beware: *spam* dot com & vstplug dot is scam, selling warez

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by maxthemusic, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. triplec

    triplec Noisemaker

    Apr 16, 2024
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    Created account because this thread really pisses me off. I knew that some "vendors" were selling pirated software over ebay, facebook, etc, but never realized that people really fall for it and the least thing I expected that there will be people defending this scummy practice. Someone's brains are so fried with a fear of mysterious keyloggers and trojans they go for these crack dealers because "price is fair". The way this defender talks it also reminds me of those crypto-bros who blindly trust their leader until entire "platform" burns down (here it's some *spam* boy scout club) because "we're all into this together and have each other's back! Look at these screenshots!"... Meanwhile people behind it all take cash and laugh how easy this "business" is: doing remote access while pressing next, next, next, then copy-paste key from some keygen and this guy is all the suddenly dropping "100% legit, I will buy again!" reviews instead of saving monthly and getting legit license from the actual developer, or getting second-hand license, or finding a legit free/cheaper alternative. It's 2024, it's possible. Funniest part that he comes full swinging to defend his these human failures over warez forum, just can't make this shit up. Those guys are so shameless they even have a site with "sales" then even mock people for pointing out their activities, "ego strokers...", "free world"? Yeah, yeah, fight the system while insulting plugin developers and the whole warez scene.
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  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    As soon as some random person on the internet somehow lets you know about some scammer; you are already in contact with the scammer. it's simple misdirection, but they wouldn't bother to try it if it does not work.
  3. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  4. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Best Answer
    allow me to make things clear: our first rule here is "Linking to, requesting or trading Warez is strictly prohibited".
    i have a strong belief that selling pirated releases is amoral. :dont:
    the only reason this topic exists is to warn other members, to be aware that the mentioned resource is scam. :guru:

    @mysterdee888, you're not new here but your word against many other members makes me suspicious that you are indeed affiliated with that project.
    so if i see you promoting it again in public, or in private messages, i will have to ban you. :dont:
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  6. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Actually Admin. im a friend of the creator of *spam*. And for you Admin to say *spam* is a Scam proves you yourself have done no research into the company, and are just as uneducated as to the facts as the origional poster.

    the poster is simply abusing social media, not becuase he was scammed, but because hes 1 of those sorts of people.

    The only people who would back him up are people like him. Now to see that come from people who provide Cracks to people is complaetely against the grain of why people use cracks.

    *spam* doesnt scam people and simply provides a service to people who want it.

    there are many websites like *spam* but *spam* out of them all actually has a genuine background in music , the software and has genuine experience the other websites dont provide.

    To attack an establishment for doing what people want is just Ignorant and a sign of the same spite that the origonal poster founded his abuse of your platform upon. And as a use r of *spam*, a happy user for over a year, a user who is apart of a community established around *spam* , im not just going to sit and allow some spitefull selfish person like the poster to blatently lie because he cant handle living in the 21st centry where cracks and websites selling cracks, installing cracks and giving away software and installs for free exist, freely.

    Everybody is entitlted an opinion, but the poster of this thread is simply abusing your forum to stroke his own spitefull ignorance and egotistical ego. Not because he was scammed, far from it. in other posts where the poster has abused forums like this he words his reasoning based on something else completely. The poster is just abusing your platform and your allowing it.

    Well its offensive, Blatantly a lie and unfounded. If you knew the founders of *spam* you would know they are genuine and sound people that you yourself would get along with and enjoy the company of.. As do hundreds of people every day.

    Go and visit the Group on facebook or the watsapp group and speak with the customers there.
    And you might find *spam* simply provides a service they all enjoy and benefit from.

    Its obvious what the poster is doing and its very revealing to see the sort of people it encourages.

    if you want to call *spam* a SCAM, base it on some FACT, not an opinion based on somebody elses ego and spite.

    if you do some research do you know what you will find.


    ME INCLUDED.*spam*/permalink/1080675963015821
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
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  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    far from it, indeed.

