Two Kontakt 7 issues

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Thomba, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Thomba

    Thomba Newbie

    Dec 24, 2022
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    Issue 1: Very slow start

    I am using the great bobdule version.

    It actually takes ages for the Kontakt plugin to load-up. And by ages, I mean ages (a couple of minutes). Interestingly I have one annoying work around. The Kontakt libraries are situated on an external SSD drive. So when I activate Kontakt, unplug the SSD, wait for Kontakt to load up, plug-in the SSD again, reload the libraries it works. Hmmh.

    Any better solutions available?

    Isssue 2: Kontakt libraries do not appear in the new design version

    Obviously Kontakt 7 has two design approaches. The classic one - here everything works. The new design version. Here in some cases the Wallpapers don't appear, But most importantly quite a few libraries don't appear at all.

    Has anyone got the same experience?

    And yes - it is rather annoying that in the Komplete Kontrol software a lot of libraries don't appear at all as well.But that is a different issue. I know :)

  3. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    #1 definitely seems weird. Was it always like that or did it start after installing or modifying something else? Obvious question maybe but needs to be asked...
    BTW does your workaround make Kontakt load quicker, or is it required to make it load at all? I would test temporarily moving everything to your internal drive and taking that external SSD out of the equation to see if that makes a difference.
  4. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    If you are using the newest Kontakt 7 from bobdule, I suggest rolling back to the previous version. After upgrading my libraries started taking a long ass time to load (even in a SSD), because that version wants to wait until the entire thing is in RAM before letting you touch the interface again. This is not really your issue but might be related to it somehow.

    My actual suggestion is to do a total cleanup of Kontakt, delete everything related to it and install it again. Mine once started crashing randomly and nothing would fix it, only got better after a full cleanup and reinstall.
  5. ippudo

    ippudo Noisemaker

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Which is the problematic and the well-functioning (Bobdule) version?
  6. tragediana150

    tragediana150 Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    I've got the same issue with Kontakt 7 from bobdule. And it is a problem only with the Kontakt 7. Kontakt 6 and 5 is loading without any issue. My setup is quite the same like yours - Kontakt on local disk and libraries on External SSD. In my case Kontat 7 is not loading at all when the disk with libraries is connected. When I unplug the external drive with libraries, the Kontakt 7 loads normally. Then I connect external drive and refresh the content in Kontakt 7 and everything works. But it is not a solution because when you create the project with couple of instances of Kontakt 7 and you are trying to open it after you save it, you can not do that because Kontakt 7 is not loading. When I unplug the external hard drive, the project will load but without libraries so you need to load the libraries again and every settings, presets and edits are gone. The strange thing is that I have got the same issue with the original Kontakt 7 and original libraries on external drive and the NI support do not know how to fix it... :/
  7. Thomba

    Thomba Newbie

    Dec 24, 2022
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    Hi. Thanks for the responses. I followed your recommendation. Cleaned everything using revo. No change. Start up ... is terrible. Some libraries (there is no logic to it: Some hat a nicnt file, some I created one myself using a tool) do not appear in the modern look overview in Kontakt.

    And of yourse - the stupid Komplete Kontrol system does not display quite a few of the libraries anyway.
  8. Thomba

    Thomba Newbie

    Dec 24, 2022
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    Well. That sound exactly like my situation. I am running an SSD Thunderbolt drive. Could that be the reason?
  9. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    For Kontakt 6 the Bobdule Release is the best for 7 the Portable Version works best for me but i use it only for the libaries that need 7 all older Libs i open in 6.80 release. In my opinion Native messed it up 6 was loading way faster etc. than 7 is.
  10. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    I don't think so thats the fastest external way to connect an harddrive. The problem is something in 7 as 6 does not have such problems.
  11. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    v7.6.0 has the issues I mentioned. v7.5.2 is the previous version, where it works fine.

