Don't do this, Don't do that, So do what?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The King, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. The King

    The King Guest

    Unfortunately, this is a big problem that every person living in the society is dealing with. People do many things when they are children, but when they grow up, they don't do many of those things. The reason is that the feedback they get from the people around them is mostly negative and this makes the child learn not to do too many things.

    Unfortunately, this inhibiting process in the creation of works of art is a destructive process, because the artist's freedom of thought and action is blocked, and the artist practically does not know what to make. Because he thinks to himself that if I create this work, I will be blamed. The fear of being blamed over the years causes the death of the artist's art and makes the artist even lose his true self and not know what he wants to do.

    Social Media is not without fault in this issue. This space is full of jealous and illiterate people, and instead of being just listeners or viewers, they give opinions and ruin the artist's career.

    In previous decades, artists had more freedom of action and were not afraid of anything, and this lack of fear of not being judged led to the production of very new waves of music, but currently, the fear of producing an artistic work and presenting it to listeners and viewers prevents flourishing and turned them into timid people who can't even speak their own words easily, let alone produce an artistic work and express deep concepts and be influential.

    Currently too many musical instruments, but it's a pity...
  3. The King

    The King Guest

    Now everyone is a judge with hammers in their hands.

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  4. BlossomwoodsCollection

    BlossomwoodsCollection Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Don't listen to them. Listen to YOU. There are no rules.
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  5. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Don't listen to this guy.
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  6. The King

    The King Guest

    In the past, artists were wild, but now they are all tamed. They were not judged much but now even kids judge artists. The more the number of judges, the more silence will prevail in the space of art, like in courts where everyone must sit quietly.
  7. BlossomwoodsCollection

    BlossomwoodsCollection Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Agreed. Silence and fear. The key is living internally :mates:
  8. stefodis

    stefodis Producer

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I often hear these type of thoughts at the studio where I work, and each time I can't help from wondering :
    On what basis can you tell? Which artist are those "tamed" and "afraid"?

    If you speak of the most notorious ones, maybe you're right (and even in this case I tend to disagree with you : successfull artist did always have to deal with criticism and fear, and I think it was even more a thing when kings and patrons were almost the only one who chose which artist could be successfull, or even publicly heard).
    And for artists with far less audience, there has never be so many of them than today, I mean you could do litteraly whatever you want and find a niche that will follow you and listen to your art.

    The thing, for me, is not that artist are no more wild or fearless, it's that its becoming more and more difficult to navigate the endless offer of musics and arts at our disposal, thus we don't do any effort and watch/listen to those money and algorithms put in front of us... So maybe we, as listeners, should be less prompt to judge, and maybe make more effort to find artist we'll love but don't know of, yet.
    At least it's what I feel, of course!
  9. mino45

    mino45 Kapellmeister

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I guess being wild and untamed a lot of the time is and was just a show. Like artists destroying stuff on stage and paying for it afterward. That is not wild and untamed, it is just pretend.
  10. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    1) About the inhibiting process in the creation of works of art
    In the real world, it's like this: you create something for someone and get paid for it, but for those who live by teaching at universities and postgraduate music courses, it's easy to talk a lot of theoretical nonsense that is detached from reality.

    2) About the artist's freedom of thought and action being blocked
    It depends, you can have maximum freedom creating whatever you want, you just won't make a living composing, for example, new music that continues and expands modernist practices. Following this tortuous path, on the other hand, you can still surround yourself with intelligent and frustrated people who are unhappy with the way things work (teachers and classmates on higher education courses) and form a small group to bully popular musicians on music forums (or even, perhaps, create multiple profiles where you can chat with yourself, maybe???).

    3) About artists who practically don't know what to do
    Which artists? you are always very subjective, pretentious and absolutely incapable of offering any kind of pragmatic example, you only make vague and imprecise statements...

    4) About the fear of being guilty causing the death of the artist's art and causing him/her to even lose his/her true self and no longer know what to do.
    I already mentioned in item 2. There are people with different profiles. Apparently, academic composers (academic music teachers, in reality), are the ones who have difficulty recognizing themselves as minorities. God forbid a world full of cerebral, procedural high-brow art, like Brian Ferneyhough's cold and sterile music.

    5) About Social Media having an opinion and ruining an artist’s career
    If you go out in the rain, you know you're going to get wet, right? The alternative? don't go out, stay protected in your comfort zone (your minority bubble)! I think it's great that today's media does not freely offer the floor to any selfish academic composer, no matter how efficient he may be. Note to self: Being good at something doesn't give you the right to put anyone or anything down and postmodern music making puts you on the periphery of collective appreciation (fact fact!).

    6) About In previous decades, artists had more freedom of action and were not afraid of anything
    It's called buy-sell scheme. Do you want to make a living from your musical work? Offer it to the market and see if you're competent enough to meet demands. Do you want to live discussing how things should be, through theories and philosophies that, in practice, are not functional? go teach!

    Dude, we just lost an esteemed moderator and here you come with another of your piles of pseudo-philosophical, post-modern and structuralist shit through which the current behavioral schemes of things in the world are questioned? go find something to do other than annoy others!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2024
  11. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    all i see on social media is girls in bikinis seeking attention for followers..
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  12. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Do as I say, not as I do..
  13. The King

    The King Guest

    Probably things were cheaper then and many people went to see their favorite artists and a lot of money was collected.

    But unfortunately, since 2019, the economic situation in the world has been disturbed. The financial power of artists has decreased and this has also affected their risk-taking and creation of works.

    Unfortunately, the financial turnover of the music world is in the hands of a limited number of pop stars and their entourages, and very, very little money goes to the rest of the artists. An artist who does not have money and cannot easily provide the basic needs of his life does not have the power to become wild. Pop stars usually don't produce anything worthwhile because they generally have little musical knowledge and spend their entire musical lives in idleness and producing meaningless works.

    By the way, I don't mean by wild to turn the music stage into a boxing ring. I mean that they mix deep concepts with their music as a powerful package and don't be afraid of results and feedback.

    Now, if you don't follow the rules of a music streaming platform, you will be easily blocked and have to go and sell cigarettes on the side of the street. Unfortunately, music platforms are more interested in stupidity than wildness.