Old ableton live set : recovering a previous VST version of Kontakt

Discussion in 'Live' started by AlimexPomflex, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. AlimexPomflex

    AlimexPomflex Newbie

    Jul 14, 2023
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    Hello Everyone,

    I though I had a common problem, but apparently, it's not.
    I'm using Ableton for years, and preparing separated audio stems for live sessions with musicians.
    Problem is, when I try to open a 7 years old project, it's written "VST not found" when i'm loading the set.
    I still have a working Kontakt 5 installed along my legit Kontakt 7, and the VST not found is named "Kontakt 5" aswell, it seems to be a previous version of Kontakt 5.

    I googled this for 1 hour and what I found is to open .als with Hex editor to modify the plugin ID(Fail).
    I also found that link
    https://github.com/DISTRHO/Ildaeil but no idea how this works.
    Some people also say to just reinstall that old version of Kontakt 5, but I need to know which version it is for that since both are named "Kontakt 5". At this time I was using a crack, and since I bought Kontakt Ultimate and a bunch of libraries and it's all legit now, I'm afraid it would mess with my legit stuff and have to reinstall everything afterward...
    If I just could see what the name of the preset loaded and library name of those old kontakt 5 version, I would be up to change it manually for each midi tracks (Pain in the ass but well..) and it would avoid reinstalling that old cracked version.

    Does someone know how to handle this in the simplest way ?

    Thank you a lot, and sorry for my bad english, I'm french :D
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Best Answer
    This is a common problem, and one that has been a bit of a stick in my ass for decades.

    Hell, I've been using Kontakt since it came out 20 years ago or whatever, and with so many legacy projects and whatnot, I believe my last system had Kontakt 3,4 and 5 (perhaps 6) on it... but OS changes (and you didn't mention what platform you are on or what you are using, like Mac OS, which one and what machine etc)... makes that impossible now.

    I had to keep K2/3/4/5 and whatnot because if I had some song that I hadn't dropped full stems or exported (and most works in progress, I don't always as time in the day, certain laziness, and whatnot so....) ... so if I had some French horn and cello parts on Kontakt 3, and was using NI's old Prophet 53/54 or whatever, ... that stuff stayed on the system for ease (as much as it was damn bloat), OR when I was forced to upgrade to fully 64 bit plugins and 32Lives became unsupported with modern MacOS etc,... I would clone that old drive (sometimes twice), and put it in a box labelled on the shelf like "Mountain Lion 10.8.5 10/12/2014" or whatever before moving on...

    I have all my old systems and work like that "on ice" so to speak, and now am working on an M3 Sonoma machine, and I'm just getting started setting it up properly and carefully, and I know that there is no way I am accessing that stuff from that machine... So I have my old machines. And my old drives and whatnot. And backed up.

    Now, your situation may not be as necessary as mine, but if you just have to change a few presets or make some educated guesses as to what the patches were on a few older Kontakt instances, I would do that before jumping through hoops and trying to install a K'd version alongside your legit NI Ultimate you are happy with otherwise then in this case (unless they are K'd libraries and whatnot)..

    Or create a VM with your old system or another one that can run that old version of Kontakt and just bounce those tracks as audio and import them to your new system and set.

    I wouldn't fuck with your 100% legit system in order to avoid (what is relatively) a minor pain in the ass. Certainly not without a sure backup to revert to.
  4. AlimexPomflex

    AlimexPomflex Newbie

    Jul 14, 2023
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    Thanks for you're answer ! I'm using windows 10, but some projects have been created running windows xp haha
    ( I can't even find the .als of those one anyway, so problem solved ).

    I'll do so now that I'm aware of this problem, but Windows change could mess this up I guess.
    Yes I could guess the patches, but on some projects we're talking about 10 differents classical instruments, would be a pain in the ass to figure out which midi track is what ...
    But If I have no choice, that would be my last option.

    You're VM idea just gave me the idea to use an old laptop computer, reinstall the old kontakt on it and transfer my old project just to export one audio track from all the old Kontakt from there.
    Maybe this is more safe than messing up with my legit stuff on my main machine since I'm working as TV composer and I can't risk to mess up with my actual work.

    Anyway, I guess this is gonna take hours, I would have dream about an option to see what preset is loaded on an old Kontakt, eventhough it can't be loaded.
    Let's hope they fix it someday ...

    Thanks a lot for you're return again man, appreciate it !
  5. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yeah, its gonna take a little time to make a VM and whatnot, or using an older laptop etc, but this problem might come up again, and it's best just to do the work now and have it done.

    And sadly I don't think NI/Kontakt is going to fix it, as they haven't over 20 years... As I was saying, I could have an old session with Kontakt 3 in it, and while said library or patch would load into a new Kontakt (4/5/6/7 etc), it wouldn't transfer itself from 3 to 4 by itself etc, and it's a pita... so always label your tracks well! (no more "untitled" things, as your future self will buy you a beer later for taking that 5 seconds... :)

    And yeah, again, if you are working as a legit TV composer and whatnot, you absolutely ABSOLUTELY do NOT want to fuck with your legit and clean and well running system for ANYTHING.

    Best of luck!
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