we grab at others' ideologies that seem like they will serve us in the moment.
    Thinking about what we think and HOW we think is important.
    WRITING AS WE ARE THINKING so that we may look back for errors or how what we think changes, can be very important, too.
    It is difficult, but just forget all punctuation and do your best.

    My own experience of writing was not due to "mental illness", but I believe more of a stimulation of certain areas of my brain that might lead to what some call a "***igous experience". I would say it was mid-life crises experience, as the age was about right, and I'd known some feelings of stress from loss of old lifestyle and seeking a path.
    The cathartic moment occurred due to a realization that i'd made a sweeping error about life: I'd unconsciously passed judgment on life ... but not so much for others, but for my own life.
    That realization was MADE "real" by the example of a person whose very existence was a slap in the face to my arrogant judgment.
    It only takes ONE disconfirming example to blow apart a hypothesis, and her life was that example.

    So, I began with shame and fear to confront my errors...
    I realized I'd better begin writing down everything that passed in my mind, however disjointed or silly. I knew that I'd made mistakes and I wanted to find out what other things I thought might be wrong ...and even if the whole experience I was having might be some error or trip into insanity, due to the emotional aspects.
    I wrote a note at the top of the first page to forget about punctuation or corrections, and began to write.
    Over the next 3-4 weeks I slept little and worked 6 days a week often for 10-14 hours per day.
    I began to study about emotions and the brain, and that led me to begin studying so much more.

    I was ashamed to have been so arrogant , even if mostly subconsciously, and mostly about my own life...
    Later I would realize that if I could make those errors about MYSELF, how dare could I judge anyone else in those ways.
    That would eventually to a deeper understanding (although frustrating of my vengeance) of what we are psychologically.
    I was also afraid of what else I'd been wrong about ... As if my own life's potential was not enough, I quickly became worried that even many factual things I assumed would turn out wrong. That was true but was the most enjoyable (and joyful) aspect of my journey.
    I finally became interested in learning, in a way i didn't even know existed. I was motivated to understand.
    That was because I felt pressure inside to understand my emotions first, as I was experiencing such intensity.
    Then, because everything really is connected, I began to learn about the brain, and biology and many other things.

    Skepticism was a key for me. When I realized I did not have to be cynical, just because truth was not easy to come by.
    I began to learn who to trust, about what things, to what degree ... and to not expect from people what they can not give.
    I learned ways to forgive humanity, and even myself ways I had not even known to exist.
    THAT is what skepticism allowed me. I now understand WHY we are so prone to error, and mental illness, and everything.
    I understand not none of us CHOSE to be who we are when we popped out of the womb.

    Those understanding do not lessen my punitive instincts, but certainly change what I feel are appropriate ACTIONS regarding crimes and violations of all sorts.
    While it took me a few months to really feel I had changed as a person (and was not just in some temporary state of mind), certain things became clear early on. At the very beginning, I called my brother and told him I didn't know what was happening to me mentally, but that I felt there was some sort of power in it. That feeling is what made me not try to run from it, but to face it and allow myself to die and be reborn as old assumptions and even feelings dropped away and were replaced by better ones.

    While most mental health issues are related to emotions, they are NOT SEPERATE from intellect, and what we THINK has a profound effect on how we perceive and judge our emotions, and the more realistic our ideas and understanding of the world is the better we can manage our feelings about it.
    Understanding who and what we are as humans, especially emotionally, can be a great tool in managing our emotions.

    Nothing is more important that our emotions.
    They are more ancient and far more powerful than our intellect, but our intellect can be a useful helper to our emotions, if it is aligned with reality.
    If our intellect is NOT aligned with reality , trouble will follow.
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  21. azz

    azz Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    It seems that the intestinal environment has a great influence on the psyche.

    I want to have my intestines transplanted with the poop of a person who sweats at the gym in the morning, works 16 hours, then goes to a nightclub to do cocaine, and then goes back to work the next morning.
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