FM Synthesis Advice

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by reziduchamp, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Lol... Who the fuck is Khufu? ... Funnily enough though he has Ra in his cartouche, so he has to 'be one with Ra'... I think they have no idea what all of this means when they've translated it, but when you see them written on these structures it looks more like a description of the tech, not the name of a king. I mean, a circle with a dot in the middle, how can that not be Pi ??? Its blatantly obvious. They put it on heads to say 'knowledge of Pi'.

    Menkaure is levitation I'm certain of it... I've just been chatting to another AI. You can't tell when its mocking you with its answers, its so patronizing its ridiculous, but its calculations are that the upper chamber inverts the wave and the two waves create phase cancellation as we know it - or standing waves, which a different AI already calculated the same... But I've no idea how reliable that is and how much was down to me leading it both times.

    Funny that you mention the circle being a full sinewave, flipped. They also used a half sine in Khafre, as well as the full circle, which I think might be the machine that created perfect circles in Egypt. I think this is the machine that makes the drill cores and its written right there. Nobody can read any of it because nobody understands FM...

    But yeah, if they were using sound as their technology, and they had thousands of years that they experimented, you have to wonder what they could have achieved. Did they ever make a bell sound? :) "Sorry boss, just so I'm getting this clear, you want us to spend 25 years hauling bricks 500 miles so that you can ring a fuckin bell?" ... "Its digital, its fuckin shite".

    Menkaure-images-1.jpg Menkaure-images-2.jpg Menkaure-images-3.jpg Menkaure-images-4.jpg
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Are you implying that a pyramid was built to build itself? Which came first, the pyramid or the pyramid?
  3. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    the egg of course.

    no egg, no pyramix!

    pyth.. pyramid.
  4. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Kind of. There is an evolution of the technology in sound design. Khufu has 4 oscillators plus harmonics in the roof. Red Pyramid has 3 oscillators. Djedefre has only 2 chambers, so its likely an early version of the saw tooth... These things evolved...

    Menkaure is probably one of the last built. There will be predecessors where they learned. It looks like Bent Pyramid came before Menkaure and was also levitation.

    As for the rocks around the outside, you'd build the oscillators first. Then once its functional you build the rocks around it... No idea why. Maybe it was noisy as fuck and this dampens the sound?

    This kind of thing needs an evolution path. It can't just spring out of nowhere. They probably figured out with those sticks how to levitate small things... But we also see mud bricks, which probably gave them levitation in the first place. All the mastabas reach into the Earth and take its energy above ground into chambers. So they were harnessing that energy as a fact. You can see these on 3d videos. Their incredible as a 3d map, its eerie. I'll find you a vid if you're interested.

    So the pyramid came after mastabas. Usually you get these things everywhere in the area, they call them the burial chambers because somebody graffiti'd there and put a body in, but they have the same sonic signs, chambers like the pyramids. Its likely that they took mastabas and added channels to create cutting and levitation. There's probably a few early versions of levitation knocking around. We know this is a real thing, 'standing waves', but we can only float tiny things. These were using the Earth's energy, 8hz, so probably a bit more powerful than a 40khz tiny little wave bouncing off a wall.

    Menkaure does exactly what we are now doing, bouncing waves off a wall. They both start at the same location and enter the room above.

    None of this just springs up. Its impossible. I think you discover these things by accident somehow. The sawtooth has to have been an accident. The names of the pyramids seems to say something about this evolution in the cartouche, but its not consistent enough to understand.

    I think we've been staring at this for thousands of years but nobody can see this relevance. We can move things using sound with Helmholtz, we levitate stuff and we're looking at cuts everywhere and sawtooth generators. So although its hard to wrap our heads around, because of how complicated FM is, this is totally feasible. They wouldn't understand sound design as we know it now, but they wouldn't need to. Just build some bricks until it makes the noise that you're after. Once you have the tech you keep upgrading, like we do with VSTs ;)