A Question About Bobdule's Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by semix, May 21, 2024.

  1. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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    When I download the Bob Dule version of Kontakt, can I use the cracked libraries I downloaded from the sites?

    Because some of them have warnings like "full version of kontakt is required". Also, can you tell us a little about the .nict issue?

    I heard that it is easier to install libraries in the portable version, is this true?

    I'm new to this. I would be happy if you help. Thanks.

    Last edited: May 21, 2024

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  3. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    well have you tried?
  4. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    The cracks are for the full version. The not full version is the Kontakt 'player' which is free but lacks a lot of features.
    Just keep an eye on your antivirus - its gonna delete all the important parts. Remember some files are modified so they look like they are infected. No viruses from Bobdules stuff ever. You should grab TEAM R2R Kontakt Manager too - move the librarys to where you want to store it and a double click will install it. If you have a Komplete keyboard, do not use portable. Portable is fine if you want to run from an external and take to other PCs. But I have never had any issues with the installed BD version. Also, try to spend some time making music as opposed to getting lost in library hoarding :D It takes me hours just to preview all the sounds. But collecting is a fun hobby too.
    Also thank you Bob, bought you a beer ;)
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  5. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Bob is a good lad, he deserves a beer, I've been using his Kontakt releases for years now.
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  6. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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    BD's kontakt and R2R's Kontakt manager. I think I understood correctly.

    Thank you for this explanatory answer.

    Well, can you give some explanation for extensions like nci, nki? Even if it's a summary, it's ok
  7. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Best Answer
    I just installed on a non music PC to better describe the process/battle.
    When you extract Kontakt, windows will give virus alert. You need to open windows defender. Click on Virus & Threat protection, And go to Protection History. We will need to go back to this page several times. So remember it. For the alerts: click where is says high or severe and either click allow on device or restore(check it is related to Kontakt mind you :) ). When it extracts the files it scans. When you open the folder to look at the extracted files it can do this again. So do the same then too. When you run something in the folder, yup, windows can do it again. So run the install. Once finished. run the patcher. Go back to virus and restore if it gets deleted. When it fails to run, go to defender and allow it. I have tried adding exceptions but windows seems to prefer to ignore users preferences.
    Now that you have konakt installed, right click on the desktop shortcut and open file location.
    Here you should see another utility called Kontakt-Button - create a shortcut to this. If you dont see it, go into windows defender again and find where it deleted that and restore it. (You are winning if yu get this far)
    The kontakt button has lots of tools you need to make things a bit easier. Still not as easy as the R2R Kontakt manager in my opinion, but not far off.
    For your NKIs you can create a nicnt for them easily. These are generally user libraries where they have not paid NI for an offical entry in the NativeAccess.xml - the only tricky thing is you need to create an 3 digit id code for it (snpid). This can not be one used by an offical plugin, nor can they be repeated with other codes you have created. this is why they are not that great for sharing once made. D00 - D99 and E00 to E99 are fairly safe to use. Dont use just numbers. Just click on Nicnt Maker, copy the file Nicnt Maker.exe into the root of your library for the NKIs, not the whole library, then run it. Thats all there is to making a nicnt - they are nothing special. If you use rack view and want a nice graphic. search for any premade ones, or make your own,- all you need is a file called wallpaper.jpg, 522 x 98 px (with a border thats gets hidden in some views) - template attached here.
    This is just my preferred way of working, I am an enthusiast and have probably missed easier ways. But this works perfect for me. Of course once I have my ncint i use the R2R Kontakt Manager by double clicking on the ncint to install.
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  8. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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    Dude, you are a perfect person. Thank you so much.

    Before you, I only knew how to use it in a DAW, but after your messages, I learned how to install it and how to add a library.

    I hope things go well for you. Thank you very much.

    One last question: Where can i find Nicnt Maker? i found this, is this ok?
    Last edited: May 22, 2024

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  9. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    nicnt maker is part of the Kontakt Button - its in the folder kontakt was installed into. If you dont see it, windows defender has struck again. I think the one you have if it works is fine.
  10. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug

    This is your battlement scenario not hardly anyone else's. Folks have been installing scene Kontakt's (and the libraries thereof) for years and never had any type of "alert". Probably because a looooong time ago most ppl's have realized that warez, and a/v's, firewalls, active internet connections, and all other autonomous OS/app updater's, services, and the like do not mix. When these items are kept away from each other life is MUCH easier. just sayin'...
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  11. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    NO back at you.
    When someone asks for help, the most common issue is anti-virus. For years people ask "where is the patcher?". For years people say "this download has a virus.". So hardly anyone else experiences this? A search shows you to be wrong there.
    Also I state in my post that this is my experience, I am hardly going to post someone elses am I? Did I make things up?- no! - I went out of my way to install this on a pc that did not have Kontakt on it so I could document the way this works step by step when installed for the first time on a typical PC.
    I prefer to be annoyed by an AV than rebuild my PC every-time something slips through. Not everyone has the luxury of a dedicated non internet connected, no anti virus music pc. I notice you offered nothing positive, posts like that are not helpful and I don't like them. You implied I was wrong as opposed to saying you do things a different way. What I do works well for me and has for years.
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  12. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    The libraries are not cracked. They are untouched.
  13. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    It's not a problem for those that do not allow it to be a problem. The "hardly anyone else experiences this" part occurs for those that have researched and come up with solutions to such problems. That's all...
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  14. palepools

    palepools Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    one time I tried to help a homie out with some plugins on his PC. oh god. a NIGHTMARE. now I know I'll NEVER switch.

