overweight question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by stavt, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. stavt

    stavt Guest

    If someone is overweight

    1) due to been eating too much meat


    2) due to been eating too much deserts

    will it take same effort to lose the weight in both cases? or will it be easier for first case rather second case

    i mean will the fat created from meat, or deserts...dissolve faster.. or its same thing?

  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I wouldn't worry about making the comparison. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight..

    Honestly? That's all you really need to worry about.

    That and taking in regular exercise too helps!
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  4. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Meat does not make you overweight. You would have to eat inordinate amounts, mixed with other foods that spike your blood sugar very high for that to happen. Meat, especially red meat, has been falsely vilified by mainstream "science" in order to push their stupid agenda. Thankfully, the concensus is finally turning around to logic and common sense, but the damage is already done. Red meat is a superfood.

    Avoid sugar, and similar additives/sweeteners, vegetable oils, restrict your carb intake and plan your carb consumption around your exercise, according to your body's needs - this is a good starting point.

    (Backed by consulting qualified dietitians.)
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well you could make a calories plan, like @Sylenth.Will.Fall wrote you have to get your body to consume the fat in your body, therefore you have to eat things with less calories for the body.

    thats quite hard to do, but if you can get it done, it will be very effective and if you stay with it, you will also be able to keep the weight.

    i sometimes just skip meals for 16h a day, just drink water.

    you can also eat more vegetables and fruits, here it comes down if your body can handle it.

    for example i noticed if i eat meat, i lose weight very significant, but gain weight with eating vegeterian/vegan. Now it could be that you lose weight if you eat vegan or vegeterian. its worth a try. its even possible to make vegan days.

    these are just a few thoughts, also keep in mind its very different from person to person.
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  6. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    to stop a fire, you stop adding fuel

    to lose weight, you fast and your body will burn the fat for you. it is much healthier than dieting unless you have a fucked up metabolism,diabetes, etc.

    it will help your body clear out old cells, reset your gut biome and let your stomach rest and reset itself.

    Many religions have fasting periods, humans were'nt meant to hang out at the endless buffet, we are hunter gatherers, its feast and famine, thats what we are built for...
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  7. MFShreddage

    MFShreddage Kapellmeister

    Jan 29, 2024
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    No matter what you eat, eating more than your calorie needs leads to weight gain. eating more protein and exercising can result in muscle gain, sedentary lifestyle and eating too much sugar and junk foods just make you fat and no matter what made you fat you need to eat less and exercise to burn that.

    To burn fat, you must create a calorie deficit by eating less calories than your needs. use calorie calculators, write your age, gender, weight, and height to figure out your daily calorie requirements. Adjust this based on your activity level: if you exercise or have an active job, you'll need more calorie(depends on intensity and duration of your physical activity) ... you must eat less than this calculated amount.

    For significant weight loss, if you have high amount of body fat, go for a daily calorie deficit of around 500 calories (or less base on your ability). eat more protein and lift weight to maintain your muscle mass and depend on intensity of your workout you can make a little bit of muscle.

    remember you can't burn fat in specific area of your body, it is not possible.
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  8. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    You tell me? Will your body metabolize 100 calories from a snickers bar vs 100 calories from a piece of red meat the same way? Common sense screams HELL NO!! Eat like healthy adults did in the 40s and 50s, sensible portions, get physical for a good hour or 2 a day and you’ll magically lose weight.
  9. Fowly

    Fowly Platinum Record

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Meat keeps you full and energized way longer that sugary desserts, so it's kinda hard to become overweight from eating too much meat. But if it was the case, it would take less effort to lose weight compared to eating too much desserts desserts because sugar craving is a real thing and it's not subtle with your brain. And that's disregarding the fact that meat comes with more micro-nutriments than the average sweet, so your body would probably be in a better shape to lose fat.
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  10. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    no no, they are different types of fats and have different properties!!

    even if you're not eating the meat, just the fat, its pretty different from sugars fat.
  11. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    It makes no difference (maybe it does on some scientific level but for the purposes of our understanding and managing our weight it doesn't).

