Have your DAW online with both legit and non-legit plugins?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by fnord23, Mar 24, 2024.

  1. Emma Evi

    Emma Evi Kapellmeister

    Nov 12, 2021
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  2. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, I saw the same over at gearspace in a thread.

    is what it is I guess... I have no idea what the RCMservice is trying to do and why....
  3. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    The thought of sitting there having to baby sit a firewall that is going off every other second because I was too inept to figure out that the internet and production machines running even "legit"- ware (whatever the fuck that really means) DO NOT MIX, is beyond ludicrous. The so-called legit crap-ware that phones home should be ditched for their cracked counter parts. IMO, the so-called "legit"-ware that sucks down your processor cycles and uses your machine resources simply to transfer "telemetry" to/from some undisclosed source(s) should be gutted and not used or cracked to prevent that shit altogether. The machine you use to actually run production ware should be physically DISCONNECTED from the internet - turn off all anti-virus, firewalls, updater's, wallet, store, social media, etc, bullshit on that machine - no internet means none of that crap is needed, freeing up valuable computing resources. Buy an older beater machine second hand to use strictly for internet and go about your biz in confidence. You pay big $$$ to beef up that modern production machine with big multi-core processors, storage, and RAM just to let bogus "legit" production garbage-ware turn it into a mono-core pentium 3?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  4. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    This isn't 2014.

    We can use the same machine in different modes.

    Your work "machine"/"system" doesn't have to kiss the internet if you don't it want to.
  5. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    I think it is interesting that he has __ on his bookmark bar. I would say it is slightly compromising behavior for a professional, but also a great easter egg or hint for upcoming producers/creatives in need.

    If I was a professional on the internet I would never directly discuss topics of that nature or show any sites. Unless maybe talking about an origin story. The classic "we found some waves plugins and a daw then produced/mixed our first albums".

    It is conflicting to me whether to share a site or not like how he did. It is good for people to know what is the best website for certain things, because there are a variety of routes to get to similar results, but the conflict for me is should everyone know? Yes and no.

    I think some things you just have to dig for then you will find more than enough. Necessity should breed innovation or creativity.
    The internet is a hall of mirrors, as long as the mirrors are in place.
  6. fnord23

    fnord23 Kapellmeister

    May 14, 2023
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    Maybe legit is the wrong word English isn't my first language but anyways, my cheap PC is fast enough to have my DAW playing a song with like a million instances of DIVA, writing this post on audiosex, a trillion tabs open, and running GTA V on high settings next to it just because why not, without a dedicated GPU, all just on a Ryzen 6-core. If the internet turns your machine into a Pentium 3 there's something seriously wrong.

    I used to keep my production machine offline and still keep my DAW blocked but the reason I made this post are plugins like loopcloud, splice and so on that use and need the cloud. Everyone can decide for themselves if they want to be online, thanks, we heard the "production PC should be offline at all times it's still the 90s internet is bad" a million times already, thanks. Sorry, but that's not the point really.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
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