Just installed Omnisphere, but it won't accept STEAM folder location. Any help?

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by ChuckCallum, May 1, 2024.

  1. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    My friend i will help you get this sorted, i apologise as i had to pop out or idve responded to your reply sooner

    let me browse the responses youve had so far to narrow down your problem

    i can tell you this "dont panic we will get it working sharpish"

    i give u my word, "ish" although im confident, very confident in fact
    Things can go wrong depending on On certain variables
    so gimme 5 mins my friend
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  2. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    The symlink thing should work too, but you're just chasing your tail with all of this until you can establish initial integrity of the STEAM folder with the plugins. Moving STEAM to a EXTERNAL drive is NOT recommended at this point and should only be attempted once you have proper integrity established. Try moving the thing BACK to the original position that was established by the installer. At that point if security is seemingly still a problem you MUST set the permissions of the entire pathway to the STEAM folder and all sub folders of STEAM as FULLY available to ALL users. Verify each folder level if you have to (which is why I always endeavor to keep the STEAM folder as close to the Drive:\root as possible) if the STEAM folder is buried in sub-levels as this is what is required.
  3. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    The reason we do this and move the steam folder to another drive is to conserve storage space

    i can absolutley assure you that you are incorrect..

    You can place the steam folder to any drive you want, and then point to it,

    if it doesnt work then its due to you moving the steam folder after install and messing it up!!

    and just because theres a folder called steam within windows , for fucks sake dont put it there

    ive been installing and unnistalling, and then updating and relocating steam folders for 10 years
    I know exactly what im talking about, nor do i need to use caps to make my point, do as you wish. your wrong though
    More than that your very very wrong

    Perhaps i shouldve said "dont install omnispheres steam folder to an external drive if you dont have a clue what your doing"

    reason im getting arssey is this buisness with omnisphere is an incredibly tired subject

    im telling you flat out your wrong and im not bothering to convince you otherwise, i dont have the energy to explain what 2x2 equals

    its not an algebraic equation
    well for me its not and my install method has worked for me since its very first release and many many others

    contradict me at will im not engaging , im bored by this now
  4. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Sure whatever dude. Maybe if you actually read what I wrote instead of blathering.... farewell.

    to the OP:
    just make certain where ever the STEAM folder is placed that system, user, and administrator accounts ALL have FULL permissions to the entire folder and sub-folder path and you should be good. good luck.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You should try reading what he posted. he is saying you should get the plugin working with STEAM folder in it's default location first.

    That way when you move it, you know what you are even breaking. Get it working default everything first. That's not bad advice.
  6. ChuckCallum

    ChuckCallum Newbie

    May 1, 2024
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    Hey guys, thanks for getting back to me. If you see my initial post, I was initially trying to install it on the C:/ drive when i wasn't having any luck, but it was actually the very first reply from @saccamano that suggested I move it OFF of the C:/ drive to save space. Regardless, as @jynx has said, I don't think it really matters as long as the permissions and ownership are set properly. This is where I'm convinced I am messing up.

    I've given full control to the system, user and admin accounts. And ownership to my user account, per my last post. I've noticed that the the checkmarks are blue and changeable under USERS, while they are grey and unchangeable under ADMINISTRATORS (and SYSTEM as well).
    Screenshot 2024-05-06 215750.png Screenshot 2024-05-06 215918.png
    Does this mean anything or am I just clueless here? @saccamano @clone

    @jynx thank you for your input! You're welcome to chime in as well if you've caught up from my initital post yet.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm on Mac, and my Omnisphere is legit so I have probably only installed it 2 or 3 times in total. But I have helped a lot of people with their broken installs on Mac just like this thread. You can move the Steam folder and content where ever you want. After you install it correctly, it is simple. The last time I installed it, I let it install all the Steam content to my internal SSD; even though I already had it on another external.
    When you have a legit version, and want to install everything by just downloading everything again; they charge you 10$. I thought that was ridiculous, so I figured I would at least get get my 10$ worth of their bandwidth and downloaded the entire thing from their server.

    Then I moved it, and 1 link later; it worked flawlessly. Once you get mired in a bunch of mistakes; it becomes complicated to unravel them.

    Someone on Windows can help you. But I would uninstall it. Remove it with Revo, and start over. "Fixing it " isn't faster at some point. I'd have already had it done 3 times in the time you have been screwing around with it.
  8. ChuckCallum

    ChuckCallum Newbie

    May 1, 2024
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    Fair enough, @clone. Would Revo remove the STEAM folder as well, and if not, would you recommend just deleting/redownloading it??
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm on Mac, so I do not know the full extent of Revo's magic. But if I ever switch back to Windows it will about be the first thing I install.
    The idea is to just roll back to before you attempted this installation. So you are installing in brand new condition, with no traces of the old install. (The way R2R tell you to install nearly everything). This is what the guys above were posting about.

