What is the point of freedom of speech without freedom of action?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The King, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. The King

    The King Guest

    You can talk from morning to night or type with your hands, but none of these will even cause a direct movement of a molecule.

    Freedom of speech is only good for expressing thoughts, but without freedom of action it is of no use. Freedom of action in social reality is severely restricted and paralyzed by too many laws. No matter how much you talk, without action it is just a waste of time.

    I know that in the real and social world there are lots of defects, but there is no practical way to fix them and nothing can be done, let alone being able to freely implement different ideas in real life.

    Unfortunately, the leverage of power and wealth always hinders everything, as it has been in the past. A person who has power and wealth can freely do whatever he wants, and anyone who does not have it is practically deprived of this work.

    It is the same in the forest. Strong animals have the weaker ones under their authority and if the weaker ones want to disobey the rules of the stronger ones, they will be hunted and eaten.

    Do you think freedom of action is a fantasy or can it be achieved in reality? Can reality tolerate freedom of action?

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  3. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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  4. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    what is the point in freedom?
    what is the point in action?
    what is the point in speech?
    what is the point?

    choose inaction, choose silence, choose a point, choose nothing.
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  5. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Beautifull poetry
  6. The King

    The King Guest

    = Death ?
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  7. soundog

    soundog Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    What is the point of freedom of speech without freedom of action?

    Well ... you're free to threaten to beat the crap out of someone, but you aren't free to act (without consequences).
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  8. The King

    The King Guest

    Freedom in the real sense does not exist in the physical world. Freedom is only a part of the fantasy world that we create in our minds. Even many times we ourselves are not allowed to build this virtual world and the powerful build it for us.

    The mental world is like a playground where no matter what I do, no one will be physically affected and nothing is moved.

    The physical world is only for the powerful people who have capital and other powers. Those powerful people hire a number of people called game makers, novelists, filmmakers, etc., and encourage these people to create a virtual world so that we, the users, can be entertained with the product created by them.

    The real world is ruled by the forces of the powerful who do not give any freedom in the real world to ordinary people. And as I said, the only freedom given is the game that we play with our fingers in the virtual world.
  9. aschnt

    aschnt Platinum Record

    Feb 6, 2021
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    *munch munch*
    Words are the bridge between mental world and physical world, they're both ideas and actions. So in a sense, freedom of speech already implies some form of freedom of action. But anyway, everything is cyclic freedom is no exception. Closing a dam reduces the flow but doesn't stop the current. It generates great forces which given the right circumpstances can have it burst. Social laws, societies, ideals, values, freedom... this is all constantly evolving. There is no definitive solution for any of these or any of the problems we may face. Only thing we can be sure of, act upon, is ourselves.
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  10. hansolo

    hansolo Newbie

    Aug 17, 2022
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  11. guns and gold

    guns and gold Producer

    Feb 29, 2024
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    just.... terrible

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  12. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
  13. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    "Freedom" in the u.s. is an orphan. If you even threaten to do bodily harm to anyone, and the one you threatened was recording you or has witnesses to the effect and decides to call the pig-police on you you're taking a ride to jail. It may or may not hold up in court but you CAN be arrested for it. Freedom of anything since the "patriot act" has gone down the tubes. Stupid humans in the u.s. are willing to give away their civil rights because the u.s. govt (which is a corporatocratic shadow govt. by the way, it hasn't been a democracy for decades) tells them the fake terror threat level (using a color chart:rofl:) on the evening "news". That "news", also being controlled by the same corporatocracy who invades foreign countries against the will of the people, etc ,etc... This is the current reality. Those who allow themselves (ones who listen to govt and media without question) are controlled subconsciously by fear being constantly pounded into them thru the corporate media.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
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  14. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    There is no freedom of speech:no:
    Political correctness and virtue signalling ensure that.
    We are prisoners of the current social and political zeitgeist at any given time.
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  15. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    Ahh... I remember my philosophy class as well! Good times.
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  16. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    this comment was written under the side fx of the cov vac :deep_facepalm:
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  17. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Beat me to it :)
  18. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Bro is about to start a whole discussion just to feel good about his dick flashing urges.
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  19. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    When most people quote Freedom Of Speech, they tend to leave the rest of the legislation that follows. Nothing you do is without consequence. If you exert your freedom and it impacts on someone-elses rights, such as the human right of being able to live a peaceful life, then you should be sanctioned. You are free to have any beliefs you want, be they racist, or homophobic, or religious, but if you take action to cause distress to someone else, then you should be in trouble.
    Even if you think something is right, it does not mean that other people think that. Some people believe in god. Some people don't. Both sides believe their view is the correct and only one.
    You can't moan that you should be able to do what you want without consequence. If their was freedoms without consequence there would be a lot of murders.
    But its not that complicated, Just don't be a dick. And leave people of different opinions alone.
  20. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    He beat you? That's not allowed!
  21. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Exactly. So goes our right to PEACEFUL PROTEST as well (a constitutionally guaranteed right). We saw what happened when that right was exercised at the dakota access pipeline protest (and pretty much every other protest that has happened since 11/22/63). Or when ANY third party tries to DEMAND access to the national voting debates. The pig-police get called in to squash it as they do the bidding of the corporatocracy. The corporatocracy makes the laws that the pig-police enforce. We the people have no say in that at all (we are supposed to under an actual democracy, but the u.s. is NOT a democracy). We the people have no wealth with which to grease the congressional wheels who are turned by the richest 2% of the population and the mega-$ corporations. They determine what your freedoms are and you have pretty much ZERO say in how that whole corrupted process works.
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