    1. an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
      "I used to be a shill in a Reno gambling club"
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  8. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    i honestly couldn't care less, they are clearly selling pirated software that wasn't even cracked by them, i think even the Bible mentioned there's a special place in hell for people that doing it. my only interest is to protect my members from places like that.

    so this is my last warning - next time you mention that project = automatic ban.
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  9. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Thats right, people sell cracks and pirated software.. Who cares.. So does ebay, so does amazon and so does etsy and so does fiver and so does gumtree and so does craigslist and so does hundreds of other websites.

    As long as the guy installs it for me correctly and gets me the software i cant install myself cheaper than RRP and safely, thats what i pay the guy for.

    Iv tried other websites, and they just dont provide the service my guy provides and when i needed help, scammers wanted to charge me £80 to do what he does for free with any product.

    And im happy to use his services and happy i know the guy personally..

    What im not happy with is Selfish and spitefull people abusing the guys generosity
    just because they are the sort of person who cant live with it.

    As for protecting people from places like that, you should be encouraging people to use such services. Because its far safer than allowing people to install cracks and pirated software from unknown sources with no expierence. You will find thats the reason people like me use his services.

    I was just as skeptical of the website when i 1st was introduced by a friend.
    However the guys a genuine person who communicates my language and so we built a mutual respect quickly.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
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  10. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    Where do you think your magic software men get their cracks and software from ffs?

    They're parasites, plain and simple, and they are preying upon slack-jawed simpletons like yourself who essentially need their hands holding while they cross the road. In short, you deserve them.

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  11. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    I think it is a legit website, they even have an Onlyfans page selling AI porn downloaded from deviant art.
    I must admit it is a serious business.
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  12. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    It is quite a shameful business but people are paying for the convenience.
    They are not giving you anything different than what anyone else can get.
    This is putting money in the wrong hands, even if they do help you save time.

    This stuff is not rocket science and there are no keyloggers or viruses.
    With just AZ and audiosex alone it is as close to spoon-feeding as it gets.
    At most you need to know your filesystem/directories, your ProgramData, your AppData, etc, and maybe a little bit of RegEdit.
    Oh and get RevoUninstallerPro.
    As a computer musician it helps to know how to use a computer. :mad:
    It is easiest with Windows, I do not want to worry about all that sudo sudo stuff with Apple. :scrapbox:
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  13. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    That just leaves in question the Selling of an install service for Illegal software that is freely distributed "illegally" on Ebay, Amazon, Etsy, Facebook, Gumtree, Fiver and the hundreds of websites slapped together on wix & square.

    Really theres only 1 thing wrong with this threads revelations.... The original poster.

    Lets just leave it there fellas eh :wink:
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
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  14. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Good night
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  15. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Quote: 'Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.' [Mark Twain]
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  16. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    That is the lamest rationale and excuse that I ever heard...because it happens it's legal and right. You must be being paid as a spokesperson or not the friend but the owner itself of that organization to have the cojones to say that. The same logic as "when a cop kills some kid without a weapon for looking at him the wrong way it's OK because...well, they are officers of the law and they're there to protect and serve". Amazing! Every scam artist and pickpocket that I have ever encountered always double down on their bullshit when confronted and never take responsibility for their actions. Welcome to that prestigious club.
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  17. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Dumbest post I've ever seen.
    SCAM: "a dishonest plan for making money or getting an advantage, especially one that involves tricking people."
    In fact and at least he does not credit OG crackers, people think this is legit, so they are scammmed.
    Ableton Live 12 for 29,99£ ?!!! :deep_facepalm:
    Capture d’écran (6).png
    Here, it's an old community, we know where to download and how to install and use this kind of software.
    If we need help to install, we ask, and problems are 99% solved.
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  18. *56

    *56 Noisemaker

    Feb 22, 2021
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    "]That just leaves in question the Selling of an install service for Illegal software ..........


    So it's a fraud when they tell you they install it for free......
  19. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    totally. Mr Dee seems like a packed guy who doesn't know how to use a computer;

    i mean if your computer is already full of warez, why not activate windows too?
    which i'm my opinion is from a far worst brand/person than most plugin devs.
  20. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Can't wait for what's next... a crackhead posting a two page essay on how his drug dealer's business is legit and how we shouldn't be criticizing him? I mean at least I can understand the crackhead, addiction is tough, but you...? You're just being stupid.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
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