overweight question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by stavt, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    Bacon is proof their is a god and he loves us very much...

    quote stolen from Benjamin Franklin and mangled by me, cause old Ben wasn't using it much anymore..
  2. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Cus mine are HUGE
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  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    thanks for the update, glad you left the photos out this time....

    btw you really know your shit and I mean that man......
  4. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Well actually Barry you're wrong there. It 100% is some information from some randomner on some message board. Myself or OP don't have a breeze who you are. Whilst what you say experts & consultants told you may very well be true, it'd be idiotic for me or anyone else to take information sourced anonymously on a music message board as fact. I hope what you're saying is true, I love red meat and I eat it at least twice a week so if you can get rid of my guilt and hang-ups about that I'd bloody kiss you, but can you link one reputable source completely dissociating the link between red meat and colon cancer?
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  5. Putinaros22

    Putinaros22 Ultrasonic

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Fat without exercise makes you fat . Salt keeps water in your body and makes you fat . All foods has salt inside you dont need to eat salt ask your doctor ( im without salt for 25 years with muay thai and body building , full active with zero problems and without peds ). Sugar is one type of carbohydrates not all carbohydrates are becoming sugar . Carbohydrates have 2 categories and each category another 2 or 3 types . Protein dont make you less hungry , carbohydrates makes you less hungry . When you are poor you dont eat protein to be full but bread and fat .
  6. GeoffreyMcJefferson

    GeoffreyMcJefferson Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2023
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    Too much sugar is definitely worse. Avoiding sugar in general is a good health advice.
  7. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    body builders are notorious for bad choices in diet and a mindset bordering on superstition when it comes to food and nutrition. I've known a few and weight lifted myself for years. I do enjoy the weights. but eating fat won't make you fat but it will sate your hunger, and no not all food has salt in it. but yes all processed food has salt in except maybe ice cream.

    poor people will eat anything and everything, they don't really have the luxury of being discerning in their diets. I'm not sure thats a good category to use as example.

    food without exercise makes you fat, not just fat without excersize makes you fat. Your body is mostly made of water, you need to have water in your body if salt helps that, then that would be a good thing no?

    I've never regulated my salt intake and I'm healthy no hypertension, etc. salt is not a poison its a dietary need that you will die without, its why it was used as money for centuries.
  8. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    my subjective thought is, people are overweight because of not eating properly and not eating enough,
    of what you write, sounds like lack of balance or activity, nothing bad about eating meat or deserts itself,
    if you have no physical activity, bad sleep habits, inconsistent eating habits etc... don't expect fat disappearing magically,
    on a side note - overweight people I know hepled changing their drinking habits - stop drinking sweet drinks like Cola and it'll help noticeably
  9. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    It's kind of an 'old school' approach, but year's back I used the "MyFitnessPal" app on my phone. It's basically a calorie counter and requires some, but not a ton, of discipline to stick with it. I lost about 15 pounds with it over 5 to 6 months. The app does a lot of the counting work for you and in general I thought it was quite good since it provides solid guidance as you work towards your goal. They have the app for Android and Apple or PC. Not as good and fast as Wegovy, but no side effects to worry about either.

    I wish you good luck in your desire to lose weight. I know it can be tough to do but it's really worth it for your health and frame of mind.
  10. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    i lost that much in six weeks of fasting 2 days a week without using an app or even thinking about it. I used a scale, a calendar and a pencil.
  11. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    you are quite right, also stress which is continual with "online" life, urban life and spending all ones time on watching tv or scrolling all will raise your cortisol levels which fucks with your metabolism and causes you to gain lbs..

    Circadian rythm is the basis of our metabolism, so take a vitamin d in the morning and melatonin at night to resynch your metabolism, cut down or cease the sedantery life style. walk a little without your phone, let your brain unwind
    don't snack, eat only at meal time and its okay to skip a meal. Don't eat after 8pm. let your stomach relax over night instead of working full blast cause you had to eat a pizza at midnight..

    its not just one bad choices, its a series of recurring bad choices, bad lifestyle and bad diets, all seemingly designed to entrap us the way society and the food chain is built these days. take control of your life and your choices.

