iZotope RX 10.5.0 vs earlier versions

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Helter Skelter, Mar 24, 2024.

  1. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    just installed RX 10.5.0 from sister site, and everything works except for the Music Rebalance plugin which is unauthorized and stuck in 10 day-trial mode.

    Wondering if I should go with earlier versions such as 10.4.0 or others?

    What version are you guys using?

    MBA Ventura M1
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm not using RX either way, but maybe here is some help. first try the opening via Rosetta trick, before you download something you don't need. If that doesn't work, there are 3 shared versions of 10.5. Some people have reported some issues with the r2r version. There is an "xdB" release. And one other, which is the one I would pick to try. iZotope RX10 Audio Editor Advanced v10.5.0 U2B macOS. Description: macOS | JAN 2024 | 1.87 GB. Someone had a "suspicious file" MacOS error message problem with that also, but they were helped by this comment:

    I just took the path to the core and replaced with $1
    for example:
    sudo xattr -cr "$1"
    sudo xattr -cr "/Library/Application Support/iZotope/RX Pro Audio Editor/Cores/iZRX10Core.bundle"

    That error sounds like one of those BS error messages we get on Mac for any random codesigning issue. And of course, it might not be. So maybe user beware, like anything else.
  4. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    The U2B one is the one I have installed.

    Reason I picked the 10.5.0 before 10.4.0 was that the release notes said:
    • ADDED support for Cubase 13 and Reaper 7
    • FIXED RX app changes audio driver to 44.1kHz sample rate upon opening the app manually or with RX Connect
    Plus a lot of other fixes in 10.4.1 and 10.4.2

    When reading the release notes about ADDED support for Reaper 7, I was thinking that maybe the Music Rebalance was available in reaper with this version but it is not. Says not supported in this DAW. In Logic MR works in trial mode. And Music Rebalance in the standalone app works alright also. So I wonder what they mean by "adding support for Reaper 7"?
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would then try the Xdb release instead. There are hundreds of completed downloads of it and no comments about problems. I would always prefer an R2R version, and I was thinking the problem might just be on your machine. Remove RX10 and clean up. Then try that Xdb version.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  6. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Ok, I'll try installing that one...

    Was thinking... it would be cool if I could log what files are created by an installer so it is easy to uninstall it completely. In this case I made a backup using CCC and reverted to before U2B version was installed.

    But let's say I install this XDB version and a few months later I want to remove it and update to a newer version... how do I know what files to delete? In the past I have used the app Find Any File and just searched for "kontakt" or "izoptope" and deleted all files with that name associated.

    But just though there must be an easier way to get rid of an app and all it's files. Perhaps by logging the install process somehow?
  7. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    The XDB version worked... no trial mode on Musical Rebalance...

    One interesting thing...I did all the code signing and xattr commands as usual:

    "sudo xattr -cr "
    "sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "
    "sudo codesign --force --sign - "

    for each of these files:
    .component files
    .VST3 files
    iZotope RX 10 Audio Editor.app
    and the iZRX10Core.bundle file located at:
    /Library/Application Support/iZotope/RX Pro Audio Editor/Cores/iZRX10Core.bundle

    I noticed that on the music rebalance .component when doing;

    sudo codesign --force --sign - /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/iZRX10MusicRebalanceARAAUHook.component

    then terminal says:

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/iZRX10MusicRebalanceARAAUHook.component: replacing existing signature

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/iZRX10MusicRebalanceARAAUHook.component: unsealed contents present in the bundle root

    I can't recall ever having come across the last message line about unsealing contents present in the bundle root... and if it did this with the U2B version I'm not sure... anyway thought I'd mention it

    Thanks for your help clone!
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Same. I did think that part about REAPER 7 might have been related to ARA support, and maybe it is. I haven't seen the unsealed error ever. Read this information if it stops working or something like that.

    You could go to each .bundle or file involved in your post, right click - show package contents and see if you can figure it out. There is probably something in there that shouldn't be. idk.
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  9. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    If I show package contents in the the Music rebalance .component it differs from the others in that it has a .bundle inside the resource folder. It's like a rabbit hole. Inside that bundle is some authorisation files among other things. So perhaps that is why it had to go deeper to reach the bundle inside the component
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    compare the r2r files to the xdb files if you want and you may notice something different like that. r2r usually will not release things they have to modify all patchwork style to get working. hacked together. rigged. whatever you want to call it. you could move any "extra" files, or rename them something different and see what happens. Maybe even reboot before trying. You could upload the files to a malware scanner. The reason you have that "sealed" error message can be due to the program finding things where they are not supposed to be.

    i'd at least firewall in every related file to it that I could find on the drive. Maybe it is completely fine, but see what you can figure out. Personally, i'd probably just wait for another r2r version to become available. But that's easy for me to say because I do not have a lot of use for it anyway.
  11. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    R2R version is windows... there is no izotope rx R2R version for Mac. I would think that it may not be possible to compare windows version vs Mac. Also the Musical Rebalance plugin is an AU plugin so is not part of the windows version from R2R anyway
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