    Once you've exhausted all the avenues you can based on your reading here(there's tons), you can totally message him. I have in my noob days and he was super helpful.
  15. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, for years people have been whining, or rather, talking about the false positives that are well known and presented/mentioned/and acknowledged by those releasing the software you have been desiring.

    None of that is new.

    You can trust R2R or not. You can spend time judging different teams scenes etc, and figure out the wheat from the chafe and get a better idea of what is questionable or not.... but being online with this, and certainly while working with it.... you are riding commando out there without protection.

    @saccamano is right. Not only, as I said, and he said, does every noob with their first patch get concerned about AV alerts and whatnot etc as it goes, which is fair, but things have to be learned, and people should take a little time to, and not having your working system kissing the internet is ~"the way"~.

    That is if you want a working, consistent, protected, and secure system, as its how it's done, and there really aren't a whole lot of if's ands or buts about it. Sure, people get lucky for long stretches.... but not the way I would like to live.

    And sure, you can get cute, and of course we all use firewalls and little snitch and Lulu and host block and VPNs etc etc... and you can do other things, but really.. nah.. problems are easier avoided if you make it real tough, or preferably, impossible for them to occur you know?

    And I don't mean to go on a tangent, and I get you are just talking about AV's 'reporting' and whatnot.... but that's noise... and has to be reiterated all the time in threads.

    And I get most people as hobbyists etc who tinker once in awhile don't want to have another system or even boot drive or can be bothered to turn off their wifi etc... but locking your doors is of paramount importance in a world that really is out to get you... (and that's not paranoia speaking, it's just good plain sense :) )
  16. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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    You were right. I got virus warnings while installing and Windows Firewall was a bit of a hassle. :)
  17. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    One update on the latest releases: if the standalone works, but the VST doesnt, run the patcher again. if you use the aax, you may need to runit a third time :) Thats what I am reading elsewhere.
    Thats as bad as Sex Panthers 60% of the time, it works every time. :D
  18. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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    What abaout a library setup? Do i install the library like a normal setup?
    Last edited: May 25, 2024

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  19. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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  20. Bahmanyar

    Bahmanyar Member

    May 11, 2023
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    Yes you can install those have a setup file and you can drag and drop NKI files for those don't have installer OR you can make them a NICNT file and download wallpaper of that library from here and make a Showable Library in your Kontakt. You have to research about how to make one. its easy
  21. Nuktuk

    Nuktuk Newbie

    Jul 4, 2024
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    Hi there everyone, I'm gonna try to be as straight forward as possible so not to waste anyone's time. I downloaded the most recent version of BD's Kontakt on his website, installed it as closely as I could follow the instructions and whenever I load an instance into my DAW, any library that I haven't paid for says "Demo."

    I have uninstalled Kontakt altogether and re-installed, to no avail. Also worth noting that one of the libraries was working perfectly, but at some point it changed to demo too? I have literally been trying to do this for going on 8 hours and it's really a pride thing at this point lol I would really really appreciate someone explaining this to me on a kindergarten level, I will answer any questions about my OS or versions or whatever that you need me to, I just can't seem to get this working on my own. My main question if it's the only one that gets answered is how can I make the new "Cracked" libraries out of demo mode?

    I'm using Windows 11, FL Studio (Paid), and I have read at least 8 different threads in their entirety, but I am missing something. I also had a few questions that I'd appreciate someone clarification on if you have the time :)

    1. I read that you have to download a version of Kontakt 5 to add the libraries, then use Kontakt 6 to actually use them. I believe the thread I saw that in was from 2015, so it could be outdated information. I just didn't want to install Kontakt 5 and Kontakt 6 on top of my paid version of Kontakt 7. (I mention that I paid for it because it may be the reason I'm getting "Demo" on the non-paid libraries but I'm not on the paid ones.

    2. Some libraries I've installed only work with Kontakt 7.0.0. Does this mean I simply won't be able to use those libraries yet until Kontakt 7 is cracked, then I would need to install/use the cracked version of Kontakt 7 for both paid and unpaid libraries?

    If there is some kind of recent tutorial for the base installation of cracked Kontakt somewhere, I would greatly appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I feel so defeated after trying to do this all day and essentially getting no where. Thank you so much in advance :)
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