    As for Kontakt in general, version 6/7 is a fucking mess. Going VST3 only messed it up in numerous ways, such as forcing you to have an SSD even though most libraries work just fine in an HDD. Try exporting anything loaded from an HDD, and it will crackle, an issue that wasn't present in Kontakt 5. Native Instruments is a joke.
  12. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Best Answer
    One thing that might be worth trying is moving the Kontakt VST to the same disk where your libraries are located, then you create a symlink/folder junction to have it populate back into your VST folder without having to add a new location in your DAW.

    Kinda like this:
    1. create a VST folder alongside the libraries in your separate SSD
    2. move the Kontakt VST to this location (assuming it's the VST3 from now on)
    3. open cmd as admin, run: mklink /J "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Native Instruments" "E:\VST3" <<< example location, Kontakt VST3 should be inside this folder - the command will error out if you already have a "Native Instruments" folder, you can change the folder name to anything you want if that's the case
    4. if you now check inside "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Native Instruments", the Kontakt VST3 should be there

    Long shot, but maybe if the VST is in the same place as the libraries, it will load easier.

    Edit: make sure you move the VST instead of copying it. Your DAW will ignore the duplicated plugin if you don't make sure the VST only exists in the separate drive alongside the libraries.
  13. Thomba

    Thomba Newbie

    Dec 24, 2022
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    Thanks for your consideration - but did not positively impact my problem :-(
  14. titomotto

    titomotto Newbie

    Dec 19, 2023
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    I'm having the same problem in a new i9 laptop with Nuendo 12, it was working fine until today.
    Please......... did you fixed it? Anyone fixed this issue?

    EDIT: I'm uninstalling the last plugins i installed, i most probably installed an old plugin i should have not... i also think opening a Cubase 8.5 project may have something to do with this error, i just don't understand how

    EDIT2: i renamed the folder with all my libraries on the external drive " - Kontakt " to "Kontakt" and rescanned/reinstalled the libraries. Now Kontakt opens again with the external drive both standalone and vst3, but still this is not a definite solution as i don't want to do this every time this happens.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
  15. boingy99

    boingy99 Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2021
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    I only use portable Kontakt and I haven't found a version of K7 with the new view that will load any of my libraries.
    My K6 installation is fine. The lib manager with K7 sees all of the libraries just fine but the app itself will not load them. it does start parsing presets but freezes up or crashes after about 5 minutes. I tried a bunch of stuff but nothing worked so I figured I'd just wait to see if a subsequent release fixes it. I've got 5 or 6 libs that require K7 but everything else still works fine in K6.
  16. Sag

    Sag Newbie

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Had same issue with external SSD, Kontakt wouldn't load, but renaming fixed it.
    1. Plug in your Hard Drive.
    2. Change your library's folder name (don't matter what you rename it to)
    3. Open Kontakt, check it works (It open but your libraries should be missing/errored)
    3. Register all your libraries again with Kontakt Manager.
    4. Don't open Kontakt when Hard Drive is not connected, If you do, it will bug and you got to do all these steps again.
  17. 3R4Z0R

    3R4Z0R Newbie

    Apr 26, 2024
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    Use the portable K7. Users have tons of speed issues with Kontakt 7. It's basically scanning all plugins on your disk, before:
    1. Instantiating
    2. Opening the GUI

    I have no idea what magic vkDanilov did (apparently ripping some of these parts out of Kontakt), but it will solve all your speed issues.
  18. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    I have the same issue .. but it's just with the first load of the plugin I can duplicate it at a pretty fast speed. "On FL studio 21" .. what I do is make a template so it may take a min or 2 to start the project but once I'm up and going everything works as intended
  19. deaman

    deaman Ultrasonic

    Aug 19, 2013
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    I'm going to jump in here with my experience, but I am not at the studio computer.

    Anywho, I remember having this problem until I read about people discovering some "extra file folders" unrelated to Kontakt "in the Konrakt folder, but I don't recall the specific folder.

    I looked in that folder and found some extraneous library folders, or some such, where they didn't need to be.

    I removed them.

    Slow start up problem, solved!
  20. 3R4Z0R

    3R4Z0R Newbie

    Apr 26, 2024
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    That info would indeed be interesting to have!