I need some info on Kontakt Nicnts. Making a tool

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by RajuPalliBabu, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. RajuPalliBabu

    RajuPalliBabu Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2023
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    Hello, i am without any coding background trying to make us a tool that will automatically generate nicnt for all your kontakt folders that dont have a nicnt, just by one key press if user so wishes.

    The tool is pretty far ready but i need some info that i have tried to gather but its still hard to understand. I tried building this around the trazor tool but i got weird errors after awhile. It did already make nicnts for all my kontakt folders though

    1. Does nicnt files need something added to registry or is the simple file with the Company name, Library name, SNPID enough? I know it needs registering to the native instruments xml but tools for that already exist

    2. I understood the SNPID is three letters or numbers , or both, lower case or uppercase. This is enough? Just random generate them all?

    3. If i need to look for conflicting SNPID its on the xml file or do i need to go through registry too?

    So i am trying to skip the trazor tool and let my tool handle the nicnt generation too (because i got those odd errors and it stopped making nicnts for me for now, maybe because i pressed too often the generate button on the tool, but this will propably happen to others too and my effort is then useless)

    You migh remember me from the thread where i generally complained about kontakt. Its bugging me i want to do something about this and not just complain
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  3. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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  4. RajuPalliBabu

    RajuPalliBabu Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2023
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