    I think you could maybe even leave your Steam folder how it is, but move it or rename it so your system cannot "see" it. Install the plugin completely from scratch. Then at some point slide your Steam folder back. You could maybe even move it back to the default folder location where it normally installs it to, before you even begin the fresh new install.

    Something like that could save some time. But if it is not too much a PITA, I would start completely from scratch.

    The content of your Steam folder is not causing your problems. It is the program and where it is pointing to find your Steam folder at. I have no idea what they have already had you do. Did you even try running the Standalone version before all this?
  10. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    I'be been in the same boat and I agree with the above. At this point I'd uninstall (Revo is great) and take the install SLOW. I'm no idiot with software but I messed up my first install and got in a right mess. So after a similar trial and headache I deleted and reinstalled and yes it all worked fine.
    A few weeks ago I installed Omni on a new computer, I knew what I was in for if I made any mistakes, so took it slow and made sure I read every word of the instructions and yes success.
    In my experience, and for what it's worth, unpicking this beast can be too tricky and too time consuming and the install instructions are very good, but it is easy to mess up.
    At this point I'd clean up the drives with Revo, switch off, and set a good chunk of time aside to reinstall. With the knowledge you've gained so far will help you with any issues on the next intall, just take it slow.
    Good luck and yes you will get it to work.
  11. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    This error looks like it can't find the Steam folder? You can simply check if the link is correct by double clicking on the c:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\Steam.lnk file. If it opens the Steam folder it's OK. If not you need to recreate the link as I described.

    You should primarily grant the access rights to the account you're going to use for running Omnisphere. But you can also use the 'USER' group because by default the accounts you create in Windows are member of the user group. If you open 'lusrmgr.msc' as administrator you can view and edit all users and groups here. You can for instance make your user account member of the administrator group. But I would only do this for testing because security wise it's very risky to use an admin account for also everything else like email and Internet browsing.

    For checking access rights in lower levels just go to for instance (this is where my Steam folder is):
    G:\ProgData\Spectrasonics\Steam\Omnisphere\Soundsources\Factory\Core Library\Composite Morphing\ Just right click and check properties>security. Your account or group should also have full access here and on all other sub directories and files as well. Just check a few locations to see if they're all correct.
  12. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Revo will most likely not delete your Steam data folder. But to be sure you better temporarily rename it before you start Revo so it will leave it alone? It's kind of a waste to download 60+ GB's again if you already have it? (That is, If you only have Omnisphere! Mine is about 195GB because I also have Keyscape, Trilian, Bob Moog and Sonic Extensions).
  13. ChuckCallum

    ChuckCallum Newbie

    May 1, 2024
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    Unless I'm misunderstanding, yes, the every instance of Omni I've opened to locate the STEAM has been the Standalone version. But yeah, I'll listen to you and @MarkyMW and give Revo/reinstall a try. Thanks for yall's patience!

    Yep, exactly. I'll hold onto the STEAM folder and just do a full uninstall/reinstall of the program. Everything you've suggested above, from the functioning .lnk to the full permissions, was already set up correctly from endless trial and error, though I appreciate your input! I'll have to stop chasing my tail and just start over I think haha.
  14. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Yes definitely! :) If you know everything is correct with the Steam data folder the only thing left to investigate is the program itself?

    One thing left to mention maybe that I didn't before? Make sure your versions (Patch, Soundsource library and Software) match. Keeping up with Spectrasonics updates is a real bitch!
    I know you downloaded (probably the latest?) 'MORiA' Software, but I'm not sure what version of the database you have? Because the latest software version also needs the latest Patch and Soundsource library versions! I've personally never tested it if when it doesn't match it won't work? So I'm not sure it will produce the errors you've had? But if you see something like this in the release notes:

    Read This Before You Install

    • Omnisphere Software 2.8.6c or higher
    • Omnisphere Soundsources 2.6.2c or higher

    This may well have to do with your issue? That your software version is not compatible with the version of your database?

