AudioSEX Rules

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by Andrew, Aug 3, 2015.

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  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds

    Welcome to AudioSEX, you can now proudly call yourself a member!

    Now it's time to introduce you to how this forum operates. But first, let's talk about what you can't do at AudioSEX:
    • Linking to, requesting or trading Warez is strictly prohibited; topics like "why no one cracked that" or "have this been cracked" will be treated as requests.
    • Rating Spam is considered as abuse of our rating system.
    • Strong language and profanity is allowed only when not directed towards members of our community.
    • We do not allow starting political discussions because they always end up with fights.
    • offensive speech against the SCENE or Release Teams
    • Only one account per user is allowed
    Your very first post is going to be moderated, just to prove you're not a spammer.

    Search Before Attempting to Make a Post
    Please search the forums before posting, our internal search engine may not always give you the results you're looking for. In that case, use Google like this: [search entry]

    Choose Right Categories
    Be sure to post in correct category. It's not always easy to categorize your thread. When unsure, post it to Lounge and moderators will move it, in case it clearly belongs elsewhere.

    - Section Specific Rules -
    Selling / Buying Forum
    This sub-forum was made as a bulletin board to trade personal hardware or software by digital license transfer.

    We do not take any responsibility for anything that happens between you and another party;
    just as we are not responsible for anything taking place in your private messages.

    Single licenses can only be sold/transferred once.
    We despise selling warez, so don't even think about reselling libraries here, you will be banned for this.

    - General Information -
    While we are against censorship, be aware that your posts may be edited by moderators at their discretion, to fix formatting, rename, move and/or delete threads accordingly, remove violating paragraphs, comments etc.
    Constructive criticism of anything forum related will not be censored, as long as it's in full compliance with our rules.

    We ask all members to use common sense when commenting. e.g. excessive foul language, personal insults, explicit pornography, spam, discrimination, xenophobia, serious sociopolitical issues, religion (etc.) cannot be allowed, for obvious reasons.

    Solved / Best Answer
    If you posted a question and got an answer, please mark the most best one (obviously) as Best Answer. Your thread will not be closed in the process, don't worry.

    Avatars must be within 150x150px and not larger than 200KB

    UserName Change
    If you wish to change your username, you can ask one of our moderators

    Quotation of Violating Comments
    Please do not quote comments that you believe are violating our forum rules. Use Report button instead.


    Each and every of your posts can be rated, keep that in mind when posting. More positive ratings gives you benefits - for 250 likes you'll also get a trophy.
    You can also rate other people's posts:

    Love it


    Warning System
    When a member violates our rules, moderator will increase that member's warning level, which maximum level is 5 points.

    Depending on how hard was the violation, member will receive according amount of warning points as follows:

    0-points - Content rejection
    Includes: Offtopic discussion, duplicate posts, topics in wrong category, more than two comments by the same author in a row (merging posts)

    0-points - Dishonored content
    Includes: Flat-earth theories, non-political conspiracy theories, questionable statements about increasing fidelity without providing evidence (ex. power cords make audible difference)

    Includes: Non-satirical trolling, starting political discussions, warez linking, quoting violative comments, excessive strong language towards non-member

    Includes: Public insults towards member or staff, strong language towards member unless satirical, labeling anyone using a offensive stereotype, racism, abuse of rating system.

    Includes: Insults towards staff.

    Immediate ban
    Includes: Incitement to violence, stalking, doxing, spam, repeated violations

    We emphasize that warnings are not subject for argument, members receive objective explanation with warning notification and there should not be any further discussion on this matter, whether they agree with that warning or not.

    Additional Notes
    We are not responsible for anything that happens in your private interactions with other members; the internet is full of scammers, so please be aware and be sure to do your due diligence before buying a plugin from someone or sending money for any reason. :guru:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2024
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  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I would also like to answer some general questions that our member @Nick12 has asked me.

    A: you can simply put the @ symbol in front of member's name, like this - @Nick12,
    or you can use the Quote / Multi Quote link above every post.

    A: you can read about it in detail at wikipedia, but in general - you don't even need to think of them, because we have a toolbar in the form where you write your comment/post which manages text styles for you without understanding bbcodes, that used to customize your text:
    so you type some text, select it, push B (for example) on the toolbar and your text gets bold.

    A: Remove Formatting is used to remove any customizations that we've just covered above.
    for example, we select the text we've just bold in example above, press Remove Formatting icon and your bold text is normal again.
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  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    obsolete rules:
    Commercial advertising on any of our forums is not allowed. (Does not include self-promoting threads and links to personal websites/SoundCloud pages. Only commercial content is regulated)
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  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    • Funny Funny x 3
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