Best monthly Subscription model for VSTi Instruments

Discussion in 'Software' started by stavt, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. stavt

    stavt Guest

    I'm looking for the best monthly subscription model for vsti instruments (guitar/bass etc) - not for mixing

    which one you would recommend?

  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    R2R zero dollar subscriptions.
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  4. grrrr

    grrrr Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2012
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    wellington, New Zealand
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  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    For sound content, I agree. There aren't that many of them to start with. Most subs worth considering are effects.
  6. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Possibily someone can explain me (warez culture noob) people on here that both are into the combination of both are into finding bargains or best offers for plugins when at the same it's most likely you are here because you also get R&R relases and such and can get them for free. I would guess that if someone wnats to to support a creator, then the bargain or tbest offer will not support the creator as much as the regular price and if you do not want to pay it, then why not get it for free? I mean you did not ask for any of these things...but best in whcih terms>? I am curious how value for money really "matters| in a place where things are free?. If you want to have the product, you can likely get it for free. Maybe I am missing something..but it seems like there are 2 worlds existing at hte same time in here. It's like a thief wanting to know what is the good deal is in the store, while he can just get it for free?

    To be clear, I am not judging anyone or anyone's actions, but rather actually try to understand the line of reasoning.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
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  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Obviously you have no comprehension of "Try Before Buy". Also, there are lots of things you cannot get "for free". A whole lot.

    Maybe you enjoy a "free demo" only costing you your personal information and an email to get spammed at? Most people do not "go 100% legit" all at once. They buy things as they can afford to, or when they actually need them.

    How do you know someone on this forum with 3 posts is not 100% legit to start with? And who better to ask about software you are thinking about buying, than a bunch of users who have tried them all already?

    He asked about subscriptions for software, not for your moral analysis of the scenario, because who cares what you think either way?

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  8. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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  9. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    - I meant to express I do not understand something, which is something else than a moral analysis of anything as there were no morals involved in anything I said. Maybe I should have be more clear that I was actively looking to understand it by expressing the parts I did not understand the line of reasoning. Thank you for somewhat explaining it to me though and it's always good to know no on cares wbout what I think apparently..?
  10. GeoffreyMcJefferson

    GeoffreyMcJefferson Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2023
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    The words "good" and "subscription" shouldn't even be used in the same sentence.

    Subscription is cancer. Don't support software you can't own a personal copy of. The whole reason they make it subscription based is so they can own your ass, as opposed to you owning the software.
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  11. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    I was told back in the nineties, that products will be replaced by services and I didn't believe it, because Shirley, I mean surely not everyone wants to rent products forever. It's good for the developers to have the customer on a hook with full control over the product, but that control is now missing on the receiving end, the customer.
    On the other hand, what are you going to do if really need that specific software, that doesn't have a alternative for work and pirating it is not an option.
    It's tricky.
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  12. 4096

    4096 Platinum Record

    Dec 9, 2022
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    I think your best bet is acquiring good plugins one by one (as I do). I mostly buy second hand, because the prices are much better and sometimes you can even find a once in a lifetime deal, that's how I got Eventide Clockworks (and I still feel like crap, because I don't allow myself to use it because "they're too expensive to use", which is a weird excuse, right? even though I paid less than 20% of their price) or SSL Essentials for 25.

    I do have to say, when you "own" the absolute top of the line plugins (and I own a few, because of the insane deals I got on them), you start to realise that you don't really need them.

    Anyway, sorry for my ramblings.

    My advice is to always research sales, look out for the best one (and never buy it if it goes higher - this is very important, don't ever allow yourself to buy anything if it's higher than the historic low on it) or buying on buy/sell forums.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
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  13. mino45

    mino45 Kapellmeister

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I don't think there is a good subscription model for instruments really. Most subscription services only offer a limited amount of instrument plugins, if any. I don't think it is a good idea anyway. If you lose the sound source once you stop paying, you might get in trouble later on. Sure you can bounce all the channels, which is a good idea regardless whether you own the instrument or not. Still you might run into problems later, if you can't go back to the sound source because your subscription has run out.
    Plus they could stop offering certain instruments completely at any given time.

    Then again, you don't really need an insane amount of VST instruments and most of the ones that I do use regularly you can't even use with a subscription program. There is always the option to wait until you can get them second hand or grab them when they are on sale.

    Personally I think “rent to own” is a far better concept as you will eventually own the product. Especially when you can just pay for it when you are actually using it, and your payments add up until you finally own the product. I think it is something that could be much more successful and more prominent.

    It depends on how the subscription model is designed. With Plugin Alliance for example you get a certain number of plugins that you can keep after your subscription is over. For me that meant that I had the subscription for a few years. Now I own all the plugins that I actually use on a regular basis, so I don't need the subscription anymore. I think that is a fair model somehow. It enabled me to check out and test all the plugins and settle for the ones that fit my workflow.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i refuse to use any subscription services for audio plugins.