    Anyway, first reinstall the program and if you still have issues we'll dive into to wondrous world of 'Spectrasonics Updates'....
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  15. ChuckCallum

    ChuckCallum Newbie

    May 1, 2024
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    Hey @RachProko, I think you're on to something considering I also got this error after all the STEAM-related ones.
    Screenshot 2024-05-08 131308.png
    I'm pretty confused as to what the "Database" is. But I've just noticed
    The Omnisphere software download is: Omnisphere Software version 2.8.5f
    The Core Library download says: STEAM folder with Omnisphere 2.8 FACTORY LIBRARY
    Omnisphere Soundsources v2.6.1c
    Omnisphere Patch Library v2.8.1c

    Was this the issue the entire time? That the Software and Library versions are incompatible? If you have a moment to explain a bit, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
  16. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    This is probably the issue you are encountering? Check your inbox for a possible solution.
  17. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I Apologise!!
    If im brutally honest i was having a seriously bad day/ bad week, or month even!!
    I didnt mean to be so sarcastic or unhelpfull
    You didnt deserve that , so im sorry, genuinley

    If you still need help pm me
  18. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    NP @jynx we all have our off times, hope you're feeling better now? While I fully agree with you that this can sometimes become "an incredibly tired subject" you must always realize that we've maybe done this dozens of times over the years and by now can do it with our eyes shut.

    But people new to Spectrasonics' applications with it's maze of version numbers, compatibly requirements and file/folder locations, and the different suppliers of cracks can quickly get overwhelmed?

    But I sure do understand your frustration when people say things like "it's not recommended moving your Steam folder to an external drive because of this or that....?" We both know know it really doesn't matter where the Steam folder is, as long as Omniphere can find it?

    Anyway, I managed to solve the issue with @ChuckCallum. There where basically 2 issues:

    1. The structure of his Steam\Omnisphere folder wasn't correct. Some folders where in the root, others were in the right place. All folders in the root were moved inside the Omnisphere folder.
    2. His software version wasn't compatible with his current database (Patch Library and Soundsources) so I send him a link to a download with the latest compatible versions.

    He moved the Steam folder to an external drive and It seems to be working fine now.

    Thanks all for chiming in!
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
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  19. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Although ive installed omnisphere and its updates for many years
    "I will say that its best to leave the Steam folders location alone after initial installation and scanning of the sources/patchbanks etc"
    Ive personally always put the Steam folder onto an external drive, and only ever had issues if not updated in the correct order!

    And theres exactly what i was speculating the problem to be
    So So Sooooo Many users>
    "including myself many years back"
    Made mistakes regarding correct database updates that directly correlate to the version your running. resulting in Steam folder issues
    Anyhooo you can as you well know put the folder on the Moon if you wanted to. >
    "As long as You can Point to the location"
    "And potentially change the read/write of your external SSD Also"
  20. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    I fully agree with you when it comes to newbies not sure how to do things. But in fact It really doesn’t matter where you put the Steam folder as long as the Steam.lnk is correct.
    I’ve seen some cases where it can happen that the registry keeps the original link rather than the actual one linked in the Steam folder and then it can get confusing for some inexperienced users? Updates won’t work because the registry is leading and insists to install in the default location, where it can’t find the Steam folder, because it was moved to a different location. The solution is to simply correct the registry key.
    So in that respect I fully agree with you. If you don't understand these concepts? Then don't move the Steam folder!

    It actually totally doesn't matter in what order you install the updates! It doesn’t matter if you update software first or last or patches or soundsources in between. The only thing that matters is that all three versions you’ve eventually installed are compatible. The release notes of the updates will clearly tell you what version it needs to be able to work with one another.

    And to debunk yet another myth that seems to linger on? All the updates are cumulative. So if you have 2.8.2a installed and want to update to 2.8.2h, you don’t have to first install 2.8.2b, 2.8.2c, 2.8.2e, 2.8.2f, 2.8.2g before you can install 2.8.2h? You can just skip all that and just install 2.8.2h.

    Another thing to consider is: Versions with time bombs? And there's where it gets really weird and confusing!!
    Because I've had versions where people stated they had time bombs after 10 minutes where I just couldn't find one issue after hours of use? But on the other hand there were people stating "this is the most stable version...EVER" and any patch I saved in my DAW (Cubase) it just wouldn't remember it?
    So it might be DAW related, who knows?

    So one additional advice I can give you?

    If you have all your Spectrasonics versions working perfectly alongside? Count your blessings and only update to a newer version when there is an urgent reason. Don't just jump on any new version that appears. This new software version just might not play nice with your DAW and ruin everything?

    Also, if you feel everything is working flawlesly with your newly installed versions, always make a backup of your Steam (data) folder and your C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\ folder.

    With these you can always go back to where you were so happy...before it all went sour.
    Last edited: May 18, 2024