    I understand the struggle, in the past year I've gone down from 250 lbs to 175 as I measured last night. Still wanna lose a bit more. Done this about 4 times in my life. Number one, cut all things unnecessary immediately. I'm talking the sugar based foods you are eating. Start tracking your foods in a tracker app that shows you your nutrition values for the day. Weigh everything and input accurately. If you're in a drastic situation you need to make drastic changes including ones that have social implications like not going out to eat with friends, family, not going out to drink if that's what you're doing, etc.

    After time your new diet will feel normal and you will feel guilty and gross for breaking it. Complacency is your enemy, don't be like me and reach a goal and then break all your habits and have to do it over again multiple times.

    Good luck, you've got this if you can make the commitment. If not, riding on shortcuts or wondering things like this will get you nowhere, trust me.
  12. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    Fat from meat does not make you fat unless you combine it with carbs and sugar. If you want to lose weight, cut the carbs and exercise a bit. Also, a little tip. Put less on your plate, use a small plate and stop eating as soon as you're not hungry.
  13. boingy99

    boingy99 Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2021
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    I'm overweight because of a lil' ol' thing called.... BEER.
    Carbs R Us
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  14. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    My gf is certified PT. Last time I wrote her informed take on the topic, it was heavily downvoted, this in turn creates disbelief so I won't bother. Talk with a local gym trainer or nutritionist. Make sure they have results with clients - either by knowing someone that worked with them, either by reputation. It will not be an easy ride, so better have someone to push you when the things go hard. Good luck!
  15. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    basically if your input (diet) equals your output (activity level & metabolism) you gain no weight.
    when these 2 factors go into imbalance, weight gain or loss occurs depending on the nature of the imbalance.

    when you eat too much of anything and your body cannot use it, it will attempt to convert it to fat.
    protein is harder to digest, it can easily take 24 hours depending on your age, digestive system and activity level.

    sugar can very easily be made into fat, as compared to protein or complex carbs.

    but while your body may essentially see all food as fuel, and then fat if there is a surplus,
    the quality of the fuel (the octane fer instance if you need a metaphor) will differ.

    a doughnut has virtually no vitamins other than the flour may have had some b vitamins usually thiamine added.
    it would take many doughnuts to get enough thiamine, in the meantime your just got a metric shit ton of sugar
    and simple carbs, that are going to become sugar, then fat if you can't burn that shit off quick.

    a steak has vitamin A, creatine, some fiber and lots of other "good bits" especially relative to the doughnut or candy bar.
    it will take longer to digest so you won't get hungry as soon, and it wont give you a sugar high and crash, craving more sugar.

    a balanced diet is best for these reasons, with refined sugars being the least desirable, but most available in modern society.

    snacking does fuck all for your digestive system, never giving it a rest and fucking with your blood sugar levels constantly.

    Thats why Fasting is such a good method of weight reduction. It essentially cuts your dietary input, like dieting, but without
    any meal plan or thought at all really.

    Just don't eat for 2 days a week.
    I stop eating at 9pm Sunday and don't eat again til Wednesday 9am.
    its tea,coffee and water for 2 days a week, and a glass of salt water if i get a headache.

    it will curb your apetite and burn the weight even when you are sleeping.
  16. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Repost it, I'm curious
  17. AudioSox

    AudioSox Ultrasonic

    May 17, 2023
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    Gaining weight takes effort. You have to eat and chew all that food.

    Losing weight is effortless. Just reduce the calories.
  18. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Did you ever see a fat carnivore, it's not meat that makes you gain weight its the pasta, pizza, fries, cookies ice cream, chips, sweets and beer.
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  19. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Crap. This is exactly what I'm eating everyday except beer I am drinking Fanta, Sprite & Mountain Dew instead :sad:
  20. El digital

    El digital Producer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If you can eat this in large quantities every day without gaining weight, consider yourself lucky to have your metabolism!
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  21. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Porn Star
    The problem is I'm gaining weight. My belly looks like of a woman who is 5 months pregnant :sad:
    But I am so addicted to sugar that I can't stop. Day without sugar - a Crappy Day :(
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