    I already see how bad it is for games.
    Take Ubisoft, you pay 20€ to play something for a year, sounds good, but it will get worse, when the service ubisoft connect is simply down for half the day, suddenly u notice, there is zero control over what you have paid for ...
    Or you want to play offline, Sure you paid for it, but in offline mode, your sub is not stored, so you basically can play the game only in free mode, which is stupid ... Lock everything down to have full control over the product and additional, redirect userbase if you decide to pull the trigger on the game ...

    another issue is that if any company decides to take down a service, they can do that at every time, no need to let any payment time run out, you paid for something you cant use.
    take a game for example: companies made sure that the user has zero control over the software, like any authorization is needed to use the product for an amount of time or you are always required to be online.
    For games this is fatal, the game would need a fully server side coded by communities, but companies like ubisoft made sure that is not legally possible ...

    So now with most sub models for plugins you pay monthly - fine enough, but again, what if you dont want to be online ever with your plugins, then you have a huge problem, most of the subs dont offer offline solutions, at least a few learned that you can also buy plugin separate again. Like Roland here, if you are not interested in using everything for a short period of time.

    I really hope this will be possible in the future for all plugins again to own stuff until forever ...

    To achieve that, audio community has to be very picky, very careful in not using any plugins, which require a subscription ...
    But it is the same problem with iLok, people seems to enjoy using iLoks stupid protection, wasting memory, resources, which could be used for audio related things.
    Here the community needs to act and put pressure on it. We have seen it works, with Minimal Audio - i have seen this like over a year ago before they introduced their subscription model, that they want to go this route --- everything was in place for that.
    But here it was really great that audio community put pressure on it and MA gave up and paddled back ...

    As for Plugin, yes we have R2R and others, but imagine one day, R2R suddenly retires, we have a huge problem, very huge, because the main torrent of plugins is supplied by them ... therefore lets hope they are longer enough active and also support and educate new reversers.
    Just be thankful for all releases, its a lot of work required ...
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  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There are only three good types of subscription services: those who provide you with sample banks and sounds that you can own, and backup, rent to own, and no subscription. These services are meant to make significantly more profit for the company/developer for literally no work or not much work at all.

    Let's say I release a BestPluginX and sell it for 49.95 squid (S :)). 1000 people buy it and I make 49950 S, less when you deduct taxes. There will be bugs for sure, and I will have to make some updates, which don't generate any money, so unless you sell something, you are working for free. Only if I make another version of the plugin, with more features, people will possibly buy it for another 49.95 S and I make another 49950 S.

    But then I have a brilliant idea... why not offer this plugin for 9.95S per month, so people see 9.95 instead of 49.95, I protect it so they can't use it without paying, and since they see 9.95S instead of 49.95S they will have a feeling they are paying less? But in the long run I get almost 120 S per customer every year, 120000 S for 1000 customers per year, and they don't own anything! So I can keep it that way forever. I can make some miserable updates here and there to keep them paying, but they have to pay if they want to use it anyway. Perfect, eh? Fair? I admit that is debatable...

    But for me it seems like a kind of Ponzi's scheme. :sad: Also there's less incentive to make newer plugins with more features. Very cushy scheme.
  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yes i thought about that too, its crazy hard to make lots of $$$ with plugin development, since a lot of the userbase is simply hobbyists and they dont really want to pay big $$$ for any plugin.

    So yeah you pretty much spend 100h on this plugin, lets say your average salary for one hour is 25€ (thats not even much.)
    this would mean 2500€ you have to make back somehow - and 2500€ isnt even much income for a month if you do this full time.

    I am really wondering how companies like Waves survive? or take Ableton? i guess by creating hardware sales, since the software alone is expensive and only a split of people might own it ... or constantly update ...

    puhhh we can be really glad most of the Companies/ developers for audio didnt go subscription to cash in ...

    but it will also show why NI and for example reason needed a cash injection ...

    what you wrote reminds me a lot on subs for streaming services, which are also basically in the mud ... due to have they tried to created new content ...
  17. 4096

    4096 Platinum Record

    Dec 9, 2022
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    You know I just need to find a developer...

    If someone needs a UI designer for these kinds of projects, I'm always here ;)

  18. 4096

    4096 Platinum Record

    Dec 9, 2022
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    Slate Digital figured this out a long time ago and made some of the smartest choices in the music industry (I mean revenue wise). They really got the price/content ration nailed down perfectly: a bunch of good effects, a whole synth with a bunch of presets, exclusive partnerships with Liquidsonics and others and even TH-U.

    But then...they went a step further. Want perpetual? We got you covered! Just...individual plugins/modules cost over ~$149...but at least you can buy them, right? And don't forget to buy the dongle - otherwise your perpetual licenses will be useless.

    And I can't even say their subscription is bad, because of the breadth of its' offerings.

    So yeah, Slate are geniuses at marketing and analysing client behaviour, choices, etc.
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  19. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    i do not use any subscription plan currently
    but i think subscriptions could be financially worth it to beginners or people who don't use the product that often.
    why buy the product when you can subscribe for a month and never use it again?
    this could also be seen as a way of try before you buy it.
    having the subscription option could be good thing, if owning option still feasible
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    we survived with stock plugins before back in 2003.

    beginners should just explore the stock plugins, there is enough to explore in the usual DAWs, no need to buy and invest into 3rd party plugins at the beginning ...
  21. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    sure man! but then you could subscribe the daw for a month instead of buying it (after trying the lite/ free version).
    i was thinking of doing that with reason, been wanting to try that daw they have a subscription for $1 dollar for the first month.
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