Martin guitar or Taylor guitar ?

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by OhmStudyo, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. aussie

    aussie Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I bought one of Bob Taylor's first 810's back in the mid-seventies, #429. It's still my favourite steel-string acoustic, and I have five vintage acoustics.

    If I had to start all over again, I'd avoid both Taylor and Martin. Those two, along with Guild and Gibson guitars are the most commercial brands out there. There are smaller 'boutique' luthiers that make far superior instruments in the same price range as the ones you're interested in purchasing.

    Here's a link to find out about some of the other kids on the block.

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  2. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I had the same doubt 14 years ago when I bought my D28: Martin better sound, but harder to play than Taylor, above all if you are a fingerpicker. I told to the seller that the Martin seemed to have the action too high: he told me aghast that "it must be so, it's a guitar for strumming!"
    I bought Martin mainly for a question of respect for its mith (and maybe also becouse its value in the time is stronger *yes* ).
    After one year of (hard) playing, I decided to adjust the action; first of all, controlling it, I noticed to my surprise that it was higher than Martin recommended value. They probably don't make any control of it after mounting, demanding its adjusting to the user when mounting for the first time a new set of strings.
    I gave it a good luthier, and he adjusted the action lowerating it a little bit less than Martin recommended value, being careful that strings didn't buzz when strummed.
    Final surprising result: another guitar, a sweet and soft one, just like Taylor......
  3. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I am not a guitarist. (percussion are me). But I love guitars and have been around and recorded my share. I also used to work at a pawn shop and would pick them up and compare sounds. My ear memory tells me Martin has more lows and mids and volume. More similar to the old Gibson J's. Taylors have more definition because they tend to be brighter in the upper mid-range and top end. Just a matter of taste. I would not spend that kind of money on any instrument until I was absolutely sure of what i wanted, and had compared it to other instruments, hands AND ears on. Most people who own either are quite happy and proud. I do know if you buy a new Martin, and something goes wrong with it, they will fix it.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    For those prices new.. you may as well take your time and look around for vintage or used Martins or Taylors or Gibsons.
    I have never picked up a newly manufactured acoustic of any quality and found it to sound better than some I have found
    in pawn shops or from an individual who just doesn't play it anymore.

    Some people have a thing about buying a "new instrument" and
    paying the retail premium for that.. but I'll take an instrument whose wood has aged and mellowed for 10 or 20 years or more if
    possible.... and know that I'm paying for a quality acoustic that has stood the test of time..and grown finer like a vintage red wine.

    That said.. If you are in France you should at least take a look at the Quebec made Simon and Patrick too, (just assuming France
    would bring some of those in) They use cedar for some of their guitars, and can be spine tinglingly sweet sounding, and at a
    lower price.. I did buy one of these new , a 12 string, and was one of my saddest days when the neck block failed on it,
    but they did replace it for me, even tho it was out of warranty. Otherwise all my acoustics have been used.

    The sweetest sounding guitar I have "ever" heard was a Gibson Hummingbird probably a 70's model.... looking back now.
    I should have probably hocked my balls or something.. and purchased that instrument.. would have been worth every penny :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I was going to buy a cheap guitar, solid top. So i searched on the net first, and gone to a guitar shop.
    I tested the guitar i was looking for first, tested more expansive ones...and bought the first anyway ;) Because when i tested it, i heard and felt a very nice response, bass roundness... All others, even twice the price, sounded brighter and less responsive to attack.
    It is the cheap Cort Earth 70 NS in front of me ;)
    Of course, it is not comparable to Martin/Taylor in this price range, but the process is the same.
    Bass response can't be faked by changing strings or settings. Projection too. Neck, same. And more.
    If you don't feel the guitar at first, don't try to convince yourself it is a good guitar because it is written Taylor/Martin on it, or because of the price ;)
    I seen a guy with around 8-10 guitars...and he was playing mostly with the cheapest one because he loved to grab it off the wall and just play :D
    If you buy a more expansive guitar, and it is not a really better guitar to YOU (sound, feel, confort...), it is not a good investment ;)
    And like a lot of ppl, you will catch yourself playing the cheaper one just because you feel better with it.

    As a side note, bringing your "old" guitar to the shop can be fun to cross-test :D
  6. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I have a Martin OOCAXE It sounds great plays like shit. Yes I am still trying to set the brigde up with the correct hight.A little at a time.
    I have heard tayors play more like electric and sounds great. I have played other Martians and they also play like shit. I would shop arround for a accustioc guitar. Try other brands and get a good sounding / playing one. I have been playing for 40 yrears mostly electric, I fiddle with accustic.
    I have heard Fenders sounds and play better also Takamine sound and play great.
  7. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    either Martin or Taylor you can't go wrong really both are really fine guitars... just play them both and which ever one suit you the best that is the best one. as far as manufacturing goes Martin may be doing it longer but the people actually making them are about the same age and have the same skill set and attention to detail & QC are the same. Ive been to the Taylor work shop and the people there are very proud of what they do and seem to enjoy it very much. Im sure its the same at martin. Personally i like Taylors, sound great play great and they are built locally ( local is relative since i don't live in that area anymore) but i was born and raised there and it was nice being a budding musician to see how the things are made. Carvin were always awesome to me as well.
  8. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    I have a few Taylors and really like them, They deliver everything I personally want in an acoustic guitar.

    Do not overlook some of the other offerings by the likes of Collings, Lowden, Larrivée, Auden, Yahama (Yammy's more pricey/top of the line stuff is fantastic I find)

    Good look on your search, I'm sure you'll find a best friend for life :wink:

    All the best to everyone :)
  9. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Cole Clark fat lady
    Best acoustic pickup, period
  10. lucymilan01

    lucymilan01 Member

    Jul 28, 2023
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    If quality is equal, I suggest the most economical option. Afterwards you can get the pricier option.
  11. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    Takamine would be a good economical option. Gibson would be a bit on the pricey side.
  12. lucymilan01

    lucymilan01 Member

    Jul 28, 2023
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    Is Takamine a new brand?
  13. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    Japanese brand that's been around for a while. Compared to a Martin it's just as good.
  14. lucymilan01

    lucymilan01 Member

    Jul 28, 2023
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    Sounds like a good quality guitar.
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