    For me fasting 2 days a week is pefect, low effort, big results and it does change not only ones body but ones mind as well.
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  12. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Did you just "errmm akshually" me? I admit your response made laugh out loud though, and I like that you're a fellow red meat appreciater.

    I think it's a bit funny that you pointed out that my comment was just a statement from a randomer on the internet, then proceeded to give dietary advice, also as a rando on a message board... But it's all good.

    I frankly don't have the energy right now to copy over all my sources for you, but I strongly encourage you not to take my word for it of course - look into this with an open mind.

    Remember that "science" is not a monolithic authority, but a lot of fallible, opinionated scientists arguing to make concencus - many of whom are wrong. So I suggest you use discernment and make the best use of the evidence/studies we have.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Everyone is different.

    People with congenital high blood cholesterol like my father are limited severely in how much red meat, shell fish,
    fatty white meat and even to some extent fatty dairy like brie, etc. It would be best for everyone consult their own dietician and get something specially designed for themselves.

    I myself enjoy a steak but outside the occasional binge every couple of months I do try to watch my intake. My cholesterol isn't at dangerous levels, but has been inching up in the last couple of years.

    I had 23oz x 2 porterhouse steaks at Texas Roadhouse in one sitting last week and just a few days ago went through 3 x 1.5lbs lamb shanks from the tandoori restaurant down the street. It hit the spot and now that itch is gone, my particular diets will return to what it usually is and that doesn't include too much red meat and sometimes none per week.

    When you start chasing your food 2 miles and fail at catching it over 70% of the time you can compare yourself to a wild carnivore. Though carbohydrates, starch and sugar don't help in weight control , it is part of a system.

    Omnivores - bear, pigs, some apes (including humans) and domesticated dogs are have evolved to be better at concentrating excess calories for a famine season. We don't have famine cycles anymore due to agrarian overproduction and we don't chase our food any further than the fridge in most cases.

    So when it comes to food choices you can't compare yourself to a cat, wild dog, wolf they have some the highest protein requirement and some of the least efficient processing and storage, especially cats. One the other hand, they can sleep outside in sub-zero temperature, run at 30 mph and recycle their own shit for a second go around in bad times.

    If you want animals to compare people to well there are other omnivores.

    Ice cream needs a little salt or it would just be ice and not so creamy. It's not the worst thing you can eat for sodium avoidance but it tends to have moderate salt content. However when we are talking about ice cream, the sugar, fat and oil is a much bigger problem then the salt.


    This doesn't really have much to do with the original topic -- which was: if you are already fat, does it matter how you got fat in the first place | does fat from source A come off faster than fat from source B.

    No it does not.
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  14. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Consuming cholesterol DOES NOT raise cholesterol - same as consuming fat DOES NOT increase body fat.

    These substances, when consumed, go through a complex breakdown and utilization process, and do not directly correlate to an increase of the relevant levels in one's body.

    If that were the case, then I would just eat animal muscle meat, and within weeks I would look like Mr. Olympia.
  15. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    You can set up myfitnesspal for any rate of weight loss over time you want. I took it at a leisurely pace because I believed it would lead to more success for me personally. Millions of people have used that app with success, and prior to the (extremely expensive and side-effect ridden) new drugs that have become so popular, calorie counting was always considered the most reliable way to lose weight. Also, I can direct you to numerous articles that discuss health risks in intermittent fasting, so what you're suggesting may not be the wisest way to go, particularly for people who may have underlying medical issues.

    If you don't know anything about the app I mentioned, you might consider avoiding being critical of it. :)
  16. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

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  17. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    i dont use apps. i have a function of my brain called critical thinking that allows my brain to do the functions of an app without having to install software.

    really an app to do what a pencil and a scale can do?
  18. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Oh yeah? How much potassium do you get from 300g of cantaloupe?
  19. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    Yes, I can tell from your comments here that your critical thinking is clearly at a genius level, certainly exceeding that of the mere mortals that regularly inhabit this place. Give you a pencil and a scale and you're absolutely Einsteinian in nature. I can't even verbalize how impressed I am by your presence. I'm just humbled by it.
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  20. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    its good to be acknowledged by peers here in the weight loss community, thank you for the kind words..
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