Cracked Kontakt does not load large libraries (Mac)

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Defective909, Apr 21, 2024.

  1. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    Good afternoon, first post on this forum, I apologize in advance for possible mistakes.

    Not so long ago on a mac (arm processor, before that there was a machine on windows), I started to notice that the libraries I was used to stopped working.

    The are two problems:

    Either the library does not load to the end, (reload samples does not work), then the contact stops working, crashes.

    Or it doesn't find NXC files "Сontent Missing" error (the path to the folder is correct, it just doesn't find them), rescan doesn't help. If you click "ignore this time", some part of the library will load, but it will be either with artifacts, or crash, or both (more often it happens).

    Full disk access opened, tried to run both from internal memory and from external ssd.
    Batch-resave does not help, as well as reloading samples, Kontakt crashes.

    I tried both 6 and 7 up to the latest version of the Kontakt, everywhere the same thing. I tried uninstalling everything related to the Kontakt and installing it again, it didn't help.

    I tried installing libraries through KITTY-scripts, KLU and the "Add Library for MacOs" application, it doesn't solve the problem.

    Tried formatting the external ssd drive in APFS and exfat, nothing changed.

    The weirdest thing is that this happens often with large libraries (like spitfire libraries), but with small libraries like Playbox, Signal and Substance everything is ok.

    I tried to run Kontakt in standalone mode and in several DAWs, the result is the same.

    Examples of errors attached, I hope for your help, thanks in advance!

    Im running MacOs Ventura 13.5, same problem appeared on Monterey. photo_2024-04-21_19-28-23.jpg photo_2024-04-21_19-26-42.jpg
  3. JohnEncore

    JohnEncore Kapellmeister

    Feb 12, 2016
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    maybe too less ram installed on your mac? Try to upgrade to sonoma, I had similar issues with older os ...
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  4. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    I apologize for not specifying computer specs: 16gb RAM, CPU m2 pro.

    So I don't think it's a performance issue
  5. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    Unfortunately I don't think that's the answer either, I had a similar problem on a monterey system when it was still the most current.

    The problem is somewhere else, I'm 100% sure

    Anyway, thanks for your reply.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Did you clean up before reinstalling? You say "everything related", but did you use a program to do it or did you just remove everything you could find? If yes, what app did you use to cleanup?

    When you reinstalled, did you run Kontakt as a standalone application first? You do have to do that.

    Have the libraries you are trying to load ever worked correctly? When you are testing, you should use one library that you know works. But use one that hasn't already crashed and had your problem, if you can.

    I would get rid of them both and use only one version until you figure it out. There were some problem releases of Kontakt 6.6 to 6.8 or so. See which release you used to install it. There were a few full version installs, and some that were only update versions.

    Go to applications, utilities, activity monitor. screenshot all 4 of the tabs. At least do the first 2.

    Make sure Kontakt application, NI service Center, and the plugin are all firewalled in. Use LuLu free firewall if you do not have one already.

    If you have your libraries on an external drive, I would copy one library onto the system disk and disconnect the external. Then try it again.

    Any settings that you have in Kontakt should all return to default when you reinstall, so it probably is not just some obscure option selected.

    My guess is you are loading a library that needs more memory than you have. Do the screenshots of activity monitor tabs first.
  7. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    I followed the removal instructions from the NI website, I provide the link below.


    Yes, I tried to run the libraries that worked on my windows machine. Also, judging by the comments, no one had problems with them like I did.
    I wrote that I tried running libraries that didn't work from an internal disk, didn't help, unfortunately.

    Kinda like all hacked versions of Kontakt are restricted from accessing the internet by default, but the firewall thingy will try it, thanks.
    All settings are in default states.

    I have not heard of a mandatory first run in standalone. Will definitely give it a try, as well as everything you wrote. Thanks.

    I took screenshots of the memory load at the point where the library hung. A couple of screenshots from DAW, a couple from standalone and one more on CPU loading
    Do I understand correctly that this crackhead of a plugin is trying to use 60 gigs of RAM?

    I'm new to mac computers so maybe I don't quite understand something but my windows computer had the same 16 gigs, I didn't think there would be a problem with that...

    Attached Files:

  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It certainly looks like it is trying to use that much memory. I am on older MacOS and intel machine but with firewall, Logic and a small project, safari, opera, and another small program, and I am at 9.59gb used. 12gb cached. I do not use Bitwig, but that looks wrong to me too. Maybe you can identify your problem as starting with Bitwig then. Install REAPER or Logic and see if you have the same strange result.

    This is the one which looks the most like a possible issue. Also, what Bitwig version are you using? Oh, and your Kontakt is running natively?

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
  9. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    But I've also attached a screenshot of a running Kontakt in standalone. I apologize if it was not clear.
    Same results under the same conditions in reaper.

    Attached Files:

  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i'm not used to it displaying that way, but if it is similar enough with Bitwig vs Reaper, it is comparable number. Some of the bitwig versions for mac have been cracked incorrectly. one even disabled my keyboard.

    Anyway, It appears as though you only have 2gb remainder memory. You have 16gb physical, and 13.93 used in the above screenshot. If you load Kontakt and a big file in REAPER, it should do the same thing you are having the problem with.

    What do you consider a "big kontakt library" in size, compared with the ones that work?

    I think the idea to update to Sonoma is a good one. I do not see why your MacOS should be taking up so much memory with nothing else running. It's like you see with bloat.

    Since you had this issue on earlier version of MacOS, it just carried over to Ventura. Could you do a fresh install of Sonoma rather than an upgrade? To me it sounds like a memory leak.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
  11. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    That's right, the same results in bitwig as in Reaper. They behave exactly the same. Bitwig version 5.0.11, Reaper v6.83. Both programs are licensed, not cracked. Both running natively as well as Kontakt itself.
    Other cracked stuff from NI like Guitar rig and Massive as well some FX runs fine.

    I found mentions of memory leaks since 6.7.1, installed 6.7.0, nothing changed, same problems.

    In my case, a large library is a library larger than 20gb. The ones that work usually don't exceed 10gb.

    The library the contact is trying to use 60gb with is about 22gb.
    Looked some more at the libraries I had problems with, the 40gb one is trying to use all 90gb.

    It looks like my Kontakt has cancer, Idk.
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would dig around more in Kontakt settings, and then if no help I would update to Sonoma and probably reinstall Kontakt. You might not need to install Sonoma from fresh, so you could try using the migration tool first. Might be faster.

    Have you tried the actual settings pane in Kontakt? I don't even have it installed right now. But in settings you should have Preload settings and buffer values. Predictive options.

    Did your Kontakt ever work with these libraries?
  13. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    something similar may be due to the fact that the libraries are located in several folders (folder A/folder B/folder C/ and so on) - this makes the paths to the files too long.
  14. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    I tried poking some memory related settings, no change.

    I wrote somewhere above that the libraries are known to work. Everything was fine on a Windows machine.

    I will try to reinstall Kontakt again, now at least I know what the problem is (some shit with memory), thank you very much.
    If nothing at all helps, well, I'll have to reinstall the system, I guess.
  15. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    There's nothing like that on the current computer. External SSD/library list.

    On Windows PC the path was really long, but everything worked fine.
  16. Defective909

    Defective909 Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
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    Upgraded the system to sonoma, same thing.

    If the library hangs, then in the background, the Kontakt tries to use up to 60 gb RAM. At this point only installing the system from scratch will help me?