Live 12 Memory Leak Help

Discussion in 'Live' started by DT990PRO, May 20, 2024.

  1. DT990PRO

    DT990PRO Noisemaker

    Nov 1, 2023
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    Ableton Live 12 keeps on climbing in RAM usage even in the background. On an empty project the RAM useage will climb about 50 MB every 20 seconds up until Mac OS warns me that I've ran out of memory at 40 GB usage.

    I've reset Live as detailed on Ableton's website. I've updated the OS to the latest version, I've tried disabling all plugins and restarted. I've tried disabling Max. I've also tried deleting the live database. I can't think of anything else I could potentially debug and I'm lost as whether to downgrade to Live 11.

    Live 12 starts at about less than 1 GB RAM. Then it slowly increases the longer the application is open even when idle and the audio engine is off. The memory leak problem stays even when opening/closing a project. The longer Live 12 is open the more RAM it consumes up until it crashes.

    I can't seem to find any similar stories online about this bug. Has anyone experienced any thing similar and have managed to resolve the issue. Need unofficial support please.

    Ableton Live 12.0.2
    Mac Mini - M1, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD
    Mas OS Sonoma 14.5
  3. DT990PRO

    DT990PRO Noisemaker

    Nov 1, 2023
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    FYI it turned out to be a corrupted default template.
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