Utilising cracked Kontakt to trial libraries?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by WhirlyGuy, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. WhirlyGuy

    WhirlyGuy Newbie

    Apr 11, 2024
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    Hi there,

    I own Native Instruments Komplete 14 (Collector's Edition) as it was in a slight sale last Christmas so thought a good time to buy.
    Absolutely love it and all the sounds but there were a few things that I needed that I couldn't quite get that set to provide and so bought a few standalone libraries. Unfortunately as I was going on the demos provided on the respective sites there was no way to know for sure if they would really be a correct 'fit' for me.
    So I now have a few libraries which I really wish I hadn't purchased and there's nothing I can do about that.

    I was wondering if I can have all my paid Komplete 14 (Collector's Edition) sounds installed and then run the cracked version of Kontakt so that I can trial libraries out before I purchase them?

    I am using a Mac Mini M2 Pro and Kontakt 7.9 currently with Logic Pro X (10.8.1) but not really sure of what the procedure would be in order to realise this?

    I currently don't have all the Komplete 14 sounds / libraries installed as I need to buy a much larger external hard drive so I'm wondering if there is a way to have what I have installed now from Komplete 14 but then somehow use the cracked version of Kontakt to test out libraries before making my mind up and purchasing?

    So I'd be able to have some of my Komplete 14 downloads installed but then not only be able to test out libraries that I find for download online but also still somehow be able to download other instruments from my Komplete 14 purchase when I want to in the future?

    I'd ideally like to be able to have the downloaded (non purchased libraries) show in the library tab when Kontakt loads in Logic Pro too if that's at all possible instead of having to browse to the file?

    Really looking for the easiest way to get the best of both worlds if that's at all possible?

    Many thanks for any help with this.
  3. def12

    def12 Producer

    Nov 6, 2021
    Likes Received:
    You can uninstall your legit Kontakt VST/App and Native Access and instead install the cracked Kontakt. Your legit libraries should still show up. If not you can easily add them (and your downloaded non-legit libraries) with Kontakt Library Utility 2.
  4. WhirlyGuy

    WhirlyGuy Newbie

    Apr 11, 2024
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    That's great thank you for the help. What is this Kontakt Library Utility 2 that you mentioned? Thanks again.

    Also you said that I would uninstall Kontakt and Native Access and install the cracked version. Does that have a cracked version of Native Access then? I'd need that to download my purchase libraries wouldn't I?

    Many thanks.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
  5. def12

    def12 Producer

    Nov 6, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Can be found in this forum.

    First download your libraries using NA (if you haven't already), then you can delete it. (But maybe there's no need to uninstall it and it will work alongside cracked Kontakt 7, but I am not sure - I downloaded my legit Libraries with it and then deleted it)
  6. WhirlyGuy

    WhirlyGuy Newbie

    Apr 11, 2024
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    Many thanks. I'll give it all a go a little later today when I've managed to download the cracked version of Kontakt. It's taking an absolute age as the file sharing service it's hosted on says it's going to take around 4 hours to download.
  7. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    File hosters are usually very, very slow on free accounts. You'd need to spend 3 dollrs a month or so to make it fast and get an account .You an calso get an account for just 1 month. If you spend all that money with legit stuff, then such thing makes life a lot moe comfortable. It would likely take a few mins with an account on alldebris