Recording vocals with our without compression

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Bobbky K, May 4, 2024.

  1. Bobbky K

    Bobbky K Noisemaker

    May 4, 2024
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    Hi all
    Is it best to record vocals with our without a compressor.
    Most advice says to use compression when recording, but what advantages does this give over adding compression after recording.
    What if the compressor settings are not quite right, or it has some adverse effect on the vocal, then the take would be ruined.
    Does it not make sense to record the vocal raw, then any post processing can be undone if its not right.
  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    typically you would record both a wet and a dry signal, that way you have a plan b if your wet mix isn't right.
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  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The technique mentioned @Garamondo Furbish offers you a safety copy if things go wrong. To avoid things going wrong in thr first place, take the time to properly adjust the compressor settings for the performance being captured. Light compression is usually best for tracking.
  5. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    you also might need a 3rd fx loop to send back to the singer with some reverb on it, some singers prefer to hear it as it makes their voice sound fuller.
  6. Bobbky K

    Bobbky K Noisemaker

    May 4, 2024
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    Thanks that's great advice.
    So from your answers I take it that its preferable to record with compression.
    What advantage does this give over adding it afterwards?
    Is it just to save CPU power?
  7. SacyGuy

    SacyGuy Producer

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Hello, Bobbky, I started a thread some weeks ago asking for good hardware compressors to record vocals because I trully prefer to record With the compressor.
    For me, the results are much faster and better. It helps the singer to get on the mood and improves the interpretation
    I usually record a short take, than listen to it and make the adjustments I think its necessary.
    In my opinion, its not about saving CPU power, but the time adding plugins to the channels or bus.
    If the results are not good, you can always correct them with the plugins, because the compressor is not like an Efx like delay or reverb (that is possible to correct too, but with more work)
  8. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Your concerns about recording raw tracks WITH effects (compression, echo, reverb, etc...) are completely valid. If the setting or effect is later needing adjustment you're SOL because you're stuck with what you recorded (unless you are recording a second clean reference track as a backup). If you're recording in a 32/64 bit float mode you're completely safe recording WITHOUT compression (as long as you're not overloading any hardware stages - i.e. mic, input pre's, etc...). If your level is too low or too high in places in float mode there is no danger of distortion or extra noise even when doing radical level adjustments or compression/limiting AFTER the fact. This is the main selling point behind 32/64 bit float. You can have a track that was recorded way over (or under) modulated and reduce (or increase) the level at a later date without any repercussions at all.

    That said, aesthetically during a session some compression may be favorable unless your vocalist is VERY astute and skilled in proper mic technique. The recording of a second CLEAN backup is still recommended.
    Last edited: May 4, 2024
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  9. ChemicalJobby

    ChemicalJobby Ultrasonic

    Apr 24, 2024
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    I record vocals with my vocal effect chain active so i can hear what they will sound like once its mixed - i can change the settings after since i've non-destructively recorded the audio
  10. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    If possible I set-up a monitor mix to the vocals and give the basic controls to them ("set volume here, set music level here, set reverb amount here, set compression amount here") so they get a comfortable with their monitor mix for best performance. Not that helpful for live recording though.

    Then record the dry signal and the compressed signal separately, if the vocalist likes it overcooked, then I can mix the signals as needed, or tweak a parallel setup later.

    Also the monitor mix balance is bit of a dark art for me, seems to be a lot of thoughts about it so I just wing it to make the singers happy. But some people say emphasizing the rhythmic elements makes for more aggressive and loud voice, and emphasizing the harmonic sounds (say sustained cleaner chords) makes for a more nuanced and tuneful output.
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  11. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    If you're using analog gear, i strongly suggest compressing through the recording process (with something like CL1B, Summit TLA's, LA-2A, very smoothly) because it will need less chops on the mix.

    If you're tracking with plugins, i'd go for compression only if affects the vocalist performance (a very dynamic song, with lots louder and quiter moments). If the vocalist doesn't miss compression, i prefer avoiding it at that moment, because i will have more control and can be more picky on the mix.
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  12. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    if i had a hardware compressor i would definitely use it.
    would be one signal in my current setup, just for chopping a few peaks, very light settings.
  13. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Late to the party...

    I'm only recording myself these days. That said, I have always recorded with a hardware compressor after the mic preamp, lately with an opto LA2A type, and before for that an 1176, and before that my sweet old Joe Meek VC. I guess since I've been doing it long enough I can sing to what the compressor is doing and not slamming the needle around, backing off when needed and generally using good mic technique. If your singer has a feel for what they're doing go for the comp as it can make the take sound like a record which is nice to hear in the cans. Depending on your compressor type, a VCA, an opto, a Mu tube version, etc, you'll be able to dial in the appropriate settings as to not go overboard and not mess up a vocal take (let's do it one more time 'cause I fucked up isn't generally a good thing). You can always use a software comp to taste when you mix.

    I no longer remember his name, but Barbara Streisand actually had an assistant engineer fired while recording an album for strapping a compressor on her vocal track. A prissy diva and a purest who only wanted the listener to hear what she wanted them to hear right then though in the following there is compression. She was like the greatest though, at the upper echelon of vocalists.

  14. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    I think you hit the nail on the head when you mention good mic technique, its really helps give good input for whatever processing you do or don't do. It takes a while to learn but, its worth it.

    I think Bowie was a better singer than streisand but you know, he was also a composer so he knew what he wanted out of a song.
    also Janis Joplin was fantastic for her brief career, would have been interesting to hear what she would have done if she put the bottle down for awhile. Still "cry baby" from festival express

  15. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I cried the day that she died. It was also the first time that I did a Qualude, an original Rorer 714 that my next doory neighbor gave me (a senior and a cheerleader, Elaine...I was only 12...WTF was she thinking?) Janis too, David too, up there with the best ever. I smell a new thread cooking! "Your Top 5 Favorite Singer/Songwriter" I was oh so sad.

  16. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    yeah I had a friend who dropped out of school an joined the army at 15, he went awol and brought home some LSD. so I dropped acid when I was 15, that sure changed my life. it was weird that time, not the acid, the whole world in late 60's, early 70's. so much music, so many people dying between the war and the drugs.

    But yeah, a thread - best ever singer songwriter would certainly be enlightening and entertaining.
    also we could do a poll, top 5 drugs before you were 21... (grin)

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