Stackoverflow- Anyone from here active on Stackoverflow?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Thotu, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Thotu

    Thotu Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2021
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    Any fellow musician active on Stackoverflow? I need some help.
  3. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Platinum Record

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I used to be way back, then their moderation policies started killing good answers and some people started taking their mod hats as some sort of divine providence I stopped contributing. Now they harvest comments using AI.

    So no, I'm not active there anymore. Sometimes they have something useful, but still.
  4. pdbf

    pdbf Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2024
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    Was active for a decade, up until roughly a year ago. LLMs and GPTs are now the better resource for me. What's up?
  5. ringthane

    ringthane Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2014
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    What they said above. Plus, SO was fucking toxic. I'd rather spend my time at KVR, which is saying something.

    I haven't visited Stackoverflow in at least a year. Finetuned my own GPT and much happier/saner.
  6. The King

    The King Guest

    They only work based on existing data and are unable to discover new things. They can produce nonsense and cannot discover.
    The producers of these tools are playing the role of old thieves. Information thief. They use human data and reformat and reproduce the same data in a different ways with some changes.

    The naming of artificial intelligence was wrong from the beginning. Humans value the word intelligence and react enthusiastically to anything that has the name intelligence on it and it is attractive to them. Based on this emotional fact unfortunately, the producers of these tools have resorted to a trick in naming it and have chosen the name artificial intelligence for it to mislead and deceive all people.

    Unfortunately, in today's world, most people are busy deceiving other people. And they use every trick they can think of.
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